Help...My Wife is a Spy

Did You Bring That Thing?

Did You Bring That Thing?

0"I'm disappointed in you," Mia said as she closed the door and looked at the woman that was tied to the bed. "I thought you were stronger than this."     

Jaclyn turned towards the familiar voice. As she watched the tall, angelic woman walk towards her, she began to cry, "My head hurts and I feel so sick that I want to die. Please, Mia, Just give me one shot. I promise I'll quit after that. You've been through this before, you know how tough it is. I'm not as strong as you, I can't handle it. But now that I know what to expect, it will be easier on my second attempt. Please, I swear this will be the last time."     

Mia sat down beside the pitiful woman and shook her head.     

"You're right, I've been through what you're experiencing now. But, that's exactly why I know the second attempt won't be easier. What's truly easier for you, is for you to get over this hurdle now. If you pull through these next few days, it will be easier for you to quit for good. I'm not as strong as you think. I've simply drowned out my cravings with alcohol," Mia replied with a sigh.     

Seeing Jaclyn like this, reminded her of herself, so deep down, she wasn't just disappointed in Jaclyn, she was also disappointed in herself.     

Sure, she had quit heroin for good, but she had simply replaced it with another addiction. An addiction that she was so reluctant to quit that she even snuck into her brother's bar to satiate her cravings.     

Mia looked at Jaclyn, placed her thumb against her cheek and gently wiped away her tears. "You will be fine," she said as her hands trembled a little.     

It had almost been two days since she last had a drop of alcohol and she was struggling with her own cravings.     

Jaclyn noticed Mia's shaky hands and her pale face. Now that she thought about it, Mia had stayed up all night with her and she never saw her drink any alcohol. Was she still addicted to alcohol? If she was, then was she also experiencing withdrawal symptoms?     

Were they both going through a similar situation?     

Jaclyn looked into Mia's eyes and felt her heart break as the woman's soft, caring hands brushed against her cheek. There were so many people concerned about her: Jackson, Halia, John, and Mia. But, who was showing concern towards Mia? Was she receiving help?     

Jaclyn was there when Mia snuck into her brother's bar, but she never asked her why she had snuck in. Now that she thought about it, everything suddenly made sense. "Was that why you were at Muller that day? Did you sneak into Muller to steal alcohol?" Jaclyn asked.     

There was a trace of pain in Mia's eyes as she nodded her head in shame. She was embarrassed by her addiction, but she had become so reliant on the alcohol that she didn't feel like she could function without it.     

"Does John and your brother know about your addiction?" Jaclyn continued to ask.     

Mia nodded again as she tried to stop her trembling hands.     

Jaclyn wanted to reach out her hands to comfort Mia, but they were tied to the bed. So, all she could do was stare into the woman's eyes, "Don't worry, you will be fine too. Both of us will be fine."     

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. "Dinner's ready!" John's voice called out as he stepped in with a tray of food.     

Mia's eyes lit up as she saw the food, "Wow, there's pork knuckle, bratwurst, and even pretzel. Your brother and sister-in-law sure know how to spoil you."      

Jaclyn glanced at the food and felt slightly moved. So many people cared about her, how could she disappoint them and give up so easily.      

"Untie me," she suddenly said.     

Mia turned to the woman in surprise. Was she still trying to leave?     

Jaclyn saw the frustration in Mia's eyes and laughed, "If you don't untie me, how will I eat?"     

Mia glanced at John and John nodded his head as he locked the door behind him, "Don't worry, she can't escape."     


After leaving John's place, Halia and Jackson took a quick walk around the city center and returned to their hotel after dinner. They had woken up really early that morning and were exhausted, so they decided to call it a night.     

But...just because they were returning to the hotel didn't mean that Jackson had forgotten about dessert...     

As soon as they walked in through their hotel room door, Jackson immediately approached Halia from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. "When are we having dessert?" he asked seductively beside her ear. "You still owe me."     

Halia gasped in surprise as her entire body tingled at the sound of the man's voice. When she first made the offer to buy him dessert, she was referring to a cake or some gelato, but...this man was obviously referring to something else.     

"We ate so much today. Aren't you full?" she asked, pretending to be oblivious.     

Jackson knew his fiancee was deliberately messing with him. She was much too smart to not get his hint, so he wasn't letting her off easy.     

He quickly spun her around to face him and said with a smirk, "There's always room for dessert." He then pressed his lips against hers passionately before she could refuse.     

Ever since that morning when she tried on her first wedding dress at the shop, he had been holding back his desires. After all, the curves on her body were sexy, her legs were long and slender, her bum was round and perky, and her chest...     

Jackson gently ran his hands up Halia's body and cupped them around her breasts. They were as soft as he remembered from their last encounter. He couldn't wait to remove her clothes and become one with her.     

But, Halia suddenly grabbed onto his hand and said, "Did you bring that thing?"     

Jackson looked at his fiancee with confusion. "What thing?" he asked.     

"You know...that thing? You can't have dessert without it..." Halia said shyly.     

Jackson placed a hand to his forehead. "No, I didn't bring any," he said with disappointment.     

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