My Crazy Housemate

School fight

School fight

0It was already three weeks after the dancing competition but people were still talking about it even in school. Mia was really surprised when a few pwople approached her and asked to take a picture with her. She became like a celebrity and hell! She didn't like it.     

Mr B kept trying to meet her but she made sure he understood she was going to be giving all her attention to her exams now. He told her about an offer which was coming for her but she was really skeptical about venturing into this path.     

She still had the contact details of the CEO of OX entertainment, Oliver Brown, who had approached her on thaat night after they were awarded their prize, but she never called. She still wanted to know where she stood. There was a time she thought of dancing as a career, but now, she wanted to do something different. She couldn't think straight now that she was having a lot of offers which involved dancing, and a legit offer from Mrs King to work with her degree in a company.     

She went to shool with a heavy mind and didn't pay much attention to people until she bumped into someone.. Benjamin.      

He had kept his distance from her ever since and she also guessed it had to do with his current responsibility as the Student's President since Kelvin was leaving everything for him especially now that their exams was near.      

"Hi." He greted politely. He didn't have anyone following him today which Mia was thankful for.     

"Hi" She greeted back.      

"Can we talk? Privately." He added as an afterthought when he remembered they were standing in the middle of a hallway with students almost everywhere. Mia also looked around before agreeing. They found themselves in the basketball court where a few students were training and sat down on the empty seats in the stadium. Mia preferred an environment like this with a few people than going to an empty class with him.     

"My first class is going to start soon." She said, hinting for him to hurry up with whatever he had to say.     

"First of all, I would like to apologize." He started.     

He had apologized before but she let him go on without interrupting him. "I was wrong to have done what I did the other time. Honestly, I just wanted to get closer to you because I liked you."     

"I am not trying to give any excuses for my actions. It is punishable and I deserved every punch your boyfriend gave me."     

'You did.' Mia thought in her head.     

"And I don't think I'll be able to live without the guilt if you didn't forgive me for it."     

"It's alright. Thank you for apologizing to me." Mia said sincerely.     

She wanted to ask if he knew her sister, Mary who was Kelvin's ex girlfriend, was her sister? And also ask if he had done all her did on purpose, including coming to the dance studio to take over the lead role, but she didn't ask. She didn't want to have more things to think about so she would rather forget about it all and think about the issue on ground instead.     

"I forgive you."     

"For real? Like… you are not joking right?" He asked hopefully. She saw the sincerity in his eyes and nodded. "I am serious."     

"Thank you so much!" He said with a relieved smile. At least now, he didn't have to worry anymore about rumours of what he had done, spreading around later to ruin his reputation. His father would disown him if he ever heard he did that.      

Mia stood up to leave but stopped when he asked, "Have you considered Oliver Brown's offer to work with OX Entertainment? You will make it big time there."      

She looked at him suspiciously before asking, "Do you have a hand in it?"     

"No! Of course not, I swear it. I told you it was a purely coincidental meeting that night. I do not know him in a personal level. I'm just giving you a friendly advise, but you can do whatever you want."     

She was still suspicious but she said a simple ''Thank you" before walking away.     


Jeremy arrived at school 10 minutes before the start of his first class. He was about to enter inside the classroom when he felt a hand pull him back with force.     

"What do you think you are up to?" Kelvin asked, grabbing his collar roughly and glaring at Jeremy.     

Jeremy liked to stay neat and organised so having his dress rumpled made him angry.     

"Get your filthy hands off me!" He said hostily before pushing him away, causing Kelvin to stumble backwards.     

"Stay the hell away from Chloe. I won't let you have her." Kelvin swore.     

Jeremy could not help but laugh. "You are fighting for a girl who doesn't give a shit about you? Oh! I heard she walked away during your so called blind date! And guess who told me about it?" He paused to give him a mocking smile, "She told me herself." Jeremy said tauntingly. "So I guess we both know who is supposed to stay away from her, right?" The amusement in his face vanished and he looked at Kelvin like he was some piece of trash, "Do not ever touch me with that hands of yours next time." He entered inside the class while muttering, "What an asshole."     

He felt Kelvin was behind him but he didn't react quickly, so he was taken aback when Kelvin pulled him once again and immediately he turned around, Kelvin's fist connected with his jawbone. "You son of a bitch!" Kelvin growled as he punched him.     

Everyone inside the classroom gasped when they saw what was happening right in front of them.     

Jeremy was a bit muddleheaded. He could taste blood inside his mouth and on his lips. He didn't hold back and punched Kelvin back when he tried to hit him again.      

"What are you two doing?!" Their lecturer who had just entered yelled at the top of his voice but they didn't pay him any attention.      

Kelvin quickly recovered and was about to charge towards Jeremy again, when a girl suddenly stood in between them. The two boys halted at the same time, not wanting to hurt Chloe. She turned to look fully at Kelvin. He opened his mouth and was about to speak but everyone was shocked again when she raised her hand and slapped him hard on his face.     

"Oh my God!"     

"What is happening?"     

"Why did she just hit him?"     

"Js she out of her mind?"     

"Is she taking Jeremy's side now? I thought she went on a date with Kelvin?"     

"Haven't you been seeing her with Jeremy lately? I think they are dating."     

Everyone in the classroom began to whisper, but a girl at the back had a broad smile on her face as she watched the scene.      

"I knew this day would come when she'll finally blow up." The girl said excitedly.     

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