My Crazy Housemate



0Mia stood on the stage with her teammates and the other groups that had performed that night. This was the moment where everyone held their breaths as they waited for the judges' result. Although they had done well, the other teams also did really well. Everyone did well but unfortunately, there were only going to choose two groups. Some really good dancers who are lucky can catch the eye of a potential sponsor and be able to perform in a better platform. So for a lot of people on the stage, their lives depended on this moment. But not Mia.      

She wanted their team to win for the glory of it. She wanted Mr B to be proud and for every member of her crew to be recognized. She wanted this last dance of hers to be victorious.      

She no longer wanted to pursue this. She had to face reality now.      

"This is the moment we have all been waiting for." The moderator said when he returned to the stage with a little envelope in his hand. "The moment we crown the best dance team of this year's CMT."      

Everywhere was completely quiet as they waited for him to announce the results. The only sound Mia could hear was her heartbeat and the heartbeat of dozens of people in the stage with her.     

"We are going to call the first position followed by the second best."     

The moderator continued. It seemed like he was really excited as he watched all the nervous expressions around him.      

"Come on, say it already!"     

"What are you waiting for?"     

"Just fucking say it already."     

The crowd began to lose their patience and murmur.     

"The first position is...." The silence almost stretched for an eternity before he announced, "P.X.YYYYYYYY!"     

YELLS, HOOTS, CLAPS, SCREAMS followed the announcement.     

But Mia was lost. Her body felt like they suddenly poured cold water all over her.     


That wasn't her team. It wasn't them. She began to think back and wonder if she had done something wrong. Maybe she didn't dance her part well? Maybe she wasn't passionate enough? For some reason, she blamed herself for it. Her eyes sought Mr B. in the audience. He looked pale and didn't even pretend to be happy like the other coaches.      

All her efforts, all the rehearsals, all the sleepless nights, everything was a….     


Her thought was interrupted when she heard all her teammates screaming. Her hands were tightly held by other memebers of the group and they jumped excitedly, making her jump along with them.     

She was lost.     

"We came second! We came second!!!!!!" one of her teammates yelled as if sensing her confusion.     

"We came second?" She asked in surprise.      

The second place was also a big achievement. It came with cash prizes even though it was less than that of the first place. Coming second place also brought them great exposure and if they were lucky, they would get endorsements.      

Mia was finally able to smile. The crowd kept cheering for them and it gave them confidence once again.     

She was surprised to see that a lot of people actually loved their team and thought they deserved the prize. Mia saw Jeremy in the crowd with his sister and beamed at them. She would have died of embarrassment had they not at least taken second place.      

'Look at me Leo King. You must be proud of your girlfriend.' She beamed.      

Mr B still wasn't impressed but he kept a smile on his face when people congratulated him and when he joined them on the stage to receive the trophy. But he dropped the façade when he returned to the dressing room with them.     

He pulled his jacket and threw it on the floor angrily before scoffing and placing his hands on his hips.     

Normally, he would have kicked whatever he found on his way, but he couldn't do that here.     

Everything here was expensive, unless he was ready to spend the prize money on repair cost.     

"I cannot believe this." He said in frustration.     

"You should control your mood. We are still here." Ally pleaded.     

"Control my mood? We came second Ally. Second! That trash team, PXY cannot be compared to us but they came first. FIRST! You know why? Because they were organized. They were bold. But you all disappointed me. You looked scared when you appeared on that stage. You were intimidated...."     

Mia frowned as she listened to him ramble on. That wasn't true. They had done their best. How coul he just rubbish their efforts like that?     

"Mr B—" The lead dancer, Paul, called him. He wanted to tell him to calm down but Mr B raised his voice at him. They could understand his frustration since the first position was automatically going to put him in the spotlight and give him more opportunies, especailly at the international level. But they still thought he was overreacting. They all did their best despite their anxiety and got second place. He should cut them some slack, no? What about the other 13 teams that didn't get anything?     

"I know you all must be thinking you did well because thirteen groups didn't get anything. But that's bullshit! PXY isn't better than us. We should have taken that position!"     

"Enough!" Mia glowered at him.     

"We did our best." She continued gently.     

"But it wasn't good enough, damn it!"     

"Do not raise your voice at us!" She snapped at him angrily.     

"If anyone should really be mad about this then it should be us. We dedicated our time, efforts and had sleepless nights because of this. Some of us work part time, some of us are students and some of us have huge responsibilities but we did this. We also wanted the money. We wanted the exposure. Many of us already made plans for how we were going to spend the money so we didn't mind not going to our parttime jobs because we hoped we would win this and have enough. So do not take it out on us because we did our best. Be a good leader for goodness sake!" Mia threw the bottle of water in her hand on the ground before she walked away, leaving the stunned Mr B and the teammates who showed how displeased they were with their coach's behaviour.     

Mia picked up her bag and left the dressing room. All she wanted to do now was go home and take her bath before reading her books and going to bed. She had an important test on Monday and couldn't afford to be lazy.      

She hoped Leo would arrive soon and call her so she would have his new number.      

"That was a wonderful performance." She heard behind her and turned immediately.      


It was a bit dark there but she could see his face. And he wasn't alone. A young man, dressed in a suit, who was probably in his mid or late thirties was standing beside him.     

"Uhmm... thanks." She said awkwardly. She wasn't sure she would ever be in good terms with him ever again.      

"This is Mr Oliver. He wanted to meet you."     

He did a quick introduction while Mr Oliver extended a hand to her.      

She looked at him suspiciously and avoided the handshake.      

He smiled and withdrew his hand before introducing himself to her, "I heard you are called Mia. My name is Oliver Brown, the CEO of OX Entertainment company. I am one of the VIP guests here." He handed her a card. "I must admit you were really amazing tonight. And talented... I must add." He said with a smile.      

Mia looked at the card and then at him. Was this what she thought it was?     

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