Help...My Wife is a Spy

Your Wife Is Getting Stolen

Your Wife Is Getting Stolen

0Halia realized she wasn't breathing and quickly took a deep breath.     

"Who are you kidding? I'm just a little legal assistant. There's no way I would be related to the almighty casino empire that is the Wu Family," Halia said as she took a couple of steps back.     

"Oh?" Emerson questioned with suspicion in his eyes. "I guess I must have been mistaken," he said casually with a shrug.     

Then, with a slight smirk, he said, "Either way, it was nice meeting you...Mr. Mars Wu..."     

He then walked away to greet some other guests.     

After he was gone, Marissa turned to Halia and asked, "What do you think? Was he fascinated by you? Was he jealous?"     

Halia kept her eyes on Emerson and shook her head, "No...he wasn't jealous."     

She had seen him jealous before, and he was not jealous right now.     

Marissa frowned, "What must I do to get his attention? Stupid Emerson Wu!"     

"Perhaps, you should stop trying so hard..." Halia replied.     

She then excused herself and went to the bathroom. She needed to have a proper look at herself in the mirror. Did Emerson really not recognize her?     

As soon as Halia walked into the bathroom, she quickly checked that there was no one else in there and ran over to the mirror.      

Her mustache was glued firmly in place, her hair was neatly slicked back, and her chest was wrapped tightly. Her disguise was intact.      

Halia shook her head and laughed. She had been too paranoid.     

As if anyone could tell she was a girl. Even she barely recognized herself.     

At that moment, she suddenly heard some noises from outside the bathroom. Someone was coming!     

In a panic, she ran into one of the toilet cubicles. But then she quickly realized she didn't have to. She was a man inside the men's toilet, what was wrong with that?     

However, just as she was about to step back out, she overheard a conversation between three men, "Roy is having an afterparty at his place. Let's go."     

"Really? Who else is going?"     

"He invited most of the young people that are here today. You know him, he's always trying to show off."     

"That guy is such a try-hard. He hangs around with the rich and flaunts his money, but he will never truly be one of us."     

"But, you gotta admit, he does throw great parties..."     

Halia smirked when she heard this. Roy was having a party at his place. This sounded like the perfect opportunity to search for more evidence.     

She just needed to be invited.     

After the three men left, she also left the bathroom deep in thought. How was she going to get an invite to Roy's party? She wasn't someone he wanted to impress.     

But, as soon as she stepped out, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her out onto a quiet balcony.     

"Tell me, what exactly happened yesterday?" a familiar man asked.     

Halia looked at the man. She had only met him twice yesterday, but she recognized who he was. It was Danson Qian, Marissa's stepson.      

It was odd to call this man Marissa's stepson. After all, he looked the same age as Marissa, if not older. But, that was the result of marrying someone 28 years her senior.      

"I know Marissa would never faint because of my father. She was never genuine towards him. Only the old man didn't see it," Danson said. "So why did she faint?"     

Halia pulled her arm away from the man's grip and gently massaged her wrist.     

"I don't know about your family matters, but she honestly fainted while we were going through your father's receipts," Halia replied.     

Danson looked at Halia with suspicion, "Why did she invite you here today? Are the two of you together? Did she seduce you last night and convince you to come here with her?"     

"No, there's nothing going on between us," Halia answered honestly.     

But, Danson did not believe her, "That woman is a snake. There is only one motive for everything she does...Emerson Wu. Everything she does is for him. She probably invited you today to make him jealous. She must have tried everything to get you to come. Did the two of you sleep together last night?"     

Halia remembered how desperate the woman was the previous night. Was this the reason why she was trying so hard to seduce her?     

Halia furrowed her brows, "How do you know this? What about your father? She married him. Wasn't she genuine with him?"     

"She only married my father because she wanted his PR company. My father's PR company manages all the marketing for Golden Dream Casino - and we all know who the CEO is..."     

"If you don't want to be used anymore, I suggest you leave," Danson said as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.     

Halia couldn't leave. She had to find a way to get into Roy's party.     

" I said already, there's nothing going on between us, so I'm not leaving, but thanks for the word of warning..." Halia said as she turned to leave the balcony.     

But, as soon as she turned around, she felt a tight grip on her wrist again.     

Halia quickly looked at Danson in surprise. As her gaze met his, she noticed something odd about the look in his eyes. He looked slightly sad...and even jealous...     

"Let go of me," Halia warned. She was a highly trained SPU agent. If this man didn't let go on the count of ten, she was going to free herself by force.     

But, just as she said this, she suddenly felt an arm around her shoulder and saw an arm stretch out to pull Danson's hand away. "I'm sorry if Mars offended you, Mr. Qian, but please keep your hands to yourself," a familiar voice said.     

Halia looked beside her and realized she was in the arms of her boss, Morton Meng.     

He was also attending the event and happened to pass by. When he noticed Halia being bullied on the balcony he immediately came to her rescue.     

"This little legal assistant of yours is trying to seduce my stepmother. I was just giving him a warning. It won't be good for your reputation or ours if someone was to find out," Danson said as he glared at Morton.     

Morton smirked, "Mars would never seduce your stepmother. He is here on official business. I approved for him to accompany Miss Qian here because I was worried she would faint again. After all, she is an important client of ours."     

"Well...I'm here now. I can accompany my stepmother. This little legal assistant has no business being here anymore," Danson said.     

Morton turned to Halia and smiled gently, "Since Miss Qian has someone to accompany her now. You can go home, Mars."     

"But..." Halia tried to think of an excuse to stay.     

"No buts," Morton quickly cut in. "If you stay any longer, you might get hurt. I don't want to see you getting hurt..." he said as he patted her on the head.     

Not too far away, someone watched the entire scene unravel on the balcony and took some photos on his phone. He then sent an MMS: "Hurry back before your wife gets stolen." Attached to the MMS was one photo of Danson holding onto Halia's wrist and one photo of Morton patting Halia on the head.     

Emerson watched as the message sent and sighed, "Haili, what are you getting up to this time?"     

He then put his phone away and started walking towards the balcony...     

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