Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 328 – Centaurs

Chapter 328 – Centaurs

0The Dryad girl looked around.     

Without walking too far, she noticed something unusual.     

Not too far away, there was a massive structure.     

Of course, this was only relative to the other structures.     

Most of the structures here were quite small, compared to human structures at least.     

This had to do with the traits of Kobolds.     

Ordinarily, Kobolds liked to live underground, so even though they had their houses, they would still dig underground.     

However, the structure in front of her was quite different.     

At least to the Dryad girl, this structure was much bigger.     

Within it, faint voices came out.     

Listening closely, she found that it was singing.     

The Dryad girl felt a sense of familiarity and went closer, wanting to hear clearer.     

As she approached, she found that it was Kobolds singing, but the language they were singing in surprised her.     

"This is…"      

Hearing those voices, the Dryad girl felt quite surprised.     

She thought back to how the language Chen Heng had spoken was the human language.     

Standing there, she listened for a while but did not disturb them.     

Time gradually passed.     

Soon, some footsteps sounded from within.     

Following this, short Kobolds excitedly walked out.     

Seeing this, the Dryad girl observed them.     

The Kobolds did not look very old and were quite small; they were most likely children.     

After most of those Kobold juveniles left, Chen Heng walked out.     

"You've come out?"      

After walking out of the classroom, looking at the Dryad girl, Chen Heng only nodded and did not feel too surprised.     

With his powerful mental energy, he had noticed her as soon as she had approached.     

"Looks like you've recovered quite well…" he said as he looked at the Dryad girl.     

Hearing his words, the Dryad girl nodded and hesitated before saying, "Were you… teaching them just then?"     

"Yes," Chen Heng did not deny it and nodded, "I'm teaching them some basics of the common language."     

Right now, he was not using the Kobold's language but the common language of the humans so that even the Dryad girl could understand him.     


Hearing Chen Heng's words, the Dryad girl looked confused as she asked, "Is there a point to that?"     

What was the point of teaching these Kobolds the common language?     

The Dryads were a race who had great love and empathy for all races.     

However, even the Dryad girl could not see the point in teaching the Kobolds the common language.     

After all, even if these Kobolds became literate and speak the human language, so what?     

"A tall building needs to start from the foundation," Chen Heng said as he shook his head, "Education is the same. Even for a human, growing up in different environments, they will turn out different.     

"After all, a mighty king and a humble farmer are all just humans."     

Chen Heng spoke calmly, "If the Kobolds want to develop in the future, they will have to come into contact with the outside world. If they are to do that, they have to become literate."     

Even though Kobolds had their own language, it was too simple and not very good to use.     

If the Kobolds wanted to develop, they had to learn the common language.     

As such, Chen Heng had decided to begin teaching the new generation now so that they would be able to communicate with different races in the future.     

Of course, there would not be much fruit in the short-term.     

Only by persisting generation after generation would they see some effects.     

Chen Heng had enough patience for this.     

Looking at Chen Heng, the Dryad girl still felt a bit confused, but she did not say anything.     

Standing beside Chen Heng, her nose twitched as if she smelled something, and she looked confused as she said, "You have the aura of gods on you… Are you the emissary of a god?"     

She seemed to have sensed something and looked at Chen Heng as she asked.     

Hearing this question, Chen Heng felt a bit surprised.     

He did not think that this girl would be so sensitive.     

It seemed that Dryads were indeed quite unique and could sense the existence of divine energy.     

"Do you think a god would take a Kobold as an apostle?" he asked.     

"But you have the aura of gods on you…"     

The Dryad girl looked quite confused, "And it's no ordinary aura…"     

She had seen some Priests before and sensed their auras.     

It was just that those auras were different from Chen Heng's.     

There was a difference in essence.     

This was just an instinctive feeling, and she could not explain it.     

Standing there, she looked at Chen Heng in confusion for a while.     

"Tell me about your story," Chen Heng looked at the Dryad girl, feeling quite interested, "What is your name?"     

"Dilin…" As if she thought of something, the Dryad girl's expression fell as she replied.     

She seemed to be in a low mood.     

"My sympathies for what you've gone through…"     

Looking at the Dryad girl and hearing her words, Chen Heng nodded and sighed.     

