Help...My Wife is a Spy

Trickier Than He Thought

Trickier Than He Thought

0Halia and Emerson stepped out of the elevator and was immediately met with a large pair of wooden doors. They could hear a light thumping from the bass inside the apartment and knew they were at the right place; there was definitely a party inside.     

Roy owned the penthouse apartment, so the entire top floor belonged to him and it provided the privacy needed for hosting exclusive parties. After all, he made quite a lot of money from all his embezzling.     

"Is my wig in place?" Halia checked nervously as Emerson knocked on the door. She had been working with Roy every single day for almost three weeks so she was worried that he would be able to recognize her. But, Emerson ran his eyes up and down the woman and smiled, "You look perfectly fine."     

At that moment, the door flew open and Roy stood in the doorway. Music suddenly blared from inside the apartment. The lights were off and only a few dim lamps dotted the apartment, but Halia could see some people dancing inside. They had arrived a little late, so most of the guests were already inside and there appeared to be roughly 30-40 people. Emerson recognized most of them, but Halia never attended social events so she didn't know who they were.     

"Welcome," Roy smiled as soon as he saw Emerson. This was the first time Emerson had ever attended one of his parties so he was really excited. Successfully inviting Emerson was like leveling up in the socialite world. He then looked at the woman beside him. "May I ask who this is?" he said as he stared at Halia with interest. He knew all the rich socialites that frequented Beijing but he had never seen this woman before, who was she? Was she not rich? Or was she not from Beijing?     

"This is my friend, Haili Feng," Emerson replied.     

Roy thought for a second before his eyes opened wide in shock. "Haili Feng? The heiress of Fengtai Corporation?" he asked.     

Halia nodded and shook the man's hand. It was surprising that so many people knew who she was.     

Roy smiled proudly. The mysterious heiress of Fengtai Corporation was in his home! It was his lucky day! Not only did he get Emerson to come, Haili Feng was also there!     

He ran his eyes up and down Halia and smiled. She was absolutely beautiful. He couldn't help but wonder if she had a partner. Was Emerson her partner?     

"Why are you here with Emerson, Miss Feng?" Roy asked with curiosity. He never invited her so it was weird that she was there.     

"I missed the charity event today and Emerson told me there was an after-party, so I decided to come. I haven't caught up with him for a long time and it's rare for him to be in Beijing. Plus, I love parties," Halia replied trying to sound convincing.     

Roy smiled proudly, "Well you made the right choice. I host the best parties in town."     

He then pointed to a bar that he got specifically designed for his apartment, "Miss Feng, since I'm the host, can I have a drink with you?"     

Judging by Halia's response, it sounded like she and Emerson were just friends, so Roy saw a little window of hope.     

Halia looked at the sleazy face opposite her and knew exactly what Roy was thinking. She had heard enough dirty stories from his mouth to know how he thought. So, she immediately grabbed onto Emerson's arm and asked, "Would you like to have a drink, Emerson?"     

Emerson looked at Halia with confusion. Why was she suddenly acting so affectionate? Was this a part of her plan? Unsure of how to respond, he simply nodded his head.     

Roy sighed and led them to his personal bar. It seemed, she was already interested in Emerson. It explained why she was at this party when she normally kept such a low profile. Of course, it made sense, which girl would choose him over Emerson. Emerson was one of the most eligible bachelors.      

While all this was happening, Marissa and Danson stepped out of the elevator behind them. As soon as the doors opened, Marissa caught the moment when Halia wrapped her arm around Emerson's and it made her pause for a second. They looked so close.     

She clenched her fists in frustration again while Danson looked at her with amusement.     

"They make a great couple," he teased beside her ear.     

Marissa scoffed and stormed into the apartment before the door closed. "I need a drink," she said as she followed Halia, Emerson, and Roy to the bar.      

She then squeezed her way between Halia and Emerson and revealed a huge smile, "One gin and tonic, please. That's your favorite, isn't it, Emerson?"     

Halia looked at Emerson in surprise, "You drink gin and tonic too? Here, pass me the bottle Roy, I make the best G&T's!"     

Marissa furrowed her brows as Halia picked up a bottle of gin. Then, to her surprise, Halia spread out a line of glasses, tossed the bottle up, spun it around her wrist and started pouring drinks.     

Marissa wasn't the only one that was surprised.      

A small crowd quickly gathered around and cheered as Halia finished and put down the bottle     

Emerson looked at Halia with amazement. "I never knew you could do that!" he whispered beside her.     

"There's a lot about me that you don't know," the woman replied.     

Unlike his brother, Emerson had no idea that Halia had once worked at a bar. In fact, even though he knew she was an SPU agent, in his eyes, she was still a sweet innocent woman that needed protecting. But, Halia was much more than that!     

Danson picked up one of the glasses of gin and tonic and took a sip. "Tastes good," he complimented as he raised the glass. "I'm sure Emerson would be pleased with this."     

Marissa immediately frowned and stepped on the man's foot. She was already annoyed; he didn't have to rub salt in her wounds.     

Danson flinched in pain and accidentally bumped against Halia. But somehow, this caused the drink in her hand to tip all over her dress.     

Danson quickly turned in surprise. "I'm so sorry," he said.     

Halia lightly brushed her dress and said it was OK, she then excused herself and went to the bathroom.     

Marissa immediately held back her smile. She didn't plan that accident, but it happened perfectly like someone in heaven was watching over her.     

Meanwhile, Danson looked at Halia with confusion. He was sure he only brushed against her lightly, how did an entire drink fall out of her hands.     

On the side, Emerson smirked.     

He witnessed the entire scene...     

Halia had tipped the drink on herself deliberately...     

This sister-in-law was trickier than he thought...     

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