Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 260 – Final Blessings

Chapter 260 – Final Blessings

0"Since the simulator's energy is not enough to support me leaving, then burn everything I have!" Chen Heng said as he looked towards the sky.     

As he spoke, his entire body began to burn.     

All of his magic energy, his essence, and even his soul were ignited.     

All of the Dao principles that Chen Heng had comprehended all appeared as well.     

A massive amount of energy spread out.     

A peak-level True Lord igniting everything they had would give off terrifying amounts of energy.     

With this energy, even the simulator went through some changes, and the words in front of Chen Heng became a bit clearer.     

However, even though Chen Heng was igniting his own energy to feed the simulator, it still did not seem like it was enough.     

"It still needs a bit more!"      

Seeing the changes in the simulator, Chen Heng frowned.     

After igniting himself, his body quickly became transparent. His soul, which would have been able to hold out for a few days, could now only last about half a day.     

However, it was not enough.     

The simulator remained silent.     

If possible, he did not want to wait.     

However, apart from waiting, he did not seem to have any other choices.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng sighed.     

It was just that at that moment, he suddenly sensed something.     

Within his senses, there seemed to be a certain energy growing in the world.     

But how was that possible?     

All of this world's energy had been sucked dry, leaving behind just a skeleton.     

However, Chen Heng had clearly sensed it.     

Moreover, he could sense that that energy was rushing towards a certain place—towards where Chen Heng was.     

"This is…"      

Sensing this, Chen Heng quickly raised his head and looked towards the sky.     

There, faint traces of light appeared.     

The sun had been extinguished, leaving this world as an icy cold and dark place.     

However, light now appeared in the sky, illuminating the surroundings.     

It was a person's figure; Chen Heng could roughly see their silhouette, but their features were too hazy.     

In the next moment, that figure turned into a weak ray of light and rushed at Chen Heng's body.     

Chen Heng could only watch as the light sank into his body, causing a warm feeling to enter him.     

As a result of this light entering him, Chen Heng's energy seemed to have increased by a bit.     

"This is…"     

Unfamiliar memories appeared in his mind, causing him to feel stunned.     

Before he could come to his senses, the entire world started to go through changes.     

Many more rays of white light appeared in the sky.     

All over the world, faint rays of light appeared above the corpses, rushing out into the sky.     

Those were the thoughts and wills of the deceased people; it was the best parts of their souls.     

At this moment, they seemed to sense the predicament of the last living creature in the world and rushed out.     

Light filled Chen Heng's vision.     

At first, there were just humans, but soon, even animals began to join.     

Seeing this scene, Chen Heng became stunned and felt quite complicated.     

A warmth and sense of familiarity appeared in his heart.     

He seemed to be able to sense the world itself, as well as its affectionate will.     

The world's consciousness!     

"Child, you need help…"      

Within the darkness, a faint consciousness spread out.     

This consciousness was very hazy and chaotic, but sensing Chen Heng's predicament, it released the energy that it had retained.     

That light in the sky was the energy from the people who had died.     

A formless energy covered the ground.     

When Chen Heng once again raised his head, his surroundings had been inundated.     

Boundless light rushed into his body, turning his surroundings into an ocean of light.     

A warm feeling enveloped Chen Heng, making him feel very comfortable.     

It was just that as this happened, the figures began to shatter.     

There seemed to be countless voices in Chen Heng's heart, giving him their blessings.     

"Go, go…"     

"This world is about to disappear, and we too will disappear…"     

"Carry our hope and blessings and leave…"     

Gentle voices sounded in Chen Heng's ears.     

At that moment, Chen Heng realized that many of these people were ones he was familiar with.     

There were his teachers and seniors, his friends, his sister, and his parents…     

It seemed that they had not truly died and came before Chen Heng to give him their blessings.     

Those people had already died, but their wishes still remained.     

At that moment, they stood there and smiled at Chen Heng.     

Behind the people he was familiar with were countless unfamiliar people.     

"It's time to leave…" a gentle voice sounded out as a terrifying energy exploded out.     

As if it was affected by this energy, the golden light became more and more powerful.     

Finally, the simulator was activated.     

"The simulator reboot has completed. Would you like to be transported?"     

Words appeared before Chen Heng, but now, they were golden and gave off a holy aura.     

Looking at those words, Chen Heng did not hesitate.     


A strange energy covered this area and shined on Chen Heng's body.     

At that moment, Chen Heng's body disappeared and left this place.     

After Chen Heng left that world, he came to a mysterious and unique place.     

He seemed to be in a river.     

