Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 552 - Confrontation

Chapter 552 - Confrontation

0Standing in the same spot, Chen Heng looked ahead. A Golden Dragon Tree that was hundreds of meters tall stood before him. It looked like the tree of origin in the myths and legends. It was exceptionally strong, and its vigorous vitality was breathtaking.     

Compared to the Golden Dragon Tree in front of him, the Golden Dragon tree that belonged to the Oriel family was suddenly nothing. It was not even worthy of carrying shoes. The gap between the two was too wide.     

The Golden Dragon Tree, owned by the Oriel family, might have hundreds of years of ancient history. However, the history of the Golden Dragon Tree in front of him was even more ancient. From Chen Heng's point of view, it was at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years old.     

This Golden Dragon Tree had probably existed before the establishment of the Round Table until now.     

'It's really rare…'     

Even with Chen Heng's knowledge, he could not help but sigh at this moment as this thought flashed through his mind. Fortunately, this was not much to the current Chen Heng.     

He quickly came back to his senses and walked in the direction of the Golden Dragon Tree. Through his senses, he could sense that this divine realm was filled with the aura left behind by the Twilight Knight.     

The Twilight Knight's aura enveloped this area, making it seem as if it was everywhere and was exceptionally unique. Even so, its core was still in front of him, right under that tall Golden Dragon Tree.     

From the looks of it, the Twilight Knight's current actions were similar to what Chen Heng had done in the past. He was also using the Golden Dragon Tree's unique and vigorous vitality to nurture his own body and complete the transformation.     

As he walked on the road, this thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind. Bringing Lu Yao along, he continued forward and came to the foot of the tall Golden Dragon Tree.     

'Looks like it's here…'     

As he came to the front, this thought flashed through his mind. At this moment, Chen Heng had already arrived at the foot of the Golden Dragon Tree.     

In the surroundings, wisps of divine aura were dispersing and drifting in all directions, enveloping the entire area. The exuberant vitality was astonishing. As it twined around this place, it was as if it had formed an ocean of life. This kind of vitality was so strong that even Chen Heng was surprised.     

This exuberant vitality gathered in all directions and even formed a very large lake in front of him. That lake was green in color. The water flowing within it was like ordinary water, but it was also very unique. It was crystal clear and exuded a holy qi vitality.     

This was the life essence condensed from pure life force. Even in this galaxy, it could be considered a unique secret treasure, and it had all sorts of incredible effects.     

Under normal circumstances, one might not be able to find much even if one searched the entire galaxy. However, one could see so much here, forming a lake that seemed to be inexhaustible.     

How unique. Standing beside Chen Heng, Lu Yao could not help but glance at her surroundings, feeling a little amazed.      

At this moment, standing beside this lake, she only took deep breaths. Before she could do anything else, she could feel the changes in her body. It was as if there was an endless stream of life force surging into her body, it made every cell in her body cheer, as if a shocking transformation had occurred.     

This region was simply too shocking. Lu Yao even suspected that even if it was just an ordinary person, as long as they stayed in this place for a long time, they could easily become experts above the Fourth Rank level.     

There was no other reason. That life force was simply too exuberant, to the point that the essence of life was constantly rising, being washed away by that exuberant life force.     

If she stayed in this place for a long time, her level of life would inevitably rise, reaching a higher level. And if she deliberately cultivated in this place, it would be even more amazing. The effect would definitely be very shocking.     

'Good place…'     

At this moment, she looked forward, and this thought could not help but flash through her mind.     


Chen Heng's voice came from the side, causing Lu Yao to be stunned. She subconsciously raised her head and saw a shadow streaking across the lake and appearing in front of her.     

As if sensing the arrival of an unfamiliar aura, the master who had been in a deep slumber in this area finally began to awaken and appeared at this moment.     

In the middle of the lake, an intense aura surged out. It was an extremely powerful aura. It was completely different from the aura of life that filled the surroundings. Instead, it carried an extremely strong aura of decay and death.     

The aura of death was faint. It twirled in all directions and enveloped every area. Affected by this aura of death, the flowers and plants in the surroundings began to wither. Even the exuberant vitality seemed to have been affected by some force and began to decline.     

Other than the area covered by the Golden Dragon Tree in the middle, which had not changed much, the other areas were affected. It was as if they had changed their form and changed the season.     

In an instant, the spring that was full of vitality had come to the end of winter. It was not just the flowers and plants. Even the living beings were affected. In the surroundings, some wild beasts were wandering around. At this moment, they let out a miserable cry. Their bodies decayed at speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a pile of white bones.     

Even Lu Yao seemed to be affected. All sorts of changes appeared on her body, causing her expression to change drastically. Beside her, Chen Heng waved his hand to wipe away the aura on her body, leaving no trace behind.     

Then, he took a step forward and blocked in front of Lu Yao, blocking all the influences in front of him. After doing all this, he raised his head and observed the figure that had appeared in front of him.     

At this moment, along with the changes in the surrounding atmospheric dynamics, a brand new figure had appeared at some point in time and appeared in front of Chen Heng and his companion.     

