Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 567 - The Truth of Faith

Chapter 567 - The Truth of Faith

0Looking at the Lord of Darkness in front of him, Chen Heng finally understood. The person standing in front of him was not a person or anything else, but a god who transcended the mortal world and transcended everything.     

A god. When he realized this, Chen Heng could not help but frown. He did not expect it. A few years ago, although Chen Heng had come into contact with the Dusk Divine Weapon and had a preliminary understanding of the power of a god, he did not expect to meet another god so soon.     

And this time, it was not a part of the power of a God but the real incarnation of a god. Although the other party was not the original body, judging from the current state, it was not as simple as a clone.     

"It seems like you've already understood..."     

The Lord of Darkness looked at Chen Heng with a smile on his face. Then, he spoke with unique dignity, "I didn't expect to meet a divine son that has been sealed up until now in this era..."     

Divine Son...     

'This title again….'     

Hearing the title from the Lord of Darkness, Chen Heng secretly frowned. However, he did not take the initiative to explain or refute anything. No matter what, the other party had already misunderstood. Then, he would let the other party continue to misunderstand.     

Perhaps some other benefits could make the other party wary and not dare to act rashly. Standing on the spot, this thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind.     

"What exactly is your highness here for?"     

After standing there silently, Chen Heng's expression gradually returned to calm before he spoke again.     

"Of course, I'm here for you..."     

The Lord of Darkness sighed softly and said, "You should be able to see that I've recovered from my silence, and my strength is at its weakest.     

"So, I need a large amount of faith to recover.     

"This is why I came to find you..."     

Looking at Chen Heng, the Lord of Darkness still had that faint smile. He looked somewhat unfathomable.     

"For the sake of faith..."     

Chen Heng understood.     

If that was the case, it made sense. In the past, the gods had been silent for an unknown amount of time. In this long period, the power of these gods had already weakened, and now they were at their weakest.     

As gods, they had many ways to recover their power, and the power of faith was undoubtedly one of the fastest methods. Therefore, it was normal for them to target Chen Heng.     

"However, after seeing you in person, I understand that my previous plan can no longer be realized."     

Looking at Chen Heng, the Lord of Darkness smiled and spoke very calmly. In his opinion, Chen Heng was undoubtedly a Divine Son, a unique existence that carried all the remnants of the gods.     

No matter how conceited the Lord of Darkness was, he would not want to subdue such an existence. Regardless of whether the other party was willing, he could not get a Divine Son to do so.     

Although the fallen god had disappeared, who knew what tricks he would leave behind to protect his descendants. Even if he were another god, he would most likely reap the consequences if he acted without permission.     

Therefore, the Lord of Darkness gave up the idea of subjugating Chen Heng. This was both a comparison of strength and out of respect. After all, another god was standing behind Chen Heng.     

No matter how arrogant the Lord of Darkness was, he would not be arrogant enough to take the Divine Son of another god as his subordinate.     

However, this was also good. The Master of Darkness pondered for a moment. At this moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind.     

"Lord of Darkness..."     

On the other side, Chen Heng also recalled this name. From the scene that the Lord of Darkness displayed just now, Chen Heng already knew the god's name.     

And through this, he could obtain a lot of information. To spread faith, the gods of this world would often leave behind many deeds and stories in the World of Gods.     

The priests of those gods would also spread these legends to gain faith in the gods they believed in. And from these stories and legends, one could know which camp a god roughly belonged to.     

"It doesn't seem to be a God of Chaos..."     

Standing where he was, Chen Heng quickly recalled the legend of the Lord of Darkness. In the entire World of Gods, the Lord of Darkness belonged to the same type of god as the Ruler of Nature, which was also a god close to the death of faith.     

The death of this faith did not mean that the Lord of Darkness was about to die, but it meant that his faith had been suppressed in the World of Gods and was close to disappearing.     

To a certain extent, the Lord of Darkness seemed to be in a worse state than the Ruler of Nature. Although the faith of the Ruler of Nature had been fading away, at least until now, it was still lingering in the desert. Many barbarian tribes sincerely believed in it.      

But the faith of the Lord of Darkness was almost gone. If Chen Heng had not been able to collect information about various gods and learn about the deeds of many gods, he would not have remembered it at this moment.     

The Lord of Darkness was known as the Ruler of Darkness and the Monarch of the Night. In the legend, the Lord of Darkness was born in the initial darkness after the world opened. He was an ancient god born with darkness.     

He was handsome and had an elegant temperament. He was the Ancient God that was once worshipped by the ancient nobles. In the end, he competed with the Ancient King. The belief of the nobles was taken away by the Ancient King, leaving him only his Dark Authority.     

However, according to the records, this god's personality was easy to get along with. In the past legends, there were no bad deeds about him. He was a very orderly god.     

'He was someone that could cooperate with.'     

In an instant, this thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind. In the era where the gods were about to revive, only those who had the power of a god could take the initiative in the following era and be in an undefeatable position.     

If he could take this opportunity to connect with the Lord of Darkness in front of him, then the help to Chen Heng would undoubtedly be very obvious. At least many doubts and difficult questions about the level of gods could be answered directly by the Lord of Darkness.     

And even better, the other party had a request for him. Chen Heng just happened to have what the other party needed. Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chen Heng's face. Then, he looked up at the Lord of Darkness and said again, "I think we can have a good chat."     

"What a coincidence..."     

Hearing Chen Heng's words, the Lord of Darkness also smiled. "I also happen to have the same intention."     

"How can someone as respectful as you be settled down here?     

"This eave is small. How can it contain the glory of the great divine..."     

Chen Heng immediately opened his mouth and revealed a smile on his face. "Please allow me to extend an invitation to you to come to my palace as a guest and let me do my best to entertain you."     