That river was filled with a certain energy that continuously pushed him forwards.     

Sensing this, Chen Heng did his best to look backwards.     

Behind him, he could see a massive world.     

The world looked very big, but it had long since died, and it was a dark gray color. It gave off a feeling of decay, and all life within it seemed to have disappeared.     

Looking at this world, a feeling of closeness and sorrow appeared in his mind.     

Evidently, this was the world that Chen Heng had been in.     

Chen Heng stared at the world for a long, long time.     

Following this, he was continuously pushed forwards by the energy and came to a different place.     

Clear river water flowed like a real river, slowly heading forwards.     

However, this lake was incredibly complex.     

Almost every instant, Chen Heng would encounter dozens of splits, which were all different worlds.     

Most of the worlds were white and looked quite small. Only a small portion of worlds was bigger.     

From Chen Heng's observations, those seemed to be the lowest level worlds and were inferior even to his own world.     

Even though his world's lifeforce had been stolen, just its size was much bigger than these worlds.     

Evidently, they were on a different level.     

Occasionally, Chen Heng could see some other worlds.     

Those worlds were red and were much larger than most worlds.     

These worlds were about the same size as Chen Heng's previous world.     

According to Chen Heng's estimates, when his old world had been at its peak, it most likely would have been a red one as well.     

However, Chen Heng did not choose those either.     

As he floated through this river, he had time to choose.     

As such, he naturally wanted to choose a good world.     

Time gradually passed.     

Within this river, there was not a strict concept of time.     

Chen Heng felt that much time had passed, but he could not tell how long it had been.     

By now, he could feel that he was reaching some kind of limit and had to make a choice.     


As such, he looked about and prepared to make a choice.     

Soon, his opportunity came.     

Ahead, a massive world appeared in front of him.     

It was a massive world, and it was much bigger than Chen Heng's old world. Out of the worlds that Chen Heng had seen, it was in the top five.     

On the surface of the world, there was red light, while in the core, there was a faint golden light.     

Looking at this world, Chen Heng did not hesitate and swam towards that world.     

Through his efforts, he slowly got closer to that world.     

However, at that moment, something unexpected happened.     

Not too far away, a massive attractive force appeared.     

A new world appeared.     

Chen Heng instinctively looked over and was stunned.     

In that direction, there was an enormous world.     

It was azure-colored, and there was faint violet qi near the core.     

An incredibly prestigious aura could be felt, and it was without a doubt the biggest world that Chen Heng had seen.     

Just the light from it made one feel suffocated.     

Based on what Chen Heng had observed, the different levels of worlds were like the different levels of Fortune.     

The most ordinary worlds were white. Not only were they very small, but they did not have much energy either.     

Above white was red.     

Chen Heng's previous world had been like that.     

Above red was gold. By this level, they were incredibly rare.     

After spending so much time in this river, Chen Heng had only seen five gold worlds.     

Finally, azure was even higher than gold and seemed to be an apex world.     

Moreover, it even had some violet at its core.     

It was this world that had dragged on Chen Heng.     

This world gave off an intense attractive force, sucking in everything nearby.     

For the other worlds Chen Heng had seen, all of them gave off a somewhat repelling force. On the other hand, this massive world not only did not repel him but instead dragged him in.     

Evidently, this world was very different from the other worlds.     

As Chen Heng headed towards that world, he saw other things.     

There was another massive world to its side. It was covered with a dark azure color and had some mottled dots, giving off a sense of chaos.     

In terms of level, it seemed to be of a lower level than the other world, but it was much bigger than the other one.     

In front of Chen Heng, the two worlds were stuck together tightly.     

This unique scene caused Chen Heng to stare, and he felt quite shocked.     

By now, he was coming closer and closer to the two worlds.     

Ahead, one of the worlds' attractive forces appeared, dragging Chen Heng's soul in.     

In that instant, Chen Heng's soul flew out and entered that world.     


A clear sound rang out as Chen Heng's soul entered that world, and massive amounts of energy descended.     

After entering that world, Chen Heng could feel an intense pulling force from all directions.     

This world's laws were affecting his body, wanting to devour him and fuse his energy into the world.     

Chen Heng had expected this.     

Faint golden light shined as the simulator's power once again appeared.     

As Chen Heng watched on, the remaining Points dove and reduced by half, and the pulling force disappeared.     

Formless energy descended on Chen Heng, giving him a baptism and turning him into a being of this world.     

After this transformation was completed, the world's laws no longer rejected him and accepted him in.     

In the next moment, everything disappeared.     

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