It was the figure of a young man. His appearance was ordinary, and his face was exceptionally pale, as if he did not have the slightest bit of blood. He had a head of white hair, and his entire body looked withered, exuding an unhealthy appearance.     

The famous Twilight Knight in the galaxy looked like a malnourished youth on the surface, completely unlike what ordinary people imagined.     

In the imagination of ordinary people, as the famous leader of the Round Table, a supreme powerhouse who was comparable to the ancient kings, the appearance of the Twilight Knight should be extremely extraordinary, not to mention how unique it was. Still, it should at least be different from ordinary people.     

However, from the situation in front of him, there was not much difference. At a glance, he looked just like an ordinary person, ordinary and unremarkable. He could not even be compared to the rest of the Five Knights.     

Regarding this, Lu Yao was also somewhat surprised, but her expression became even more solemn. Chen Heng also raised his head, his gaze fixed on the young man in front of him.     

His appearance might be ordinary, but that powerful aura could not be faked. From what Chen Heng could sense, that aura was so powerful that it was much stronger than the other knights.     

Compared to the other knights, the Blue Knight was not even worthy of carrying his shoes. With such a terrifying aura and strength, it was unlikely that there would be a second person in the entire Round Table.     

"Twilight Knight, it's been a long time..."     

Chen Heng looked ahead and fixed his gaze on the other party. After a long while, he finally spoke softly.     

"It's the same to me...."     

In front of him, facing Chen Heng's gaze, the Twilight Knight's expression seemed very calm. He only nodded his head faintly and said, "I've paid more attention to you from the moment you met Blue.     

"I didn't expect that you could actually do this in the end."     

He looked at Chen Heng and said calmly.     

"Since things have developed to this point, do you still have anything to say?"     

Chen Heng continued to speak.     

The Twilight Knight silently shook his head and then smiled. A stiff smile appeared on his face. "From the beginning until now, I haven't done anything wrong.     

"From the moment you appeared, I tried my best to mobilize a few others to kill you, but in the end, it still ended up like this.     

"Now that I think about it, I probably didn't pay enough attention to it. I was afraid that the transformation would fail, so I didn't personally take action. In the end, it ended up like this."     

He said calmly. Although he expressed his regret, his emotions were still very calm. This might have something to do with the other party's condition. Chen Heng remained silent and did not say anything more on this issue.      

In reality, the Twilight Knight's strategy was already decisive enough. If it was an ordinary person, they would definitely not be so decisive. The moment Chen Heng appeared, they would mobilize the strength of the Five Knights to attack together.     

In reality, if it was not for the reminder of the Mark of Destiny, the Five Knights would have already succeeded. In the original trajectory of Destiny, things did not turn out this way.     

Due to the lack of buffer time, Philip did not merge with the world consciousness and became the embodiment of the will of heaven. As a result, Chen Heng did not transform, and his strength was at the same level as before. The Black King was surrounded and killed during the transformation, and Lu Yao was on the run.     

If not for the reminder from the mark of Destiny, Chen Heng and the others would have ended up badly. Unfortunately, there were not so many ifs in this world.     

Standing where he was, Chen Heng raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. "Your condition is very bad.     

"Looking at your appearance, even if I don't make a move, after a few thousand years, you will rot and wither on your own...     

"Twilight Knight, it's indeed as its name suggests..."     

Chen Heng saw through the other party's condition at a glance. The Twilight Knight's current condition was much worse than what Chen Heng had imagined.     

Something seemed to have happened to his truesoul, and his body had fallen into a special state, continuously melting away. In this state, his vitality was disappearing very quickly, and every second consumed a large amount of vitality.     

In such a state, if he did not solve his own problems, even without Chen Heng's interference, he would fall into a state of decay. After all, in this world, the so-called king was not eternal.     

The king was only at Seventh Rank. Although he was very powerful and had a long life, he could only live for a few hundred thousand years at most. It was far from eternal.     

Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult to reach the end of such a long lifespan. However, this was not the case for the Twilight Knight. There was a big problem with his body, causing his lifespan to pass by too quickly.     

In less than a day, a lot of his life force would be lost. The speed was so fast that even Chen Heng was a little surprised. If he was not careful, he would enter the end in such a state.     

Before this, Chen Heng was still wondering why the Twilight Knight did not make a move, no matter how difficult the situation was. It was not until he saw the appearance of the Twilight Knight that Chen Heng finally understood.     

The Twilight Knight did not make a move was not because he was unwilling but because he could not. In his situation, once he made a move, the loss of life in his body would increase to a terrifying level. At that time, he would probably die before anyone else died.     

"I'm sorry."     

The Twilight Knight sighed and said, "As you can see, I have a huge problem. Therefore, I have to sleep here all year round and rely on the strong vitality here to suppress myself. Only then can I barely survive.     

"Otherwise, it won't take long for me to disappear on my own.     

"I thought that I would die here sooner or later, just like that, alone.     

