Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 264 – Black Crystal

Chapter 264 – Black Crystal

0In front of him, some footsteps sounded out.     

It seemed like the person within the room could not take it anymore and was preparing to come out.     

Sensing this Herdosiri gave a slight smile, which looked incredibly cold and terrifying.     

Under the cover of the night, his figure seemed just like a normal shadow.     

If anyone looked over, they would directly skip over him and think that he was just a shadow.     

However, at that moment, the shadow twisted and changed shape.     

Herdosiri's expression gradually became more savage and excited as his eyes became red.     

This place was incredibly quiet; only those footsteps could be heard.     

If it was a normal person, they would feel that those footsteps were very calm and orderly.     

Sensing those footsteps coming closer, Herdosiri's expression became more and more twisted.     

One step, two steps, three steps…     

That figure came closer step by step.     

Finally, the door opened.     

A slender hand stretched out, opening the door.     

At that moment, Herdosiri looked incredibly excited, and he almost could not control himself from rushing in and tearing that person to pieces.     

However, he soon felt stunned.     

After the door opened, it revealed the scene behind it.     

There was nothing there.     

The room was completely empty, and there was nothing within it.     

It was as if the person inside the room had disappeared.     

But how was that possible?     

How could a person just vanish?     

Herdosiri's body froze.     

In the next moment, he felt a strange sensation.     

A feeling of pain spread through his chest before slowly rising.     

Herdosiri instinctively lowered his head and looked at his chest.     

There, a silver sword had pierced through his chest and was poking out.     

He was stunned and looked back.     

Behind him, a young man had appeared.     

His appearance was quite handsome, and he wore tattered clothes as he looked at him calmly.     

Within his hand, he gripped the silver sword, which was covered with blood.     

"You!" Herdosiri stared at the young man, a savage and confused look on his face.     

At that moment, he realized something and a trace of terror flashed in his eyes.     

"Why?!" he said with a great struggle.     

In the next moment, a silver light flashed.     

A strange energy spread, causing Herdosiri's body to explode and turn into fragmented meat.     

Bang! Bang!     

The bits of meat flew out and fell everywhere.     

A head that looked like Herdosiri's rolled on the ground, a look of disbelief still on it.     

Chen Heng's actions were very calm, and he just calmly waved his hand, causing the silver sword to turn into magic energy and dissipate.     

Following this, he turned and looked to the side.     

Ahead, silver moonlight illuminated this area.     

Chen Heng looked ahead and did not say much before directly turning.     

He turned and walked towards a room to the side.     

That room was very dark, as there were no candles lit within.     

It was just that through the silver moonlight, Chen Heng could clearly see that there was no one inside.     

It was as if those people had disappeared.     

"They're gone…"     

Chen Heng thought back to that feeling from before.     

Strictly speaking, after coming to this place, he had not slept and had instead used Meditation to replace sleep.     

In his Meditation state, he was incredibly sensitive to the changes around him, and he would be able to even sense grass swaying.     

However, even so, he had not been able to sense when the changes had started.     

In his memories, everything had been very normal until it all suddenly changed.     

Just what had happened?     

From the situation, it seemed like his location had changed.     

Without him realizing it, he had been transported to another place by a strange power.     

However, he had not sensed this at all.     

Nevertheless, that was the only thing that could explain the situation.     

If he had not been transported, the others would not have vanished without a trace.     

Otherwise, even if they had fallen or died, they would have at least made some sounds.     

There was evidently something going on.     

Chen Heng slowly closed his eyes and thought to himself.     

Drip… drip…     

Behind him, the strange sounds could still be heard.     

Hearing those sounds, Chen Heng did not react and just continued to stand there.     

Behind him, a massive, formless mouth opened up.     

Saliva dripped down from the edges of the mouth, causing the dripping sounds.     

However, Chen Heng did not seem to sense it at all.     

In the next moment, the massive mouth bit down and slammed together as if it wanted to devour Chen Heng whole.     


A massive sound rang out as Chen Heng's body had already disappeared.     

