Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 272 – Magic Net

Chapter 272 – Magic Net

0With Chen Heng's experiences in the past, he immediately realised some things.     

For example, the fact that those gods left behind churches.     

In this world, almost every god had their own church and faction.     

Almost every kingdom in this world had a faith.     

As members of the Malido Kingdom, Herdosiri and Lamu had been worshippers of the Moonlight Goddess. Even though they had not been incredibly devoted, they were still worshippers.     

This was the case for Chen Heng's previous identity as well.     

It was just that the one he had worshipped was not the Moonlight Goddess, but the Hatim family's primogenitor, the Fire God.     

In this world, not having faith was a very terrifying thing.     

No matter if they wanted to or not, or whether or not they were genuine, at least on the surface, everyone had a faith.     

Before, Chen Heng had not thought too much about this.     

After all, this was a world with real gods, so having faith was not very surprising.     

However, now, it seemed that the reason why faith was such a big deal in this world was because gods needed the faith of mortals.     

Without the faith energy from mortals, a god's power and status would not be as great. That was why they descended and established their own churches.     

Standing there, Chen Heng thought to himself and gained a greater understanding of this world.     

In order to do some more tests, Chen Heng walked slower and took out some goods to give out.     

After a while, some changes happened.     

The faith energy within his body increased by every moment, becoming many times greater than before.     

After receiving this faith energy, the Divinities seemed incredibly excited and gave off great desire.     

It was just that as time went on, the flow of faith energy quickly decreased.     

At first, it was not evident, but as time passed, Chen Heng could feel that the faith energy he was receiving significantly dropped.     

"So temporary gratitude really is not enough…" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

From the information from the Divinities, the so-called faith energy was actually a manifestation of one's soul energy.     

If a living creature directed their soul energy to a god, that would be received by the god as faith energy.     

This meant that it did not have to be true faith or worship: Gratitude and fear could all be used by Divinities.     

It was just that compared to true worship, mere gratitude was not very reliable.     

After all, gratitude came quickly but also went quickly.     

In terms of effectiveness, it could not compare to being worshipped, and it might not even compare to terror.     

After all, wanting a living being to feel gratitude over a long period of time was very difficult.     

Showing kindness could cause someone to feel grateful, but if one wanted that person to continue feeling gratitude, they would have to give even more.     

Moreover, if one did not meet that person's expectations, not only would they no longer feel gratitude, but they might even feel displeasure.     

This was fine for a few people, but if there were a large number of people who felt this way, even a god would not be able to endure it.     

As such, gaining faith energy with this method was not very effective.     

On the other hand, terror was much easier to instil.     

After all, making a creature feel terror was much easier than making them feel gratitude.     

As long as one continuously applied pressure, they would be able to keep others in terror.     

The costs of using such a method to gain faith energy were quite low, and they were much less than proper ways of gaining faith energy.     

After all, one would need to establish a church and raise up priests.     

Furthermore, in order to compete with other gods, they would have to continuously do miracles.     

Even with great investment, it might not succeed.     

However, making people feel terror was much simpler; they just needed to scare them now and then and would not have to invest anything.     

Standing there, Chen Heng thought of various gods.     

Among this world's gods, there were many of them who did such things.     

The gods related to pain and death would make people's expressions change just at the mention of them.     

From how Chen Heng saw it, those gods most likely used terror to obtain faith energy.     

Apart from these methods, there were some other ones, but these were the main ones.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng was not very surprised at the reduction in the flow of faith energy.     

This was very normal.     

However, Chen Heng made Chen Heng feel surprised that even though most people's faith energy quickly decreased, there were two streams of faith energy that had never dwindled.     

Moreover, in terms of quantity, these two streams of faith energy gave the most.     

"Could it be…" Chen Heng wondered.     

With a thought, thin threads appeared, extending out from his Divinities.     

Most of the threads were incredibly thin, seeming almost transparent, as if they would disappear at any moment.     

Only two threads looked incredibly corporeal and solid.     

As Chen Heng looked at those two threads, two auras appeared.     

Herdosiri and Lamu's figures immediately appeared in Chen Heng's mind.     

"As expected."      

Sensing their auras, Chen Heng came to an understanding.     

It seemed that the beggars' gratitude towards him was one type of faith energy, while the relationship between him and Herdosiri and Lamu was another type.     

Following this, Chen Heng left this place and did not continue to give out goods; he knew that even if he continued, there was not much point.     

Getting some temporary gratitude from these people was far too inefficient.     

He had only done so before to do some tests, and now he had his results.     

Following this, Chen Heng returned to his lodging.     

After returning, Herdosiri and Lamu were not there; it seemed that they had gone to do other things.     

Chen Heng was not surprised, and he sat on his bed as he started to do some Meditation.     

As he began doing Meditation, elemental particles all around him began to enter into his body, forming magic power.     

As his mental energy spread out, Chen Heng seemed to be able to see a big, formless net.     

This was an enormous net formed of mental energy and seemed incredibly unique.     

This massive net stood over the world as if it had always existed since ancient times.     

At that moment, as if it sensed Chen Heng's existence, the massive net opened up, inviting him to enter.     

"This is… the Magic Net?" Chen Heng thought to himself as he looked at this enormous net.     

Before, Herdosiri had told Chen Heng some things about this world, including things about Sorcerers.     

In this world, the Sorcerer system was closely tied to the Magic Net.     