"I just didn't expect to see you before I die."     

Standing where he was, he sighed and said softly. For the first time, there were some fluctuations in his emotions. "This is really... great..."     

"What's great about it?"     

Chen Heng asked softly.     

"Before I die, isn't it good to have someone like you, King of Star, accompany me in my death?"     

In front, the Twilight Knight slowly raised his head and looked at Chen Heng as he spoke word by word. As soon as he finished speaking, it was as if there was a gentle breeze blowing in the surroundings.     

An intense sea suppression aura spread out and enveloped the entire divine domain in an instant, turning this vast divine land into his own domain. That aura was like that of a god and devil, truly extremely powerful. It was so powerful that it made people suffocate, and it was so terrifying that it made people tremble.     

On the side, Lu Yao's figure retreated. She was wrapped up by Chen Heng's power and sent out directly. If nothing unexpected happened, the following battle would be extremely terrifying. With Lu Yao's strength, if she was dragged into it, her ending would be extremely miserable.     

After being sent out by Chen Heng, Lu Yao came to the outside of this mystic realm fragment, where she existed as a spectator. And below, an intense battle was about to begin.     

A vast aura was rising. In all directions, a faint aura of death spread out from the front, enveloping all directions, enveloping this piece of divine land. Waves of aura of life withering emerged.     

As if suffering from a natural disaster, after the aura of the Twilight Knight swept past, both humans and objects simultaneously walked towards the end, welcoming their own end.     

"Come on..."     

In mid-air, waves of rumbling sounds flashed past. Vaguely, it was as if a giant that was thousands of meters tall had appeared. It was staring at Chen Heng, giving off a huge pressure.     

"The King of Star..."     

Standing in mid-air, The Twilight Knight's face was cold. He slowly said, "Let's see how strong you are..."     

"As you wish."     

As the soft words fell, although the voice was weak, it accurately resounded in everyone's hearts. Then, Chen Heng's figure moved. He flew towards the sky, straight towards the clouds.     

At this moment, the divine bird's long cry resounded. The Twilight Knight turned around and looked towards the depths of the starry sky. There, a divine bird flew past, as if it was bathed in holy fire. Its aura was extremely sacred and powerful.     

It was Red. At this moment, under Chen Heng's summons, it came from the galaxy, displaying its aura to its heart's content. After several years of change, Chen Heng's strength had grown greatly, and so had Red.     

The connection between Beastmaster and Imperial Beast was very close. No matter which side became stronger, it would lead the other side to become stronger.     

It was precisely because of this that when Chen Heng became stronger, Red was also brought along by Chen Heng to become stronger. As Red let out a long cry and spread its wings, it was as if everyone in the galaxy could see its appearance.     

"What is that?"     

Outside the distant galaxy, some people were frightened and could feel the aura rising in the distance. As the battle progressed, a powerful aura rose. Even the distant starfields could feel that power and began to tremble.     

Some people tried to observe it with all kinds of methods, but in the end, they could not get a detailed picture of the battlefield. They could only vaguely see a divine bird chirping, fighting with a giant.     

"What a king's Imperial Beast..."     

Looking at Red in front of him, the Twilight Knight was also surprised. On the side, Red spread its wings and fought with the Lava Giant. The flames between them intertwined and burned each other.     

It was a shocking collision. Both Red and the Lava Giant had reached the level of a knight. They had the strength close to the peak Sixth Rank. The battle between the two was extremely grand. The power was earth-shattering. It could even tear apart stars and destroy powerful civilizations.     

"Your Imperial Beasts aren't bad either."     

Opposite the Twilight Knight, Chen Heng's expression was calm. He just watched this scene quietly and said calmly. The Lava Giant opposite Red was naturally the Twilight Knight's Imperial Beast.     

The Twilight Knight in front of him was also a Beastmaster. Moreover, his Imperial Beast was also extremely powerful. Even if he took it out alone, it was enough to compare to a knight, possessing the strength of a peak Sixth Rank.     


It could only be said that he was indeed the knight who was the leader of the Five Knights. Whether in terms of strength or other aspects, he was terrifyingly powerful.     

"I don't have much time. I can only end this as soon as possible..."     

In front of him, the Twilight Knight sighed softly, then raised his hand. The Twilight Domain was displayed, enveloping the surroundings. A familiar yet unfamiliar power emerged following that, sweeping across the world's four corners.     

It was the initial power, but it was slightly different. Compared to the initial power Chen Heng felt from the initial space, the initial power displayed by the Twilight Knight had many more changes. It seemed to have the unique mark of the Twilight Knight. It was very special.     

'So that's how it is…'.     

In an instant, Chen Heng understood something. "Not only do I have to comprehend the initial power, but I also infuse the initial power with my traits to become my own King's Power?"     

In an instant, his understanding of the king level of this world deepened.     


A series of explosions sounded. While Chen Heng was still thinking, the Dusk Knight's figure had appeared in front of him. A seemingly skinny palm that was actually powerful enough to tear apart stars smashed down on Chen Heng.     

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