Help...My Wife is a Spy

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

0It was a long flight back to China and Hong Kong, but Jackson and Halia did not spend a second not thinking about the other person.      

As soon as the plane landed, Jackson rushed over to the Interpol office without dropping off his luggage at home first and reported to the headquarters.     

"Jackson Wu, head of Hong Kong Interpol reporting. I am back in Hong Kong now and the human trafficking case is now in the hands of the French and German branches. Thank you for sending backup and assistance. My sister is now safe and the criminals have been caught," Jackson said.     

"Good Job, Captain Wu. I knew you were a great asset. The guys from France and Germany have already sent in their reports too. Glad to hear that you are back in Hong Kong. How are you settling into your new role?" President Kim said on the other end of the phone.     

Jackson cleared his throat awkwardly and replied, "I'm sorry, President Kim, but I'm actually planning to step down from my role."      

"Already?" President Kim said with disappointment. "But, we need someone like you to lead our operations over there. No one else fits the bill. May I ask the reason for your decision?"     

"I'm getting married," Jackson replied simply.     

"I'm married too. The two things don't have to clash," President Kim said.     

"I know, but I think it's time I settle down and live a simple life. Plus, I don't want to be separated from my wife," Jackson explained.     

"Can't your wife move to Hong Kong?" President Kim asked.     

"No, her role is only available in Beijing."     

President Kim thought for a second. What job was only available in Beijing?     

He had no idea that Halia was an SPU agent.     

"Well, if you must leave, there's nothing I can do. But, before we find a replacement, I hope you can stay for as long as possible to make the transition process smooth," President Kim sighed.     

"Actually, I have someone I would like to recommend," Jackson replied.     

"Oh?" President Kim said with interest.     

"Trisha Hua, one of the senior agents here. I think she has what it takes to fill the shoes," Jackson suggested.     

President Kim nodded his head, "I'll take her into consideration."     


A few hours after Jackson landed, Halia also arrived back in Beijing.     

It felt like a while since she last stepped foot in the city.     

As she walked out of the departure gate, Sean was there to pick her up.       

"How did things go in Europe?" Sean asked. "I heard from Natalie that you found Jaclyn."     

Even though she was all the way in Europe, Halia did not forget to contact her best friend, and of course, Natalie shared the good news with Sean.     

"Yes, we found her and we arrested the criminals involved with her kidnapping and trafficking," Halia replied. "I guess it went smoothly."      

Sean nodded and led Halia to his car.     

As soon as she arrived back at her apartment, Coco ran up to greet her. The little brown poodle hadn't seen its owner for a few weeks and it missed her dearly. Fortunately, Max fed her every single day and Cleo took her for walks with Maximus.     

"I should treat Cleo and Max to dinner for taking care of Coco for me," Halia smiled. "It seems like they've taken good care of her."     

Halia didn't close the front door yet, so a figure suddenly appeared in the doorway and gave a gentle knock. "I think I should be thanking you instead, Sister-in-law," a familiar husky voice said.     

Halia turned around and saw Max standing in the doorway, "Max!"     

"If you didn't tell me to feed Coco for you, I would have never met Cleo," the man chuckled.     

Halia scanned her eyes up and down Max. It had only been a few weeks, but he looked like he had lost a bit of weight. It seemed, there was a decent-looking man hidden underneath all the layers of fat.     

"You're looking good," Halia praised.     

"Cleo's been managing my food intake and we've been exercising together. We've also been walking the dogs every day. I feel good," Max said with a big smile.     

"By the way, Jackson told me to come help you move," Max said as he looked around the apartment.     

"Move?" Halia asked with curiosity.     

"You're getting married. It's only right for you to move in together. Besides, you don't expect me to continue cleaning Jackson's apartment every week, right?" Max said as he pulled out a key and waved it in front of Halia.     

Apart from feeding Coco, Halia had also told Max to clean Jackson's apartment while she was gone.     

But, it was time to hand the place back to its rightful owner.     

Halia looked at Max in surprise. Jackson sure knew how to surprise her.     

"Since I'm here, I might as well help too," Sean chuckled as he looked around. "Where do you want us to start?"     

Halia sighed helplessly and walked over to her wardrobe. "I guess we'll start with my clothes," she surrendered. Luckily, she had only moved into the apartment not long ago and didn't have many things, so this was a much easier task than expected.     

But, another thing that she didn't expect was the scene she was faced with when she opened the door to Jackson's apartment.     

As soon as she stepped in through the front door, there were fresh flowers sitting in a vase on the dining table. The fragrant scent of lavender filled the apartment - her favorite scent. And, sitting next to the door were two pairs of slippers: a pink pair and a blue pair. Halia looked at Max in surprise. "Jackson called me yesterday and told me to prepare all this. He owes me big time," Max said. "Wait 'til you see the rest of the place."     

Halia put down the box in her hands and looked around in curiosity. She then headed into the bathroom. Sitting by the sink were two cups and two toothbrushes. On the towel rack were two fresh towels and behind the door hung two bathrobes.     

Halia smiled. This man sure knew how to make her feel welcome.      

She then walked into the bedroom. But, as soon as she stepped foot inside, she froze.      

Behind the headboard hung a beautiful portrait.     

It was a portrait of her and Jackson at Neuschwanstein Castle!     

Halia smiled...     

She was home...     

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