Help...My Wife is a Spy



0Halia and Jackson had left Macau on a whim, plus they had left on serious business, so they had no time to think about preparing for the possibility of an intimate moment like this.     

Jackson stared at his fiancee with heated desire. He had waited all day for this moment. It was like spending all day preparing a dessert, only to drop it on the floor in the end. What a shame.     

Jackson gently wrapped his arms around Halia and placed a kiss on her forehead. As much as he wanted her, he also respected her. Sure, he was planning to give up his role with Interpol, but Halia was different. She had just joined the SPU not long ago. If he wasn't careful and made her pregnant, then she would have to put her career on hold. He couldn't bear to do something like that to her. At least, not until he officially married her and she was ready to move onto the next stage with him.     

"I'll have my dessert another time," he said gently as he resisted his desires.     

Halia buried her head into the man's chest. "You can go down and buy that thing. I'll wait for you," she mumbled shyly as her body tensed up.     

Jackson smiled and shook his head, "It's been a long day. Let's just get some rest."     

Halia relaxed her body as her nervousness faded, but she suddenly felt a little disappointed.      


Meanwhile, inside one of the most popular beer halls in Munich, Trisha and Oliver were enjoying a lavish dinner with a local German family.      

Earlier that day, after Oliver gave Trisha an indirect kiss at the cafe, Trisha glanced away awkwardly and just so happened to spot a pickpocket stealing a wallet from an old woman's handbag. It was like fate had stepped in to help her avoid the awkwardness.     

Trisha was an Interpol agent. As an officer of the law, she instinctively jumped out of her seat and started chasing after the thief.     

Of course, the man did not stand a chance against Trisha as he was knocked to the ground and pinned to the floor.     

After returning the wallet to the old lady, the old lady and her family ended up inviting Trisha and Oliver to dinner.     

That was how they ended up sharing a traditional dinner inside a beer hall with a local German family.     

Neither Trisha nor Oliver spoke German, so they required the help of the old woman's granddaughter to act as a translator.     

The old woman's granddaughter was in her mid-twenties. As soon as she saw Oliver, her eyes immediately lit up. "My grandmother told me the two of you are here for work. What job do you do, Mr. Williams?" the woman asked Oliver with interest as she ignored Trisha.     

"I'm a reporter," Oliver replied.     

"Wow, have you met any celebrities?" the young woman asked in excitement.     

"I'm not an entertainment reporter. I report on serious issues that affect humanity, including government corruption, illegal organizations, human trafficking, environmental issues, etc."     

The young woman rested her chin on her hand and looked at Oliver with amazement. "That's amazing!" she exclaimed as she fluttered her eyelids. "I assume Miss Hua is your assistant?"     

Oliver wanted to say no, but Trisha didn't want to recklessly reveal her true identity, so she quickly answered, "Yes, I'm Mr. Williams' assistant. We were following a story when we spotted a pickpocket target your grandmother."     

The woman nodded in understanding. "What about photos? You must be good at taking photos, right?" the woman asked as she pulled out her phone. She then handed it to Oliver and smiled, "I want a photo with you."     

Oliver took the camera and raised it up at arms-length. At that moment, the woman leaned in close to him and smiled as they took a photo together.     

Trisha looked at the two and frowned. Even she had never taken a photo with Oliver before.     

The young woman looked at the photo and cheered, "Wow, that looks great!"     

Oliver chuckled. "That's because you're photogenic," he praised politely.     

Next to Oliver, Trisha couldn't help but scoff. What a sweet talker.     

The young woman smiled and suddenly started waving at a passing waitress. "Beth, bring me three steins of beer," she ordered.     

The waitress nodded and quickly went to fetch three glass steins filled with beer. She then placed them in front of Oliver, Trisha, and the old woman's granddaughter. "Are these your friends, Mila?" the waitress asked.     

The young woman nodded her head, "Yes, these are my new friends from overseas."     

She then handed one stein to Oliver and one to Trisha and said, "My family's been coming to this beer hall since I was a child. They serve the best beer here. You need to give it a try."     

Oliver smiled and politely took a sip of the beer. "You're right, this is great," he commented. But, the men on the table suddenly started laughing and saying something in German.     

Mila laughed and raised her stein, "My uncles said that a man should finish their drink in one go!"     

Oliver glanced around the table as everyone watched with anticipation. Unable to refuse, he raised the stein and emptied it down his throat as everyone cheered.     

Trisha watched in surprise. "Are you sure you can handle that?" she whispered beside the man's ear.     

Oliver lifted a hand, gesturing that he was OK. He was a man, he could handle a bit of beer.     

As soon as he finished, Mila wrapped her arm around Oliver's arm and squealed, "You're so cool! Are all British men like this? Women must throw themselves all over you. You must have a girlfriend, right?"     

Oliver wiped his mouth with a napkin and chuckled as he took a quick glance at Trisha.     

But, Trisha sipped on her beer and looked away with disinterest as she started eating the food on her plate.     

"No, I'm single," he replied awkwardly.     

Mila tightened her grip around the man's arm and smiled, "What a coincidence. I don't have a boyfriend either."     

She then waved down the waitress for another stein of beer.     

Trisha watched as the woman moved in closer and closer to Oliver and felt a pang of jealousy. How could a woman be so straightforward? Especially when her family was right there on the same table?     

At that moment, Mila's grandmother pointed at Oliver with a grin and said a few words in German.     

Mila immediately blushed and looked at Oliver with a smile.     

"What did your grandmother say?" Oliver asked.     

"My grandmother asked if you're willing to be my boyfriend," Mila said shyly.     

Trisha coughed, almost choking on her food.      

Oliver immediately brushed away Mila's arm and turned to check on Trisha. "Are you OK?" he asked as he patted her on the back.     

Trisha raised her hand and stood up, "Please excuse me. I'm going to go to the bathroom."     

Oliver watched as the woman scurried away and felt his lips curve upwards slightly. Was he imagining things? Or was he sensing some jealousy?     

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