Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 299 – Resonance

Chapter 299 – Resonance

0The chattering of teeth could continuously be heard.     

Standing beside Chen Heng, the girl's teeth continuously chattered as her body trembled, looking like she was incredibly cold.     

It was quite a warm day, but she felt as if she was in ice and snow.     

An incredibly cold feeling spread through her body, accompanied by a feeling of danger.     

She could imagine that without the protection of Chen Heng's energy, which blocked off most of the unknown energy, she would have instantly mutated here.     

If that happened, she would not even have the opportunity to run.     

The energy density here was at a terrifying level.     

She could not even imagine how any life could exist here.     

Thinking to there, she instinctively looked at Chen Heng.     

In front of her, Chen Heng looked just the same, as calm and peaceful as usual. It was as if the massive energy covering this place did not affect him at all.     

"This guy's also a monster…" the girl inwardly sighed and thought to herself.     

Following this, she continued walking forwards with Chen Heng.     

The street was quite smooth and was illuminated by light, but for some reason, she felt that this place was incredibly dangerous, as if a few terrifying monsters could jump out at any moment.     

Thinking about that, she could not help but shudder.     

After coming back to her senses, she realized that Chen Heng had started walking again, and she strode forwards.     

As they headed onwards, the surroundings became more and more spacious.     

Here, Chen Heng felt a unique feeling.     

As he walked, he felt as if there were changes happening within his body.     

Before, it had always been the Light Divinity being active in Chen Heng's mind.     

Perhaps this was because the faith energy that Chen Heng was receiving was all positive.     

No matter if it was respect, gratitude, or similar emotions, they were all positive.     

The faith energy condensed from those emotions seemed to have great affinity with his Light Divinity.     

That was why the Light Divinity had been more active.     

However, at this moment, as if it sensed the surroundings and the unknown energy, the Shadow Divinity began to become active.     

Ink-black divine energy began to brew in Chen Heng's body, giving Chen Heng a feeling of freshness.     

At this moment, Chen Heng could sense that the energies of these two Divinities seemed to somewhat clash.     

Thinking back, if it wasn't for the simulator's power fusing these two Divinities with him, the conflict between the two Divinities might have caused Chen Heng to explode and die.     

Perhaps that was why the Priests of the gods in the World of Gods only served a single god.     

Even for the ones who served multiple gods, they did not seem to clash.     

Following this, as Chen Heng walked further in, he began to sense more and more.     

The power of darkness and shadows began to awaken in his body as divine energy spread out from his body, resonating with the surroundings.     

Gradually, a strange feeling spread out.     

He could clearly sense that he seemed to be resonating with this area.     

In fact, he could feel that if he wanted to, he could even control this area to a degree.     

In that case, why not give it a try?     

Chen Heng thought to himself as he raised his head.     

Following this, as the girl watched on, a shocking scene unfolded.     

Wind began to lightly blow as light began to appear as Chen Heng walked.     

Darkness energy rushed to the sky; it seemed like it had been gathering for a while and now exploded out.     

Berserk power gathered and wept towards this area.     

Dense dark aura covered this area and spread.     

Seeing this, the girl's eyes widened.     

Darkness, deep darkness.     

In that moment, she seemed to see the power of Darkness gathering.     

As they gathered, they formed distinct figures and seemed to come to life.     

They stood in front of the boy as if they were submitting.     

The Darkness power formed many different bodies, all of which contained great power. It seemed like if they walked out, they would be able to easily crush cities.     

In front of the boy, they seemed to tremble.     

Were they… submitting?     

The girl's eyes widened.     

"How is this possible?" she muttered to herself, unable to believe her eyes.     

However, she could feel that this was completely real.     

"Looks like it's here…" a faint voice sounded out.     

Chen Heng silently turned and looked ahead.     

Without anyone realizing it, his eyes had become golden.     

A faint golden light shined from his eyes as Divinity light spread out, looking resplendent and holy.     

In the surroundings, a storm of darkness spiralled, but it was unable to harm him; instead, it seemed like it had turned into his wings, protecting him.     

Facing such a shocking scene, even the figure hidden in the darkness felt shocked and gave up.     

"Just what are you…?" a hoarse voice sounded out from the corner.     

As Chen Heng looked on, a figure slowly walked on.     

It looked like a figure similar to a human, but it was somewhat different.     

It was covered with scales and looked like it had spikes all over its body. Its eyes were scarlet and gave off a savage feeling.     

He walked out from the corner and stared at Chen Heng warily, "Just who are you? Why is your Nothingness power so terrifying?"     

"I'm just a human," Chen Heng said softly, "What are you?"     

"Just a human?" Opposite Chen Heng, the figure seemed to coldly laugh, "It is impossible for ordinary humans to come into contact with the power of Nothingness, and definitely not to such an extent…     

"Looks like this big experiment has yielded some good results."     

He looked at Chen Heng as he seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up, "Using your blood and flesh, we will be able to nurture powerful Nothingness Beasts, even more terrifying and powerful than before…"     

"Blood and flesh, nurture…"      

Hearing his words, Chen Heng thought of something, "Is that why you're staying here?"     

"Indeed," the tall lifeform looked at Chen Heng, "I am here for research. Everything outside is the fruits of my research."     

"Who the hell are you?"      

Standing beside Chen Heng, the girl looked furious as she asked, "Why have you done this to this world?"     

"It was not me who did this to your world," the creature said as he coldly laughed, "In actuality, we are just some exiles. We are not that much different from you…"     

Hearing his words, the girl felt quite stunned.     

"Exiles?" she thought to herself, "There's a third side?"     

She had thought that this creature and its kind were the masterminds behind all of this.     

However, from its words, this did not seem to be the case.     

They were just exiles.     

Since they were exiles? Who had they been exiled by? And why had they been exiled?     

What were their parts in the catastrophe?     

All kinds of questions appeared in her mind, and she looked at that creature, instinctively wanting to ask.     

However, it was evident that it did not have any intention of chatting with her.     

The sounds of intense shaking sounded out, and Chen Heng raised his head, discovering that some changes had happened.     

Structures began to crumble as the ground trembled.     

Underground, something seemed to break, causing the ground to rumble.     

Following this, cracks began to appear on the streets.     

Following this, some intense sounds rang out as a massive, savage beast appeared from underground.     

It was an extraordinarily massive monster, and it was hundreds of metres long. It had sharp fur all over its body that was incredibly thick and strong.     

Its head was like that of a bear's, but it was even more savage. It also had a horn on its head, making it look quite unique.     

Its scarlet-red eyes opened, giving off a blood-red light under the sunlight.     

Two gazes intersected and clashed.     

At that moment, everything seemed to freeze, even the air.     

"That energy…" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

He could sense a massive energy from the beast, and it was the Darkness energy that he had sensed before, which was also called Nothingness energy by that creature.     

That massive beast was filled with that energy, giving off a chilling feeling.     

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