I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

0Soon after Nana started her rampage, Shuren finally arrived at the academy.     

"Honey!" Nana called, anger still evident on her face.     

Shuren wrapped an arm around her waist and gently kissed her forehead to calm her down.     

"Hun, leave this to me." He said.     

"No! I'm not done with this woman!"     

He then watched as Nana continued her verbal tirade against the other woman, unable to stop her.     

"Mommy." Daiyu called.     

Nana snappily turned her head to face her.     

"Let's bring Jin-gege to the hospital."     

Nana's eyes widened.     

"Right! Right, let's go now!" She immediately went over to Liu Jin's side and helped him up.     

"Honey, I'll leave the matters here to you. Take care of that woman for me." She quickly changed her mind.     

"Alright." Shuren nodded.     

With that, Nana and the children left for the hospital. Shuren let out a huge sigh of relief upon seeing them finally leave the room.     

'Now then, time to get to work.'     

He then turned around to face Wen Duyi's mom, a menacing aura radiating off of him.     

It was time for this woman to face his wrath!     


Upon arriving at the hospital, Liu Jin was treated by the doctors for his broken arm. Nana wanted to follow him into the room but Daiyu held her back.     

"Mommy, let's have Zhihao-gege treated too."     

"Is he hurt too?!"     

Daiyu nodded.     

They then had him checked on as well.     

While both boys were undergoing treatment, Daiyu explained the entire situation to Nana. They sat on one of the hospital benches, drinking tea.     

Nana closed her eyes shut. Her heart was in pain over the news.     

"Mommy…" Daiyu called.     

Nana turned to face her.     

"Will Jin-gege and Zhihao-gege be okay?" She asked, worried.     

Nana smiled.     

"They'll be fine." She said as she gently stroked Daiyu's hair.     

"Daddy and I will make sure of it." She then hugged her tightly and softly kissed her forehead.     

"So our baby Daiyu doesn't need to worry. Okay?"     

Daiyu pouted but nodded obediently.     

"For now, Xiao Yu, can you look after Jin for me? He'll be having a hard time moving about with a broken arm."     

Daiyu nodded immediately.     

"I'll take care of him! I'll take care of him really well!"     

Nana giggled. Looks like Liu Jin got a reward instead of a punishment!     


Right after Shuren finished his one-sided negotiation with the principal and with Wen Duyi's mom, Victoria arrived.     

"Where are they?! Where?!!!" She barged into the room.     

Wen Duyi's mom immediately stood up.     

"What do you want?!" She screamed. People were arriving one after another to attack her!     

Victoria snappily turned her head to face her.     

"Is this that brat's mother?! You bitch!!!" She immediately pounced on the woman and began pulling her hair.     

The principal quickly tried to pry the two apart but he was caught in the crossfire and ended up getting clawed and scratched at instead.     

"… Not gonna stop her?" Shuren asked Liwei who stood beside him, watching.     

"… If that was Nana, would you stop her?"     


They both nodded, coming to a silent understanding.     

"Your son dares to lay a finger on my Zhihao?! I'll show you!!! No one touches my idiot son other than me!!!"     


Back at the hospital, Liu Jin and Zhihao were finally done with their treatment. Liu Jin's arm was put in a cast and Nana had him confined even though he had no need for it.     

"Mom… I'm fine." He tried convincing her.     

"Xiao Yu will take care of you."     

"Actually, I'm not fine at all. I think I'll need to stay for a few days." He immediately changed his mind.     

"Good. You boys wait here. I'll be going down for a while. Xiao Yu should be back soon." She said before picking up her bag.     

Both boys nodded obediently. With that, Nana left the room and only the two of them were left inside. An awkward silence ensured as they both refused to speak.     

Zhihao fidgeted and shifted on his seat. He didn't do well in silent environments. He then glanced over and saw Liu Jin's broken arm. He bit his lip.     

Suddenly, a wave of emotions washed over him and he couldn't help but start crying. He covered his eyes with one hand but his sniffing gave him away.     

"What?" Liu Jin asked in an irritated tone.     

"You're such an idiot!" Zhihao replied.     

"You're the idiot!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.     

"I know! I'm a complete idiot!" He said as he sobbed.     

"But you're an even bigger idiot for defending this idiot!" He said before tackling Liu Jin in a hug.     

