Help...My Wife is a Spy

Not Friends

Not Friends

0Trisha dried her face with a paper towel and stepped out of the bathroom with a sigh. Maybe it was a bad idea for her to stay in Munich. How could a single man and woman stay in a hotel all alone for such a long period of time? How was she supposed to control her feelings when she had to face this man night and day?     

At that moment, Trisha spotted Oliver walking towards her. It seemed, he needed to go to the bathroom as well.     

Trisha forced a smile on her face and suddenly said to the man, "I'm going to return to Hong Kong tomorrow."     

Oliver looked at the woman in surprise. Jackson had clearly given her an extra week off to stay in Munich, why was she leaving so suddenly?      

He looked into the woman's eyes and noticed they were slightly red. Was she upset about something?     

All of a sudden, a voice called out behind him, "Oliver..."      

Oliver and Trisha looked towards the direction of the voice.     

It was Mila.      

The woman walked straight up to Oliver and hooked her arm with his. "Why did you suddenly get up without a word? Are you not feeling well?" she asked with concern.     

Oliver had actually gotten up because he was worried about Trisha. Also, he was curious whether his suspicions were correct. Trisha had been acting strange and his instincts told him it was due to jealousy. Was he imagining things?     

Trisha scanned her eyes across the two and felt them burn with jealousy as she furrowed her brows. She quickly glanced away; she had to control herself.     

With a forced smile, she looked towards the exit and said, "Please excuse me, I need to go back to the hotel to pack. I have a flight to catch tomorrow. Oliver, you can stay here with Mila if you want. I can go to the airport on my own in the morning."     

She then brushed past the two and headed for the door.     

But, a hand suddenly gripped firmly around her wrist and held her back.     

Trisha turned her head in surprise.     

It was Oliver.     

Trisha glanced down at the man's hand. Why was he stopping her? Shouldn't he be thankful that she was giving him a chance to spend some time alone with Mila? Mila was young, beautiful, sexy...the type of woman that every man liked.      

But, Oliver's hand slid down her wrist and he intertwined his fingers with hers. "Let's leave together," he said as he held onto her hand tightly. "Sorry Mila, we have something urgent to deal with. Can you please help us thank your family for a lovely dinner. If you are ever in London or Hong Kong, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to show you around."     

After Oliver finished speaking, he dragged Trisha out the front door and onto the main street.     

"What are you doing?" Trisha yelled out. "Let go of me. I can walk on my own."     

But, Oliver ignored her as he continued to pull her down the street without saying a word.      

Trisha glanced down at their intertwined fingers and felt her heart beat out of rhythm. Why did this man always stir up her feelings like this? If he continued to do stuff like this, it would make her misunderstand.     

"I can honestly return to the hotel on my own. Don't forget, I have a black belt in karate," Trisha said as she tried to free her hand.     

At that moment, Oliver turned into a quiet alleyway and gently pressed Trisha against the wall.     

"Why are you suddenly leaving?" he finally asked.     

Trisha glanced up at the man. The night was dark, but his diamond blue eyes somehow managed to sparkle under the moonlight. They were completely mesmerizing and Trisha felt herself get lost in his eyes for a moment.     

"Don't look at me like that," she whispered as her heart broke. If he kept looking at her like that, she wouldn't be able to leave him.     

"Why?" Oliver asked as he moved in closer to the woman and trapped her between his arms.     

"Friends don't look at each other like that," Trisha said. "You should leave that look for women like Mila."     

A trace of amusement appeared in Oliver's eyes as he continued to stare at the woman. From where he stood, he could feel the woman's warm breaths against his lips and they tickled his heart. Earlier that day, he had snuck a kiss from the corner of her lips, but at that moment, he wanted so badly to match his lips with hers and kiss her properly.     

"Do I sense jealousy?" he teased while looking hopeful. He always thought his feelings were one-sided, but today, he noticed something that he never did before. Trisha always maintained a poker face, but he saw underneath the surface today and sensed something from her heart. Was he imagining things?     

At that moment, Trisha's breathing sped up and her face turned slightly red.      

"N-N-No..." Trisha replied.     

Oliver felt his heart almost explode when he heard this response. The usually composed Trisha was stuttering. She was nervous. She was lying!     

Trisha felt her cheeks heat up and quickly tried to add to her lie, "I was simply..."     

But, before she managed to tell her lie, a pair of lips covered her mouth, preventing any sound from escaping.     

Trisha tried to gasp in surprise, but when she opened her mouth to take a breath, she felt the man slip his tongue into her mouth.     

Trisha opened her eyes wide and looked at the face that was in front of her. Oliver had his eyes closed as he continued to kiss her.     

That's right, he was kissing her and she was subconsciously kissing him back. Trisha felt like she was in a dream as she closed her eyes and savored the softness of the man's lips. This kiss was different from the questionable kiss from earlier. This was a real kiss. A passionate kiss. A kiss between lovers...not friends...     

Trisha gently nudged the man away. As she caught her breath, she asked, "Why are you kissing me?"     

Oliver smirked slightly and wrapped his arms around Trisha's waist. He then pulled her close to his body and whispered beside her ear. "Isn't it obvious that I like you?" he asked.     

He then pressed his lips firmly against hers again and kissed her with all his might. She wasn't leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow. He wasn't letting her leave...     

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