"Then I look forward to it."     

The Lord of Darkness looked at Chen Heng with some surprise. He was a little surprised by Chen Heng's behavior, but he still nodded with a smile and did not say anything.     

The space around him began to merge with the outside world on the same spot, and it returned to normal once again. At this time, Orith, sitting at the side, seemed to have woken up. He subconsciously looked at Chen Heng.     

Immediately, he turned pale with fright. As he was about to say something, he felt the residual terrifying aura on Chen Heng's body. His body immediately stiffened.     

Chen Heng glanced at Orith, then did not do anything. He directly turned around and left with the Dark Master.     

Soon, they arrived at the Palace of Kaki City. Compared to the small tavern before, the Place of Kaki was undoubtedly more spacious. It was surrounded by gold and jade. Just by looking at it, it was quite spectacular.     

Of course, to people at the level of Chen Heng and the Lord of Darkness, these were undoubtedly not important matters. However, this represented a friendly start and attitude.     

After arriving at the palace, Chen Heng lets the people around him leave. He sat alone with the Lord of Darkness and looked at his face to face.     

"I respect an existence like you. Is there anything else you need?"     

After everyone left, Chen Heng looked at the Lord of Darkness and said softly.     

"You should be very clear about what I need."     

The Lord of Darkness looked at Chen Heng and said seriously, "Just as you figured, this is not my main body. I am only in the state of being born.     

"Right now, although I still have a part of my power, it can not be sustained for a long time.     

"So, I need the replenishment of faith."     

Looking at Chen Heng in front of him, the Lord of Darkness'expression was calm. He said straightforwardly, "Tens of thousands of years have passed, and my position in this world has already been lost. The faith that once belonged to me is close to dying out, and it almost made me lose myself in the void, completely unable to return."     

"But now, you seem to have been reincarnated..."     

Hearing the words of the Lord of Darkness, Chen Heng was a little surprised and said in surprise, "Don't tell me that with your power, you can't rely on yourself to restore your former glory?"     

This sentence was a doubt and also a test. According to Chen Heng's current speculation, the gods themselves should have the ability to exist without relying on faith.     

For them, Faith was a supplement and enhancement of power, but it was not necessary. Otherwise, if a god had to rely on the power of faith to exist, then it seemed to be inferior to those Myths and Legends.     

At least existences like Legends did not need to rely on faith to exist. Low-level existences would not die because they lost faith. If a higher-level god would instead do so, it would be strange.     

Therefore, Chen Heng speculated that the gods in the World of Gods should have the power to exist without relying on faith and would not be determined by the faith of living beings.     

However, Chen Heng's speculation seemed to be overturned in the following period. Because in the legends of the World of Gods, there were many examples of gods dying because of a lack of faith.     

In those legends, the gods weakened due to the death of faith and eventually died out. From these legends, one could see the importance of faith to the gods, and it could even decide the survival of a god.     

But if it was said that the gods would die without faith, it did not seem to be true. Because if that was the case, how did the gods who had lost faith return?     

In the history of the World of Gods, there were many examples of gods who had lost their faith in history returning. If faith could play a decisive role in the survival of the gods, then how did the gods who had lost their faith return?     

This contradictory fact had once given Chen Heng a lot of doubts. And now, a real god was sitting next to him. Chen Heng also wanted to take this opportunity to understand the key.     

Sitting at the side, the Lord of Darkness glanced at Chen Heng and said, "If there isn't enough faith to replenish, a god can naturally recover its power.     

"But the faster a god's power recovers and the stronger the power is, the easier it is to leave and be expelled by the world..."     

The Lord of Darkness looked at Chen Heng and said.     

"The more powerful your power is, the easier it will be for your power to leave and be expelled by the world?"     

Chen Heng was stunned when he heard the Lord of Darkness'words. He learned a lot from this sentence.      

'Expel? Would the World of Gods instinctively expel gods?'     

At this moment, this thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind.     

"As a Divine Son, you should have this common sense..."     

The Lord of Darkness looked at Chen Heng, who had stopped in front of him and seemed somewhat puzzled. He couldn't help but frown. "Didn't the inheritance hidden in your bloodline tell you this?"     

In his opinion, as a Divine Son, Chen Heng should have this information in his bloodline inheritance. Unless, other than some accidents, the inheritance in his body wasn't left behind?     

At this moment, this thought flashed through the Dark Lord's mind, and he continued, "Standing at your current level, you should be able to sense the world's existence."     

Chen Heng nodded. The Seventh Ring was a very big threshold. Before seven rings, one could not come into contact with the essence of many things. But once one stepped into the Seventh Ring level, the situation would be different.     

At Chen Heng's current level, he could clearly feel the aura of the world itself, as well as the exuberant life force. From his point of view, the world itself could actually be seen as a unique life form.     

The world itself was its body, and the collective consciousness of the many living creatures living in its body was its consciousness. Chen Heng had already understood this point in the initial world.     

"The world itself is an extremely unique existence that can accommodate life..."     

The Lord of darkness said faintly, "However, the more powerful the life, the greater the threat to the world itself...     

"Just like how mortals and beasts would instinctively feel uneasy and threatened when together.     

"Therefore, the more powerful one is, the easier they would be repelled and targeted by the world itself...     

"If there are no unique methods, when existence is as powerful as us, they would slowly be repelled out of this world...     

"At this point, they could either suppress their power and not reach that limit, or they could use some unique methods to leave a mark on the world that belonged to them to help them resist this repelling power."     

Chen Heng already understood.     

"So, apart from the true power, the so-called faith is also the mark of the gods to prevent them from leaving this world?"     

Chen Heng sat on the spot and frowned as he spoke.     

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