Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 265 – Fighting

Chapter 265 – Fighting

0What could Points be used for?     

There were many answers to this.     

The most basic answer was that Points could be used to activate various functions of the simulator.     

Apart from this, after travelling from his previous world, Chen Heng realized that Points were a form of high-level energy.     

And now, Chen Heng was surprised to find that there was a method to gain points directly in this world.     

Undoubtedly, this kind of thing was very valuable, especially to Chen Heng.     

"I wonder what this is," Chen Heng thought to himself.     

Following this, Chen Heng continued to ponder.     

Without a doubt, the Simulation Points were a high level energy, and ordinary energy could not reach the level of Simulation Points.     

However, these monsters could.     

Just what were these monsters?     

At that moment, Chen Heng became quite wary.     

For something to be able to give Points, even if it seemed weak, its essence was definitely quite strong.     

No matter what that monster was, it was most likely quite dangerous and not as simple as it seemed.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng looked towards the corpse to the side.     

By then, the appearance of the corpse had greatly changed.     

Before, it had been using Herdosiri's appearance to try to fool Chen Heng.     

Now, it looked greatly different.     

It still looked like Herdosiri, but its skin became incredibly pale. The body began to twist as if it was going through changes.     

A strange and abnormal aura spread out from the corpse, causing Chen Heng to frown.     

As such, he waved his hand, causing magic energy to spread out, and a fire started.     

At that moment, the corpse was consumed by the flames, and a burnt smell arose from the corpse.     


A while later, a sharp cry sounded out, containing deep reluctance. It was like a death cry and sounded incredibly chilling.     

Standing there, Chen Heng was not disturbed at all by the cry.     

After a while, the flames dissipated, leaving behind only dust.     

However, within the dust, there was a black crystal.     

It looked quite similar to the one from before, but it was much smaller and seemed to contain less energy.     

Chen Heng looked quite happy and picked it up.     

A faint warm current flowed into his body, and the black crystal melted.     

Simulation Points: 87.     

The familiar interface once again appeared, and the black crystal added to Chen Heng's Simulation Points.     

However, compared to the previous one, this crystal gave him less—30 Points in total.     

However, this was still not bad—it was a good start.     

Looking at the number of Points he had, Chen Heng gave a slight smile.     

This was the first piece of good news he had received after coming to this world.     

Standing there, he thought for a moment before he found something to collect the dust with.     

From the situation from before, it seemed that these monsters were of quite high grade, so perhaps the things left from their corpses would be useful.     

As such, Chen Heng decided to put them away in case he needed them in the future.     

After doing this, Chen Heng got up and walked out.     

He decided to have a look at some of the other people's rooms, but they were all gone as well.     

It seemed that all of them were in other places.     

He had no idea if they were dead or alive.     

"This feeling…"      

Looking around, Chen Heng frowned.     

After looking around for a bit, he discovered some things.     

Hidden within some bushes, there was an altar, which had complex runes and inscriptions drawn on it.     

Those runes seemed to be the characters that priests used for sacrifices, and only priests that served gods would learn them.     

In the past, Chen Heng had seen these in the Moonlight Goddess' temple before.     

He had never thought that he would see it here.     

"Does it have to do with a god's priest?" Chen Heng thought to himself as a bad feeling welled up within him.     

In this world, gods had long since fallen silent, but there were still countless historical remnants.     

Those things usually meant trouble.     

If this place was a place where a god had been worshipped, they would be in trouble.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng's heart thumped.     

At that moment, some sounds came from outside.     

There were some footsteps, which sounded incredibly hurried.     

Those sounds seemed to come from outside the village.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng looked out and saw a hazy fog rise up.     

A figure rushed in from outside, towards where Chen Heng was.     

It seemed that that figure was running away from something.     

As he ran, he would occasionally go in Chen Heng's direction.     

"This is…"     

Seeing this, Chen Heng frowned.     

Following this, he seemed to sense something and suddenly looked up.     

Within the fog, a massive, savage-looking monster had appeared, giving off a suffocating pressure and an extremely dangerous feeling.     

