Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 680 - Talking About Divine Weapons and Immortals Gods

Chapter 680 - Talking About Divine Weapons and Immortals Gods

0"Just go with the flow." Facing Chen Heng's gaze, Yiu Ruo did not deny it but just smiled and nodded, "Cultivation is not a major problem for existences like us. The Immortal Bell's power can drive us, and our cultivation level will slowly rise even if we don't deliberately cultivate, as long as we haven't reached a certain limit."      

"However, there are pros and cons to everything. Once your cultivation reaches a certain level, it will be difficult for you to continue advancing and surpass the divine weapons." Yiu Ruo sighed and said.     

Chen Heng also nodded in agreement. That was indeed the case. The transformation of a Sky Heavenly Weapon into a human seemed wonderful, but in reality, it was also a restriction upon reaching a certain level.     

The Immortal Bell would constantly increase one's cultivation base prior to the Immortal God level. Therefore, one would still become much stronger under the indoctrination of the Immortal Bell's Dao Principle even if one did not deliberately cultivate it.     

However, this would become a restriction after reaching a certain level. The breakthrough and advancement would be far more difficult than for ordinary people. There are both advantages and disadvantages.      

However, Chen Heng felt that if someone else were to choose, most people would still undoubtedly be envious. After all, for most people, this was something beyond the immortals God's level. It was simply impossible to touch it.     

For ordinary people, advancing to the seventh rank and reaching the Heavenly Venerate's level was like burning incense. They wouldn't dare to think about things of a higher level. Hence, Yiu Ruo's words were merely a show-off.     

The two powerhouses began to chat, discussing their experiences of the past two thousand years.     

"Back then, after entering this world, he was directly guided into this place by the Immortal Bell, and he continued to cultivate here after that. Hence he didn't leave any traces in the outside world." Yiu Ruo stared at Chen Heng as she spoke, recounting her experiences over the years.     

She was a spirit born from the bell. Hence her treatment back then was completely different from Chen Heng's. Then, she was guided directly into the bell and received the baptism of the Bell's power of creation, all the way until now.     

"I see." Chen Heng finally came to a realization.     

During these two thousand years, he had been searching for Yiu Ruo in the outside world, but he found nothing in the end. Now, it seemed that this was the reason.     

"Speaking of which, you surprised me by being able to find this place." Before him, Yiu Ruo continued, "The location here is extremely hidden. If ordinary people don't have a special method, even immortal Gods will find it very difficult to find this place. It's almost impossible."      

The Immortal Bell was different from other Sky Heavenly Weapons. It might not be as good as the heaven-cleaving sword in terms of attacking technique, but this divine weapon was unparalleled in suppressing the void and concealing itself.      

There wasn't a single Sky Heavenly Weapon that was comparable to it, and it was said to be able to block the Immortal Gods' perception. Hence, Yiu Ruo was curious about how Chen Heng found this place.      

Chen Heng smiled and did not answer. In reality, he did not find this place. Instead, he only followed destiny's guidance. During his previous travels, he burned his destiny by using destiny's imprint and used its power to find a path forcefully before coming to this place and finding Yiu Ruo.     

Of course, it would be useless even if he came here if Yiu Ruo was unwilling to meet him. She would eventually ignore him even if he stood before the bell. As for why he came here, other than meeting Yiu Ruo, he also wanted to ask a question that was extremely important to him.     

"A path above the Heavenly Venerate level?" Hearing Chen Heng's question, Yiu Ruo pondered for a moment before asking, "Have you already reached this step?"     

Chen Heng shook his head and then nodded, "I'm still a little short, but I believe I can make it to that boundary sooner or later and truly reach that level."     

"That's true." Yiu Ruo smiled, "The divine sword transforming into a human is already extremely extraordinary, not to mention that you have already gathered the imprints of the Immortal Gate and the heaven-opening sword. I'm afraid that even others won't believe it if you can't reach the supreme Heavenly Venerate level peak and come into contact with the immortal God realm. However, even so, it's not that easy to ascend to the immortal God realm." She thought for a moment and then said, "The most crucial thing is to condense the immortal God's Dao Principles..."     

"The immortal God's Dao Principles..." Chen Heng's heart slightly moved, "What is this?"     