As if it sensed something, the massive mouth gave a furious roar.     

In the next moment, massive amounts of power exploded out.     

A magic energy aura swept out, and flames erupted, covering the massive mouth.     

Finally, massive energy spread out, and being covered by this energy, the mysterious creature wailed in pain.     

Behind it, Chen Heng's figure once again appeared and slowly walked towards it.     

At that moment, he saw what this creature looked like.     

This creature looked incredibly strange to Chen Heng. Its body was not very big, but its mouth was abnormally large and was almost three meters tall.     

It was a very strange body.     

On the surface of it, there was strange, twisting energy that blocked off Chen Heng's vision, making it so that he could not see into this creature's biological make-up.     

However, this was not a big deal.     

It was most likely just a mutated creature and there were most likely many of them in this area.     

Chen Heng stood there and silently watched the flames in front of him burn.     

Because it was a magic skill created from magic energy, the flames did not extinguish very easily.     

As long as Chen Heng supplied it with enough magic energy, it would not stop and continue to burn.     

The howls continuously sounded out, and if one listened closely, they would find that those howls seemed to have a strange energy that could affect people's minds.     

If it was a normal person, after listening for a while, their minds would become twisted.     

Even if their bodies were fine, their minds would greatly deteriorate.     

However, this was not an issue for Chen Heng.     

Standing there and looking at the burning flames, Chen Heng turned and looked into the distance.     

He could sense that there were vague auras moving in the distance, and it was as if something was going to run over.     

However, as the monster continued to howl, those things seemed to stop and did not run out.     

It seemed that they had been scared.     

"Monsters can also be scared?" Chen Heng watched this scene in amusement as he casually waved his hand.     

A suffocating mental pressure weighed down, crushing this monster and causing it to stop howling.     

The monster was completely annihilated, leaving behind some gray powder and a strange, black crystal.     

Looking at this, Chen Heng thought for a moment before picking it up.     

He just wanted to keep it and experiment on it in the future.     

After all, strange creatures like this were not so easily found in this world.     

Everything that it left behind could be valuable experiment material.     

This was one of the traits he had picked up from being a Sorcerer—no matter what he saw, he wanted to research it and understand it.     


It was just that this time, the situation was different.     

As Chen Heng picked up the black crystal, a warm current flowed from the crystal into Chen Heng's body.     

"Obtained an unknown, high-level energy. Simulation Point +1…"     

A line of words appeared before him.     

Looking at these words, Chen Heng felt stunned.     

"This is possible?" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

At that moment, the black crystal started to go through changes. It was like a block of ice that had encountered a flame and quickly melted.     

The melting speed was initially quite slow before becoming faster and faster.     

After melting, this black crystal's energy was absorbed by the simulator, leaving behind gray powder.     

After a few moments, the crystal completely disappeared.     

The text in front of Chen Heng also changed.     

Simulation Points: 57     

"One crystal is worth 50 Points?" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

In order to help him leave the previous world, the simulator had used up all of his previous points. He had spent about a week here and originally had seven Points.     

As such, this meant that those extra 50 Points were from the black crystal.     

After realizing this, Chen Heng felt quite interested.     

From the start until now, Chen Heng had experienced many worlds and many different things.     

By now, he had found many ways to increase more Points, but he had never found a way to directly gain Points.     

This was the first time.     

"Should I say, as expected from a high level world?" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

After travelling from the previous world, he knew that the Simulation Points' essence was a high-level energy.     

That was why Chen Heng had not been able to directly gain Points in the past.     

After all, it was a very high-level energy, so ordinary methods were not enough to help him gain Points.     

Now, he had suddenly found a way to earn Points in this world.     

This was evidently because of a difference in worlds.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng could not help but give a slight smile.     

This was undoubtedly good news.     

After travelling from his previous world to this one, what he lacked most right now was Points.     

Without enough Points, he could not use the simulator, nor could he use the simulator's power to increase his strength.     

However, if he had enough Points, the situation would be greatly different.     

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