Help...My Wife is a Spy

No Response From Jackson

No Response From Jackson

0Inside a room at the hotel.     

"Are you almost done?" Emerson asked from the living room as he checked the time on his watch. The charity event was almost over and the party at Roy's was about to start.     

Halia curled her long thick eyelashes, applied a cherry red shade of lipstick and adjusted the bangs from the wavy brown wig on her head.     

She didn't usually have bangs, but she needed to look as different to her boy disguise as possible so Emerson specifically picked out this wig for her. The wig was a beautiful ash brown color and it formed soft waves down to her waist.     

Through her hair, a long pair of rose gold earrings sparkled under the hotel lights. It had been a while since she dressed up for the party scene. The last time she looked like this, she was working at the bar and Jackson was still undercover as a gangster.     

This memory made her miss her fiance again.      

Deep in thought, Halia stepped out of the room and walked up to the waiting Emerson.     

"Do you think anyone will notice I'm Mars Wu?" she asked casually as she bent down to put on a pair of red high-heeled shoes.     

As Emerson lifted his head, his mouth gaped open in surprise. This was the first time he saw Halia looking so sexy and provocative. While he was picking the wig earlier, she had run into a nearby dress store and picked a dress out herself, but he didn't expect her to look completely different to how she normally did.     

He cleared his throat and quickly regained his composure.     

"No, you don't even look like Mrs. Wu..." he teased. He had picked up on her name earlier and found it quite amusing. "Did you pick the name Mars Wu yourself?"     

Halia curled her lips and narrowed her eyes. "Stupid Sean picked it. I'm going to beat him up when I see him," she said as she clenched her fists angrily.     

The Halia in Emerson's eyes had always been innocent, cute, and elegant. But, the Halia in front of him, at that moment, was feminine, seductive, and slightly evil-looking. She was heading to that party with a goal and she was determined to achieve it.     

A black backless halter dress clung tightly to her body, stopping just above her knees, highlighting her healthy curves and long, slender legs. It was a simple dress, but it was very different to the ball gowns he had previously seen Halia in.     

As she turned around and headed for the door, her wavy brown hair swayed from side-to-side like a curtain that hid her exposed back. It was hypnotic to look at and tempted one to brush her hair aside and run their hand across her smooth skin.     

Emerson quickly shook his head to eliminate any indecent thoughts and hurried behind the woman. This was his future sister-in-law, he had to remember that.     

As he followed behind the woman, he pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of her from behind. He then sent another message with the photo attached to his brother, "Your wife is being too brave..." If he was having trouble staying composed around her, wait until the other men at the party saw her. She was like a sheep walking into a wolf's den.     

He then checked the previous two messages he sent and saw that they had been read.     

He furrowed his brows.     

If his brother read them, why didn't he reply? What was Jackson doing? Was he in a meeting or busy with something? Or did he not care?     

How could he not care?     

Emerson could never understand his brother. His woman was walking around in such revealing clothes and putting herself in danger, yet he had no response. Wasn't he worried?     

Jackson was sitting in a car at that moment, looking out at the dazzling night sky.      

His phone beeped and he looked down to check the message he received.     

It was another message from his brother.     

Jackson smirked and opened it up. Just like the previous two messages, there was a photo attached to this one. But, he simply looked at the photo and smiled, "Nice disguise..."     

He then put the phone away and closed his eyes to get some rest.     

Emerson stared down at his phone in shock. Again, the message was read, but there was no response.     

He looked at Halia in front of him and narrowed his eyes with determination, "Fine, if you're not protecting your wife, then I'm protecting her for you."     

As he thought this, he quickly ran up to Halia's side and opened the car door for her. Halia smiled and stepped inside.     


After a couple of days of wedding planning, Sean crawled into bed beside Natalie and finally relaxed. The average couple was engaged for 13 months and they usually spent this entire time planning out their wedding, but Sean and Natalie had only been engaged for a couple of weeks and they were trying to plan a wedding in one month! It was a lot more work than Sean expected.     

"I'm sorry for putting you through so much stress," Natalie said softly beside her fiance's ear.     

Sean smiled as the woman's breaths sent tingles down his spine. He shook his head reassuringly and gently ran a finger across Natalie's cheek as he looked into her eyes. "It's all worth it," he replied. His eyes then traveled down her face, across her lips, down to her cheek and finally stopped on her body. Her body; he had almost forgotten how it felt in his arms.     

With this thought, he wrapped his arm around Natalie's waist and pulled her towards him. The feeling of her body against his immediately lit his body on fire. "After we get married, you're all mine," he said seductively.     

Natalie bit her lip with desire. Judging by the look in the man's eyes, she knew what he wanted.     

"I've been thinking about Macau every night," he whispered beside her ear.     

Natalie immediately thought back on Macau and felt her body heat up.     

"I've been thinking about the cool night breeze, the glittering lights from the casinos...and your sexy voice as I made love to you on that balcony..."     

"...I want to experience it again..."     

Natalie felt her heart race as she took a deep breath. "I've been thinking about it too," she replied.     

Sean smiled.     

Everything had happened so quickly between them. They started dating, they got engaged, and they were now planning their wedding. All of this happened in less than a month!     

In fact, they had only had sex once before Natalie fell pregnant!     

"Is it OK to do it while you're pregnant?" Sean asked cautiously.     

Natalie bit her lip again and nodded her head, "Yes, but be gentle..."     

Sean's eyes lit up with a burning desire, "OK, let's take it slow...and gentle..."     

He then leaned over and kissed Natalie lightly on the lips.     

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