In the World of Gods, he once knew the key to the ascension from mortals to the God realm through the Lord of Darkness. Therefore, if one wanted to become a God in the World of Gods, one needed to condense their divinity and simultaneously condense the Flesh of Laws to become a God successfully.     

However, Chen Heng did not know the conditions for becoming an immortal God in this world. This was also one of the reasons he came to look for Yiu Ruo. Because if anyone in this world knew the key, it would undoubtedly be Yiu Ruo.     

After all, she was the embodiment of the Immortal Bell. To a certain extent, it could be said that she was the reincarnation of the Immortal Bell's weapon spirit. She must have known a lot. The so-called secret of the Immortal God was not a big problem for her.     

"The so-called immortal God's Dao Principle is the sublimation of one's own Dao Principle..." Under Chen Heng's gaze, Yiu Ruo pondered for a moment, then said, "Combining and sublimating one's own Dao Principle into a complete Dao Principle Chain is the key to becoming an immortal God. Only by doing this can you have the foundation to become an immortal."     

"By condensing the immortal God's Dao Principle, you can already be called a half-immortal, one foot into that domain. After condensing nine immortal God's Dao Principles, you can try to combine the Dao Principles and turn them into a complete Dao weapon. You will be a true immortal and a top figure in the world once you succeed. You will not die even if the world decays." She slowly narrated the path after the supreme Heavenly Venerate.     

Chen Heng could not help but feel a strange familiarity listening to Yiu Ruo's narration. He realized that the immortal ascension of this world seemed to be very similar to the path to becoming a god of the World of Gods. There were a lot of similarities.     

To become a god in the World of Gods. one needed to comprehend and then sublimate the Power of Laws, condensing it into a true divinity. It was the same in this world. If one wanted to step into the realm of immortal Gods, they also needed to condense their own immortal God's Dao Principles.     

Is this the intersection of different systems?' Chen Heng couldn't help but have this thought.     

Although it would be different at the beginning, it would be more and more different in the later stage, no matter what system it was. However, whether it was a wizard or a cultivator, the path to the later stages was similar, and there was not much difference after that.     

Chen Heng already had a clear understanding of this in the past. And it made him even more certain now that he heard the answer from Yiu Ruo. Sitting upright on the spot, he pondered for a moment and continued asking the next question - the location of the Immortal Sect.     

"You want to find the location of the Immortal Sect?" Hearing Chen Heng's question, Yiu Ruo's face showed a strange expression as if she had heard some strange news.     

Then, she shook her head and said, "Maybe for others, but the location of the Immortal Sect is not too important for you." Seeing the doubt on Chen Heng's face, she could not help but continue to explain, "You have the Immortal Sect's mark on your body, so you have a natural connection with the Immortal Sect. When your cultivation reaches a certain level, the Immortal Gate will take the initiative to summon you and let you look for it, even if you don't deliberately look for it."     

"I see." Chen Heng nodded.     

He had felt something in the past and indistinctly felt a vague existence calling him. However, as this feeling was too weak, even Chen Heng was uncertain about it, so he came here to ask.     

Two important issues were resolved. Then, they talked about other aspects after that.     

"It's true that this world once had the immortal God's footprints." Yiu Ruo talked about this world's history, then looked to the side.     

Then, Chen Heng looked forward and saw a scene. The void appeared before his eyes. The stars were hidden one after another. Finally, a star map appeared clearly before him.      

"Each star is a brand new world..." Looking at these stars, Yiu Ruo sighed softly and said, "These stars were originally one long ago. They all belonged to the same world, a very prosperous world. Immortal Gods could walk on the land, and Sky Heavenly Weapons also existed, unlike today, where they were hidden in various worlds."     

"However, a great war later erupted and shattered that world. The fragments of the world scattered and turned into stars of different sizes and slowly turned into brand new worlds under the immortal Gods' means of the past. Although the worlds were preserved, the vast world of the past can never return.     

"The newly born worlds are mostly weak. Hence the immortal Gods can't exist for a long time. Existences at the immortal God'd level are not inferior to many worlds. They will gradually collapse if they stay in these small worlds for a long time. Sooner or later, they will step into extinction. Therefore, many immortals left behind their Dao traditions and left this world. This is the history of the past and why immortal Gods disappeared." Yiu Ruo let out a soft sigh as if she felt regretful for the history.     

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