My Crazy Housemate

"Have fun, Mia."

"Have fun, Mia."

0Leo buried his head on the bed as he scolded himself for acting stupidly.      

He could not control his pounding heart neither could he think straight at that point.      

He had not planned to kiss her. He had only wanted to teach her the basics; show her where to place her hands, where she was supposed to look at and how she was supposed to keep her posture. He hadn't planned to kiss her at all.     

But he had acted rashly. She had been too close to him. Her scent had been the only thing his nose smelled. The circumstances hadn't helped either. Maybe it had been his fault. He was the one who asked her to place her hand on his shoulder while he held her by her waist.      

The moment he looked into her innocent eyes, he knew he could not escape the temptation.     

He had always thought Mia was a temptation he could overcome but he had been terribly wrong. He could not resist her lips either. It was the first time he saw her wore lipstick and it was a red shade that suited her just right.     

He had asked her whether she trusted him? Whether she trusted him to not kiss her. But she had said no. And that had only made him bolder. If she had said she trusted him, he would have returned to his senses and try not to let her down. He was certain about that.     

He tried to convince himself that every other guy would have reacted exactly that same way but he knew he was deceiving himself.      

"This is trouble." He muttered to Tara who gave him a confused look from the floor where she was sitting.      


Mira noticed that Mia was awfully quiet. They were almost at Ben's place but she hadn't said a word, neither had she answered Mira's questions.      

He had kissed her. Mia could not seem to get that out of her head.     

Her heart continued to beat faster and she desperately hoped Mira didn't hear it.      

She had felt a sudden heat rush immediately he kissed her. It hadn't been a forceful or wet kiss, just a light kiss on her lips then he pulled away to look into her eyes.      

"Have fun litt—" He had probably wanted to say 'little girl' or 'little sister' she didn't know which, but he had changed his mind and said "Have fun, Mia" instead.      

She stood still like a statue even after he returned to his room. She couldn't seem to process everything properly. Was that a goodbye kiss? Or had it been for practice? Or did it mean more? She shook her head.      

It wasn't possible that he liked her. It was probably just his hormonal instinct or whatever the science called it. It was normal for guys to be attracted to ladies but still, she could not seem to get over it.      

'He kissed me!' She exclaimed in her head and buried her face in her palms.      

"Don't ruin your make up girly. We're at the party." Mira informed her as the car came to a stop.      

After Mira got down, she said in a low voice to Mia. "When you're ready, you can tell me how it felt like, kissing such a smoking hot guy like that." Mira said with a wink as she tried her best to not get overly excited. She didn't want Mia to freak out.     

Mia looked at her in shock. "How... did you know...?" Mia stuttered.      

"It's obvious girl..... I mean, with the crazy way he looked at you plus when you came out with that look on your face and the way you kept touching your lips absentmindedly. It's pretty obvious ya know." She winked again. "Besides, it would have been strange if he hadn't kissed a sexy girl like you."     

Mia bit her lower lip nervously without knowing what to say. It was always pointless hiding things from Mira.     

"It's your first kiss right?" Mira asked with her curious eyes peering at Mia but she was careful not to react too much so she wouldn't make Mia feel uncomfortable.      

"Don't worry babe. You don't have to talk about it now and note, you can't have that look on your face when you kiss your crush...." Mira pointed out.     

"Speaking of crushes... which handsome guy here is Benjamin?" Mira asked as she looked around the crowded pool area.      

Mia froze. It was the first time she was out for a party and first time she was going to be amongst a lot of people without going there as a part time employee.     

"I am very uncomfortable." Mia confessed.     

Mira noticed how she was pulling down her skirt and smiled. "You'll get used to this sweetheart. Be bold. I'm pretty sure you're going to be the most beautiful girl in this—"     

"Oh my goodness! MIA!" Jeremy gasped in shock when he saw how Mia looked.      

Mira sent him another flirty smile before saying,     

"Now please, can you help me tell this princess that she looks very pretty?"       

Jeremy continued to look at Mia with agape mouth.     

"I am glad I came to this party. God, I would have regretted it if I didn't get to see you looking like this." Jeremy said with a big smile on his face.      

"You look good also" Mira complimented. Jeremy wore a black crazy jean, simple shirt, black boots and a baseball cap with the visor turned to the back. It was the first time Mira was seeing him look that way since he was always dressed well whenever she saw him at their school. Now, she noticed his body looked even better than she had imagined.     

"And you look stunning." Jeremy complimented her also.     

Mia was still very uncomfortable as they all strode towards the main party area. There was loud music buzzing in the area and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes everywhere that made Mia's belly knot.      

She noticed how people looked at her and became even more self conscious. There were sometimes where she loved the attention but not in this case where almost her entire thigh was exposed to the public's eyes plus she wore make-up... it was also the first time for her.     

As she looked around nervously, her eyes landed on the one who had organized the party— Benjamin.      

She noticed the surprise in his eyes when he saw her and also saw his eyes move up and down as if checking her out.      

Her imagination could not help running wild. What if... Just what if he was also interested in her? She wondered as she smiled at him.      

"Let me guess, that's Benjamin?" Mira guessed as she noticed the exchange.     

"And... you got that right." Jeremy answered with a smirk.     

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