"It hurts!!! Get off!!!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.     

Zhihao didn't reply but continued sobbing.     

"Why are you crying?! You're not the one hurt!!!"     

"You think it didn't hurt?! You fucking punched me in the gut!!!"     

Liu Jin shut his mouth immediately. He forgot about that.     

"It's your fault." He shifted the blame and looked away, embarrassed. His brows were still furrowed but he didn't push Zhihao off and instead, silently allowed him to continue crying on his shoulder.     

"Jin… thank you."     

"… Don't do that again."     

"… Do what?"     

"Hiding stuff from me… treating me like a stranger…"     

Zhihao paused, his eyes watering even more. He then wailed loudly and began ugly crying.     

"Fuck! Stop that!!!"     



From the door, Daiyu giggled as she watched them. She carried two trays full of food but she set it down and hurriedly ran into the room.     

"Daiyu wants to join!" She said as she hugged them both.     


Soon after that, Nana came back to the room with General Shen.     

"Grandfather." Liu Jin greeted.     

"Old man!"     

"… I heard you boys got into a fight?"     

They nodded.     

"And you lost?" He faced Zhihao.     

Zhihao scratched his head meekly and nodded.     

"And you broke your arm?" He faced Liu Jin and the boy nodded.     

"How many?"     


"Hmp. Six of those were already wounded by Zhihao."     

Both boys shut their mouths meekly.     

"After this, I'll have you back at training."     

They both gulped but nodded obediently.     

General Shen then turned to face Daiyu.     

"Xiao Yu, were you hurt?"     

Daiyu shook her head and smiled. General Shen's eyes softened and he smiled too. He then gently patted her head.     


Before long, Zhihao's parents arrived at the hospital with Ying Yue and Shuren.     

"Honey, how'd it go?" Nana asked.     


"Expelled." He answered.     

"And our son?"     

"Community service."     

Nana let out a sigh of relief. That was much better than getting suspended.     

"Shuren, Nana, thank you so much for looking after our Zhihao." Victoria approached them and held Nana's hand tightly.     

Nana smiled and shook her head.     

"You don't have to thank us. We're family."     

Victoria teared up and hugged Nana tightly. She then approached Liu Jin and gently stroked his hair.     

"Ah Jin, thank you for standing up for my idiot son."     

Liu Jin smiled and nodded in return. They talked for a bit more before everyone decided to leave and give the boys the rest they deserved.     

Victoria and Liwei took Zhihao and Ying Yue home while Nana and Shuren left to take care of the twins. Only Daiyu stayed behind to watch over Liu Jin.     


"Aaaaaah…" Daiyu instructed as she held the spoon to Liu Jin lips.     

He opened his mouth and ate heartily. Since he broke his right arm, Daiyu was spoon feeding him.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     


He smiled widely as he looked at her.     

"Xiao Yu, I used to feed you when you were little. Now you're the one taking care of me. Hehe."     

Daiyu blushed but smiled widely.     

"I'll keep feeding you until you become stronger! Until you can finish off thirteen boys without breaking your arm!"     

Liu Jin laughed.     

"Thanks for defending me earlier, Xiao Yu." He said as he softly caressed her hair with his left hand.     

Daiyu paused before putting the plate down on the bedside table. She then climbed onto the bed and rested her head on his chest.     

"You scared me…" She pouted.     

Liu Jin gently kissed her head and continued stroking her hair.     

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to. I'll do better next time."     

Daiyu blushed upon hearing him call her baby. She raised her head to look at him and pouted.     

"No more next time! If there's a next time, you better win without injuries!"     

He chuckled and nodded.     


Daiyu smiled before looking at his lips. She leaned forward and gently kissed them. Liu Jin returned the kiss a little deeper this time and she kissed him again. She opened her mouth and let him in. He held the back of her head with his hand and pulled her in deeper. Soon, they were both panting.     

"Xiao Yu…" He called her name, eyes glazed with lust.     

Daiyu blushed but leaned in to kiss him again. Just then, she felt him hardening. Her eyes widened and she immediately looked at him.     

"Help me?" He tried asking.     

Daiyu blushed hard.     

"W-When we get home." She blurted out.     

Liu Jin's eyes widened.     


Daiyu shut her eyes tightly and nodded.     


"Mmm?" She asked.     

"Can I record it-URGH!"     


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