Help...My Wife is a Spy

Bad News

Bad News

0"Miss Song," the doctor greeted as Avaleigh and Emerson sat nervously opposite her. Emerson had rushed to the hospital as soon as Steven told him something didn't seem right and he naturally offered to accompany his girlfriend into the doctor's office. "Remember how we ran a few routine checks when you were here last time?" the doctor continued.     

Avaleigh took a deep breath, nodded her head, and held Emerson's hand. "Is something wrong, doctor?"     

The doctor flipped over a document and placed it in front of the couple. She then said in a soft, gentle voice, "We found some abnormalities in your pap test..."     

Avaleigh's heart dropped when she heard this. Abnormalities in her pap test...? Pap tests were done to check for cervical cancer, so an abnormality could only mean one thing... Was it wrong for her to jump to conclusions?     

"Do I...have...cancer?" she asked nervously. Emerson looked at Avaleigh in surprise. As a man, he didn't really understand pap tests so he didn't realize this was what an abnormality meant. Avaleigh's mind began to spin and she felt like she couldn't breathe. Emerson immediately wrapped his arms around Avaleigh's shoulder and waited for the doctor's response.     

The doctor looked at the couple calmly and said in a comforting voice, "We need to run a few more tests to confirm it. It may be non-cancerous. We can't be sure yet, but we need to take it seriously and not make any delays."     

Avaleigh bit her lip and held back her tears.     

"What if it's confirmed?" Avaleigh asked. "Will I...die...?"     

Avaleigh was only 24 and she still had so much that she wanted to do. How could she accept news like this?     

"We will check the stage at which your cancer has progressed. It is likely in the early stages since you are young. The majority of people with cervical cancer will recover after surgery and chemoradiation therapy," the doctor explained. "At this point, you don't need to be too worried."     

"But I must warn you...there is a chance that it may affect your ability to fall pregnant in the future... I want you to consider this and mentally prepare yourself..."     

Avaleigh trembled a little when she heard this and she subconsciously looked at Emerson to see his response. But, Emerson simply looked at her lovingly and said, "Don't worry, I will be right here by your side. Everything will be OK."     

Avaleigh didn't know what to say. She knew this man loved her, but she didn't want to put him through the stress nor did she want to deny him the chance to be a father.     

As she walked out of the doctor's office, her legs felt so weak that she almost collapsed on the floor. How could something like this happen to her?     

At that moment, Danson and Steven rushed over to check on her. "Is everything alright?" Danson asked.      

Without saying a word, Avaleigh buried her head into Emerson's chest and broke down in tears.     


Meanwhile, not too far away, things were completely contrasting for another couple. By now, Halia was past the 8th month of her pregnancy and was heading into the final stretch. She and Jackson knew the baby would be arriving soon so they were putting their final touches on the nursery and packing a bag in preparation for labor.      

At this point, they still didn't know the gender of their child because they wanted it to be a surprise, so everything in the nursery was neutral-colored. "If we have a boy, what should we name him?" Jackson asked.     

Halia thought for a bit and laughed. "Since you're 'Jack's son' and Emerson is 'Emma's son', we can call our son Halson or Jacksonson," she joked.     

Jackson pinched her on the nose for being cheeky and chuckled, "Then, what if we have a girl, what will we name her?"     

Halia gave her husband a mysterious look and smiled. She had a name in mind but she wanted to surprise him. "You'll find out when the time comes..."     

Jackson hugged his wife and placed a kiss on her forehead. This woman always knew how to keep him on his toes. "Well, I guess if we have a son this time, I'll have to keep trying for a daughter to find out..." he said with a seductive grin.     

Halia felt her body heat up as she looked at the man's grin and heard the suggestive manner of his words. She pulled him closer to her body and whispered in his ear, "Then, I guess you better start practicing."      

As soon as she said this, Jackson turned his head and planted his lips firmly against hers.      

Even though some couples chose not to be intimate during pregnancy, this was not the case for Jackson and Halia. Some men were disgusted by their wife's changing body, and some women lost confidence in themselves, but Jackson simply grew more and more attracted to Halia. She was the mother of his child and every change to her body made him love her more.     

Some people think that having sex during pregnancy is dangerous, but not only is it safe, it releases calming hormones and it increases blood flow, which actually benefits the mother and the baby.     

After some hot and steamy exercise, Halia lay in Jackson's arms and smiled in satisfaction.     

At that moment, Halia received a phone call from Natalie. "Halia, have you seen the entertainment news?" she asked.     

Halia placed Natalie on speaker curiously and swiped to an entertainment news website on her phone. At the very top was an article with the headline: [Gold Digger Avaleigh Makes Boyfriend Open An Agency For Her]. Underneath it, in smaller writing: [Uses her connections to secure endorsement for Fengtai].     

The article not only revealed that Emerson was the boss of AE Entertainment, it also revealed the relationship between Emerson, Jackson, Halia, and Fengtai. It made Avaleigh sound like a schematic person that used everyone around her as stepping stones, and it made Fengtai sound unreliable and biased.     

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