Chen Heng had a feeling that if he did not quickly get rid of this monster, by the time this monster had dealt with the others, the next would be him.     

Chen Heng frowned and walked forwards.     

Dense fog rose up, and a hazy feeling covered the surroundings.     

Chen Heng felt a terrifying pressure rush at him as if it wanted to crush him to death.     

However, this feeling passed by in a flash.     

After a moment, Chen Heng opened his eyes and looked ahead.     

There, a massive monster was standing.     

Compared to the two monsters that Chen Heng had encountered, this monster was even stronger and gave off greater pressure.     

It was at least five or six meters tall and looked like a mountain of meat, and it seemed incredibly terrifying.     

This monster was currently hunting a figure.     

Ahead, Herdosiri was running and diving about, trying to avoid this terrifying monster's attacks.     

Within his arms was Lamu; he was being carried by Herdosiri as he ran about.     

It seemed that their situation was quite bad.     

That made sense—after all, this monster was incredibly powerful, and it was at a completely different level.     

Even if Chen Heng wanted to deal with it, it would take him a great deal of effort, and this was even more so for others.     

If Chen Heng did not act, Herdosiri and Lamu would be killed soon.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng shook his head and walked up.     

Ahead, after casually destroying a room, the mountain of meat roared and prepared to continue to give chase.     

However, at that moment, its body froze as if it sensed something before slowly turning and looking behind it.     

"What's going on?"      

Sensing the changes in the monster, Herdosiri and Lamu felt quite confused.     

This was the first time that the monster had stopped.     

However, regardless of why, this was a good thing.     

Herdosiri stopped and stood there as he rested, trying to recover as much of his strength as possible.     

However, in the next moment, a shocking scene emerged.     

Billowing flames erupted, wrapping around the massive monster and burning it.     

In the blink of an eye, the massive monster turned into a flaming giant.     

The monster continuously roared, and its entire body trembled. There seemed to be a strange black aura rising up from it, and its roars became louder and louder.     


The massive beast quickly turned and looked in a certain direction.     

In the next moment, its voice stopped.     

A massive golden sword flew down from the sky and pierced through the monster's entire chest, nailing it to the ground.     

The flames were still burning, and as Herdosiri and Lamu watched on, stupefied, the monster continuously roared, trying to get up.     

The golden sword gave off a mysterious aura and could cause any person's heart to tremble.     

Under the effects of magic energy, the surroundings became a world of flames.     


After a while, the monster completely disappeared and turned into dust, leaving behind only some remnant flames and golden light.     

"This is.."     

Seeing this scene, Herdosiri and Lamu fell silent for a long time, unable to come back to their senses.     

Soon, they saw a figure slowly walking over.     

The figure was not very tall and looked like a young man.     

His looks were handsome and delicate, and he directly walked through the flames, looking mighty and dignified.     

His appearance was one that Herdosiri and Lamu were familiar with.     

"Aktor…" Herdosiri was stunned and called out his name.     

He had not expected this scene at all.     

Even though they had been companions, Chen Heng had not revealed anything special about himself.     

It was as if Aktor had changed to a different person in an instant, becoming incredibly powerful.     

This was quite shocking.     

After walking closer, Chen Heng did not seem to fear anything and directly walked into the flames as he looked for something.     

His mental energy swept out, and he quickly found a black crystal, which flew into his hand.     

A warm feeling arose.     

Sensing that unique feeling, Chen Heng gave a slight smile and felt quite delighted.     

As the simulator absorbed the energy, the crystal soon turned to dust.     

Simulation Points: 180.     

In front of him, Chen Heng's Points once again appeared.     

It was a big gain.     

Looking at his Points, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

Compared to the previous two crystals, this black crystal had given Chen Heng much more energy.     

It was nearly 100 Points, which was not a small figure at all.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng could not help but smile, and he turned and looked ahead.     

Over there, Herdosiri and Lamu came to their senses.     

"Aktor?" Herdosiri hesitated for a moment before calling out his name.     

"It's me," Chen Heng nodded.     

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