From what the girl had said, he understood some basic information.     

This Dryad girl came from the northern part of the Wastelands.     

There had been a Dryad tribe there.     

Of course, even though it was called a tribe, there were not many Dryads there.     

According to what Dilin had said, at most, there had been fewer than 30 Dryads there.     

Of course, this was not too surprising.     

After all, Dryads had incredible bloodlines and could be said to be the descendants of a god.     

Legends said that they had the bloodline of the Nature God and the Nature God's legacy.     

It was just that after the Nature God fell, their bloodline was cursed, and much of their power disappeared.     

However, even so, they still had exceptional bloodlines and power that ordinary people could not imagine.     

That was why their reproductive abilities were quite weak.     

For such existences to have a few dozen people in their tribe, that was already a sizable number.     

In the past, they had lived in the depths of the Wastelands, and they had not been disturbed until recently.     

The ones who had discovered them were some Centaurs.     


Hearing the Dryad girl's words, Chen Heng frowned, "Dryads should be quite strong, right? How could a group of Centaurs take down your tribe?"     

After all, Dryads were a race that rivaled dragons.     

Even though their bloodline had become much weaker, they were still incredibly powerful.     

Under their beautiful appearances was immense power.     

As for Centaurs, they were only an ordinary race.     

Even though they had a human upper body and a horse lower body and were stronger than other intelligent races, they were still just mortals.     

How could a group of Centaurs reduce the Dryads to such a state?     

Chen Heng could not help but frown.     

If that was really the case, he would begin to doubt the Dryads' power.     

However, soon, Dilin gave him an answer.     

"Those were not ordinary Centaurs…"     

As if she could see that scene from before, Dilin looked quite sorrowful as she said, "There was the aura of an evil god on them…"     

"Evil god…" Chen Heng immediately frowned.     

In this world, anything that was connected to gods was not simple.     

Moreover, it seemed that this Dryad girl had the ability to sense divine energy.     

As such, were those Centaurs not ordinary Centaurs but Priests?     

If that was the case, it would make much more sense.     

The Priests of gods could use the gods' power to strengthen their bodies, and they had great strength.     

Moreover, Priests often had divine items from gods.     

If that was the case, it would not be so surprising for the Dryad tribe to fall.     

What the Dryad girl said next did not surprise Chen Heng.     

"The Centaurs had converted to an evil god's Priests, and they used divine skills to destroy our tribe's defenses…"     


Dilin fell silent for a moment before continuing, "Following this, they summoned large numbers of Kobolds, Goblins, and Beastmen to continuously whittle away out at our strength…     

"In the end, our tribe's defenses were destroyed, and we could only run for our lives…"     

Speaking to there, she looked quite sorrowful.     

Hearing the girl's words, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

"Capturing slaves and using them as cannon fodder to reduce their enemies' strength?"      

As he listened to Dilin's words, he analyzed the Centaurs' tactics, "Very simple but very effective."     

Against enemies like the Dryads, who were very powerful but had small numbers, this kind of tactic was very effective.     

As Centaurs, they had the speed and endurance of horses, which was why they were able to use such tactics.     

No matter how strong the Dryads were, as long as they could not immediately catch up to the Centaurs, they could not deal a big blow to them.     

On the other hand, if the Dryads wanted to run, they would stick close behind them and continuously attack them.     

Standing there, Chen Heng could not help but frown.     

Right now, he began to think of how the current Kobolds would win against Centaurs.     

However, no matter how he thought, he could not think of anything.     

Kobolds were naturally weaker than Centaurs.     

With the same numbers, it would be almost impossible for Kobolds to defeat Centaurs.     

Unless he could specifically train them to deal with Centaurs, there would be nothing they could do.     

What also caught his attention was the god that the Centaurs worshipped.     

According to the Dryad girl, the Centaur Priests were filled with an evil divine energy.     

If that was the case, the one they worshipped would definitely be an evil god.     

Chen Heng just wondered which one it was.     

There were far too many gods in the World of Gods.     

Moreover, there were ones that had fallen, ones that had disappeared, ones that had fallen asleep…     

Because of the unique properties of gods, even if they had already fallen, sometimes they would not completely disappear.     

As such, it was very difficult to guess which god the Centaurs served.     

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