Not only could Sorcerers sense this Magic Net while doing Meditation, but even casting magic skills required the help of the Magic Net.     

Chen Heng was quite curious about this unique existence.     

Before, Chen Heng thought that because he was not part of this world's Sorcerer system, he would not be able to sense the Magic Net.     

However, this did not seem to be the case.     

"This world's Magic Net seems to be able to be detected as long as one's mental energy is strong enough…" Chen Heng thought to himself as he sensed the massive network.     

Sitting on his bed, he hesitated for a moment before controlling his mind to rise up and come into contact with the Magic Net.     

In this world, the Magic Net was something that Sorcerers had to come into contact with.     

Chen Heng had been preparing to come into contact with this world's Sorcerer system and do some research on it.     

Since that was the case, the Magic Net was something that he could not avoid.     

Soon, a formless ripple spread out in the air.     

In Chen Heng's senses, he could tell that even though this Magic Net existed, it was not something that existed in the physical world, and it was instead in a higher plane of existence.     

On the surface, the Magic Net was layers of tentacles that people's mental energy could connect with.     

In an instant, Chen Heng broke through that formless barrier and connected to the Magic Net.     

Within the Magic Net was large amounts of information—all of the information was magic skill frameworks.     

When Chen Heng came into contact with the Magic Net, as if it sensed his powerful mental energy, all kinds of information appeared and gathered together.     

That information condensed and formed magic skill frameworks.     

However, as Chen Heng saw it, these magic skill frameworks were only semi-finished and were not too complex.     

Nevertheless, this was already enough to make him shocked.     

"This is…"      

Sitting on the bed and sensing this situation, Chen Heng was stunned.     

"So it's… like that…" Chen Heng thought to himself.     

For Chen Heng, who had experienced many worlds, he could immediately work out some of the mechanisms of the Magic Net.     

In order to verify his guesses, he directly acted.     

Large amounts of mental energy rushed out, and changes happened in Chen Heng's senses.     

As Chen Heng's mental energy passed through the Magic Net, the information in the surroundings condensed by themselves, forming temporary magic skill frameworks.     

As Chen Heng's mental energy flowed into them, these temporary magic skill frameworks turned into real magic skill frameworks.     

These magic skill frameworks existed in the Magic Net and created some kind of connection with Chen Heng.     

Sensing all of this, Chen Heng inwardly frowned.     

He could sense that as the magic skill frameworks were formed, the mental energy that he had sent in had been devoured by the Magic Net.     


"So it's like that…"      

Sensing this, Chen Heng understood the principles of the Magic Net.     

The so-called Magic Net was essentially a service provider, and it was operated by the Magic Goddess.     

Sorcerers could use the Magic Net to quickly access the power within it and condense magic skill frameworks to unleash magic skills.     

In a sense, this was incredibly convenient.     

However, it definitely was not free.     

Every time someone used the Magic Net's power, they would use up a large amount of their mental energy.     

This was essentially a fee for the Magic Net.     

Of course, using the Magic Net had great benefits.     

In a sense, the Magic Net could reduce the difficulty of casting magic skills to a certain extent.     

According to the Sorcerer World's Sorcerer system, if a Sorcerer wanted to cast a magic skill, unless they reinforced it on themselves, it would take a long process.     

From constructing the magic skill framework to casting the magic skill, there was a long period of time. Moreover, unless they were a powerful Sorcerer, there was a decent chance that the magic skill would fail.     

In the Sorcerer World, Chen Heng had heard of many Sorcerers who had died as a result of their magic skill failing.     

If one used the Magic Net to cast their magic skill, this risk essentially disappeared.     

Constructing magic skill frameworks in the Magic Net was essentially using the Magic Net's power to construct the magic skill framework ahead of time within the Magic Net, then using the Magic Net's power to store it.     

Thus, when they wanted to use the magic skill, they could directly use the magic skill stored in the Magic Net.     

It was very convenient.     

The Magic Net was filled with a large number of magic skill frameworks, and it could quickly form them.     

It was much simpler than Sorcerers constructing the magic skill frameworks themselves.     

With such a system, no wonder this world's Sorcerers all relied on the Magic Net.     

Standing there, Chen Heng shook his head.     

The Magic Net could indeed bring many benefits, but he could instantly tell many of the disadvantages of using it.     

The most evident one was that one would easily form a reliance on it.     

In the Sorcerer World, if Sorcerers wanted to cast magic skills, they had to go through a difficult process, and they could only do so after spending much time researching and training.     

However, in this world, given how convenient the Magic Net was, most Sorcerers most likely would not create their own magic skill frameworks and would instead rely on the Magic Net.     

After all, not only was it difficult to create magic skill frameworks, but there was also the risk of failure.     

Apart from a small minority, it was obvious what most people would pick.     

Given that most Sorcerers would choose to rely on the Magic Net, as time went on, their own ability to cast magic skills would become weaker and weaker.     

If there was one day that the Magic Net stopped operating, those Sorcerers' battle power would collapse, and they would be weaker than even the weakest warriors.     

Moreover, using the Magic Net was not free and required their mental energy.     

A bit of mental energy was not a big deal, but the problem was that they needed to create many magic skill frameworks.     

Before, Chen Heng had done some tests.     

After using the Magic Net to create magic skill frameworks, the magic skill frameworks would be stored in the Magic Net.     

However, they did not last forever.     

If those magic skill frameworks were not used before they expired, then they would collapse and disappear.     

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