Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 274 – Arrival

Chapter 274 – Arrival

0When two sides were clashing, for them to enter like this, they would be seen as enemies by both sides.     

In a sense, they would have to face the pressure of 500 to 600 people.     

Were these people seeking death?     

However, they soon understood.     

Ahead, faint light flashed.     

Among the three people, the youngest-looking one stayed far away, while the two others directly rushed into the battlefield of hundreds of people.     

As the soldiers watched on, the weapons in the two people's hands started to go through changes.     

A formless, hazy light appeared on those weapons, causing them to look like two incredibly mighty and valiant Knights.     

They did not hesitate and rushed into the fray, starting to fight.     

Seeing this scene, many people's expressions greatly changed.     

"Life Knights!"      

The middle-aged man named Siriv's expression greatly changed.     

Life Knights were existences who had control of life power.     

In this world, those who could awaken life power were incredibly strong and terrifying.     

Both of these people were Life Knights?     

As everyone watched on, one of the sides was torn open by the two Knights, opening up a massive gap in their formation.     

They were incredibly fast and did so effortlessly.     

Ahead, some people were still resolutely resisting.     

However, facing the two Knights, any resistance was futile, and they were quickly suppressed.     

"Monsters! They're monsters!" shouts sounded out.     

Watching Herdosiri and Lamu's heroic performances, many people cried out and looked terrified.     

For ordinary soldiers, they did not know what Life Knights or life power were.     

However, they felt immense fear towards Herdosiri and Lamu.     

They felt that their lives were in grave danger and could be taken at any moment.     

Let alone them, even Siriv was shocked.     

As the family leader of the Arlan family, and the ruler of this territory, his strength was quite decent.     

He was also a Life Knight and had awakened life power. However, even he would be unable to do such a thing.     

Even though he was also at the Apprentice-level, he could not compare to Herdosiri or Lamu at all.     

"Why did two terrifying people like this suddenly come here…"      

He thought to himself, "Could they be roaming Knights looking for an opportunity?"     

The more he thought about this, the more likely it seemed.     

This area had never been peaceful, and there would often be people who lost their titles and territories because of something unexpected.     

There would often be wanderers roaming to chaotic places, looking for an opportunity to rise up.     

Because of the invasion of the Beastmen, many nobles' territory had been slaughtered, and the entire Kalo Kingdom was impacted.     

Many people came here to look for opportunities, trying to find a good master to serve.     

Siriv guessed that this was the case for those two people.     

However, compared to other roaming Knights, these two people's strength was a bit too strong.     

For ordinary roaming Knights, for them to have Apprentice-level strength was already quite good.     

However, the young man swinging his sword seemed to have surpassed this.     

He was a true Knight and was not an Apprentice; he was equivalent to a First Ring Sorcerer.     

Such a powerful Knight should not have any difficulty finding a master to serve; as soon as he appeared, he would be quickly recruited by someone.     

Did the chaos in the Kalo Kingdom attract even such a Knight?     

Siriv could not help but wonder to himself.     

"No, it's not just them…" Siriv's eyes narrowed as he looked into the distance.     

There, a young man was sitting on a horse, calmly watching the battle.     

Because he was too far away, Siriv could not see that person's face. However, from his actions, he seemed quite calm.     

Moreover, despite those two Knights going forward to fight, he did not act at all.     

Was it because his status was above theirs so he did not bother to act, or was it because he was too weak?     

Many guesses passed through Siriv's mind.     

However, soon, he saw that the young man in the distance was beginning to act.     

"So that's all…"      

Sitting on his horse and looking at the battle, Chen Heng shook his head, feeling quite disappointed.     

He had thought that warriors who had been nurtured in the Kalo Kingdom would be stronger than warriors from other places.     

However, it seemed that they were not much different from warriors from other places.     

Of course, this could have been because Herdosiri and Lamu were too strong.     

Regardless, Chen Heng had lost interest.     

As such, he slightly raised his hand into the air before lowering it.     

A formless wave of mental energy spread out before descending.     

Mental Intimidation!     

Massive amounts of mental energy rippled out from Chen Heng.     

In the next instant, a shocking scene unfolded.     

The formless ripples spread out and covered the surroundings, and everyone felt a terrifying pressure pass through their minds.     

Everyone felt as if an iron hammer slammed down in their minds, causing their bodies to freeze.     

As Siriv watched on in disbelief, the soldiers began to fall down.     

It was not because they had been killed but because they had been knocked out by a formless energy.     

Soon, apart from Herdosiri, Lamu, and their horses, everyone on the battlefield had fallen down as if they were corpses.     

This attack ignored all defences and all strength.     

"Second Ring!" Seeing this scene, Siriv was dumbfounded as he felt great terror, "That person is at least a Second Ring Sorcerer!"     

Just like Herdosiri before, Siriv also mistakenly thought that Chen Heng was a Second Ring Sorcerer.     

This was not too surprising—after all, in this world, only Sorcerers and Warlocks could use magic skills in this world.     

Compared to Sorcerers, Warlocks were far too rare, so most people who used magic skills were usually Sorcerers.     

Seeing this scene, Herdosiri and Lamu silently put their weapons away.     

"Is this… sir's power…"      

Looking at this scene, they felt incredibly shocked.     

Even though they had seen similar strength in the past, they were still unable to remain calm.     

Herdosiri could also defeat an army of hundreds of people by himself, but to do so instantly and keep them alive, he could not do such a thing.     

Moreover, both Herdosiri and Lamu knew that Chen Heng had held back his power so that the magic skill did not land on them. Otherwise, they would have been like those other people who had lost consciousness.     

"Apart from having mastery over flames and healing skills, he also has mental attacks with such a great area of effect…" Herdosiri and Lamu thought to themselves.     

Before, they had thought that Chen Heng's powers came from his bloodline.     

Different from Sorcerers, Warlocks' power came from their bloodlines, and the skills they used also came from their bloodlines.     

In other words, Warlocks could only use whatever their bloodlines contained, unless they actively learned like Sorcerers.     

Before, Chen Heng had already displayed two different powers.     

They were those flames, as well as that high-level healing skill.     

They had thought that this had been Chen Heng's limit, but they were now pleasantly surprised.     

Chen Heng had used a large-scale mental control skill, and this was an extremely powerful skill among Warlocks' powers.     

"Sir's bloodline is truly amazing…" Herdosiri and Lamu thought as they sighed.     

Right after awakening, he had gained three abilities, and all of them could rival the magic skills of a Second Ring Sorcerer.     

This bloodline potential was incredibly powerful, and it was most likely top-tier among Warlocks.     

Following this, white light appeared in the air as Chen Heng waved his hand towards Herdosiri and Lamu.     

The white light descended on their bodies, causing Siriv's eyes to widen.     

"This is…"      

By now, he did not know what to say, "A healing skill…"     

Before, he had thought that Chen Heng was a roaming Second Ring Sorcerer.     

However, seeing this healing skill, this changed Siriv's guess.     

Only priests and people who had awakened Divine Bloodlines could cast such skills.     

Could it be that this young man was actually a powerful priest?     

Siriv's heart leapt as he thought to himself.     

Before he could calm down, Chen Heng and the others turned and began to slowly come towards him.     

Seeing this, his heart thumped, but he resisted the fear in his heart as he slowly rode his over to meet them.     

"How do you feel?" Chen Heng asked as he looked at Herdosiri and Lamu.     

"Very good," Lamu said as he patted his chest and laughed loudly, "Sir, you didn't need to waste your precious power like that. If it's just these weaklings, they're unable to harm us."     


"It's better to be safe," Chen Heng said as he smiled, "Alright, let's go and see what this uncle of mine is like."     

Different from Siriv, given Chen Heng's superior strength and mental energy, he had long since seen his appearance and knew who he was.     

Since his goal was right before his eyes, he naturally would not waste time and would go to meet him directly.     

Following this, they gradually approached each other.     

By now, Siriv could see Chen Heng's appearance.     

He looked like a 16 or 17 year old young man, and he had white and tender skin. His looks were incredibly exquisite, as if he was the descendant of a god.     

There was a certain aura around his body, making him look quite calm and gentle, and there was an eye-catching mark on his forehead.     

Just by standing here, he naturally attracted everyone's attention.     

Looking at Chen Heng, Siriv was stunned and felt a sense of familiarity, as well as closeness.     

It was just that he could not remember who this person was.     

Even though they were related, in the past, Chen Heng would only visit every two years, so they had not met many times.     

By now, it had already been two or three years since they had last met.     

Moreover, after Chen Heng had awakened the Divine Bloodline in his body, his appearance had somewhat changed.     

As such, it was normal that Siriv did not instantly recognize him.     

However, in the end, he found out this young man's identity.     

Facing Siriv, who looked confused and seemed to be desperately thinking, Chen Heng smiled and spoke, "Long time no see, Uncle Siriv."     

Hearing those words, Siriv was stunned and looked dumbfounded.     

Soon, Chen Heng and the others entered Siriv's castle, and they were sitting in a sparse room.     

"So you're saying that you awakened your Divine Bloodline as you were running, gaining this power…" Siriv said as he confirmed.     

"That's right," Chen Heng said as he smiled, "It's very shocking, isn't it? However, that's how it is sometimes with one's fate."     

He sat there as he said wistfully, "If the Malido Kingdom had not fallen, I might still have stayed the same as the past, and would not have accomplished much.     

"However, the Malido Kingdom has been destroyed and my father has died, while I left the Malido Kingdom alive and even awakened my bloodline… perhaps, this is fate."     

He lightly sighed, seeming quite sorrowful.     

If Chen Heng directly said that this power came from himself, there was no way of explaining it.     

Everyone knew what Aktor had been like in the past.     

As such, he could only use his bloodline awakening as a cover for this.     

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