I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


Right now, trouble was brewing over at Kang Wei's side. Several of the old man's suppliers had turned against him saying that they've found a better paying patron. His most profitable routes had also been closed down. At the moment, he was merely surviving with money brought in from the Liu Enterprise.

He had already dispatched his men to investigate the cause of his problems. It had already been two months since then but they've had no leads so far. But today, they've finally caught on to a name.

"Boss, its Yu Yanlin. He's been closing down your routes and seizing your suppliers."

Kang Wei threw his teacup across the room upon hearing the name.


He had not expected that name to come up at all. He had trusted the man and was confident in his loyalty. What could have caused Yanlin to scheme against him?!

Suddenly, a memory flashed before his eyes.

'… Is this about Lanfen?' He gritted his teeth.

'So he's been holding a grudge against me since then?!' He swiped his arm across the table in anger and the tea pot on top of it fell down with a loud crash.

Realizing the urgency of the matter, he calmed his heart down and spoke.

"… What have you found out?"

Kang Wei's aide then reported to him all the information they found on Yanlin. With the man amassing power to this extent, getting rid of him would not be an easy task.

"Call for a meeting… with the Clan."

"B-boss. Are you sure?"

He had no choice. Right now, he was tight on both cash and men. He had to rely on the higher ups – even if it meant owing them a favor in the future.

He gritted his teeth. Those sly foxes up in the ranks would surely suck him dry. He had been avoiding contact with them for a while now because he had planned on going independent. But right now, his choices were very limited.

"Boss, why not have Lanfen ask Liu Shuren for help?" The aide suggested.

Kang Wei thought about it for a while before shaking his head.

"The Lius are suspicious of us right now." He didn't want to lose their cash cow just because he was desperate. Things with the clan can be settled in the future but losing the Lius now could not be remedied. If all goes well, maybe he could even pay off the clan with money.

The aide hesitated before nodding.

"Then I shall go and arrange for the meeting right now."

Kang Wei nodded.

The aide bowed and left the room.

"What did the old boss say?" A man greeted him at the door.

The aide shook his head.

"The old man wants a meeting with the clan."

"What?! But that –

"I know." The aide sighed. "It's an expensive price to pay but we have to save ourselves right now."

"… Are you really going to do it?" The man asked and the aide nodded.

He sighed.

"Alright. Call me if you need help."

The aide smiled and nodded before walking away. When his silhouette had gone, the man walked away as well. He walked out of the compound and into his car, driving it up several twist and turns before stopping by a roadside restaurant.

Upon entering the restaurant, he sat down behind a man wearing sunglasses.

"The old man wants to contact the clan."

The man in glasses raised a brow before nodding.

"Alright. I'll handle this information from now on. Continue to monitor them."


The man in sunglasses stood up and paid for his bill. He then left the restaurant before boarding a heavily tinted car.

"They're contacting the clan." The man spoke.

Beside him, Liu Shuren smirked.

For the past two months, Shuren had been causing problems for both groups. He hid his men within their ranks and spied on each side, making sure to spoil their plans. When he gave the signal upon his return from Germany, he had his men put the blame on the other group. He made Yanlin think that Kang Wei was sabotaging him, and he made Kang Wei suspect Yanlin.

His plan was simple. Instead of confronting both groups outright, he was going to have them fight each other to thin out their numbers instead. As for whatever's left from the aftermath, he would leave that for the military to clean up.

But now that Kang Wei was contacting his clan, things were spicing up.

Recently, the higher ups of the underground had been cleaning their trails. The military was having trouble tracking them down but who knew that Kang Wei would lead them straight into their den without even having to ask.

Shuren's initial plan was to simply get rid of the Kangs. If they managed to hook in a bigger catch, that was merely a bonus.

Shuren took his phone and scrolled through his contacts before choosing a name. After a few rings, the call connected.


"… Shuren." An unfamiliar voice responded.

"The Kangs have called on their higher ups."

A low chuckle could be heard from the other end.

"… Good. I'll have my men handle this. Update me if anything else comes up."


"… How's Nana?"

"She's safe with the Wangs."

"… If you need more men to guard her, don't hesitate to ask."

"Alright, father." Shuren then ended the call.

"Go to the Wang Mansion." He instructed the driver.

"Boss, are you sure? Won't Lanfen's men be tailing you?"

"Her father will be too busy dealing with Yanlin to spy on me."

The driver nodded and with that, the car drove towards Wang Jing's home.


Liu Jin and Daiyu were having a late breakfast alone. Wang Jing and Nana had already eaten earlier and it was already ten in the morning right now.

"Jin-gege." Daiyu handed him a slice of toast which she had prepared. She had heaped plenty of cream and syrup on it and even sprinkled some chocolate sauce over it. She wanted her Jin-gege to eat lots of delicious food so she made sure to make the toast as sweet and fluffy as possible.

"Thanks, Xiao Yu." Liu Jin smiled and took the toast from her. He wasn't a fan of sweet things but he had no plans of rejecting Daiyu either. He silently ate the sweet bread, watching as Daiyu prepared another slice for herself.

"Xiao Yu, later on, you need to try and call our mom 'mommy' okay?"

Daiyu blushed before shyly nodding her head. Liu Jin smiled and patted her head.

"Don't worry. I'm sure mom will be very happy."


"Mmm! We'll surprise her together."

"Surpwise?" Daiyu tilted her head to one side.

Liu Jin nodded.

"You're really good at making cards, right? I saw you drawing lots for your grandfather. Later on, we'll make one for mom."

"… Owkay. Daiyu will work hard." She nodded her head obediently.


After breakfast, both children prepared the card before going to look for Nana.


Nana turned around and saw Liu Jin and Daiyu. She was currently in the eastern gardens having tea.

"Ah Jin." She smiled.

"Hello, Daiyu." She greeted the child hiding behind her son.

"Mom, Xiao Yu has something for you." Liu Jin then gently pushed Daiyu in front of him.

Daiyu hesitated and looked back.

"Don't be shy. It's alright. Jin-gege is here with you." He smiled at her.

Daiyu looked up to him before hesitantly nodding. She walked towards Nana and shyly handed her the card before running back to Liu Jin. Nana giggled.

'So cute!'

She then looked at the card and saw the adorable drawing. A woman was holding a little girl's hand on the right and a little boy's hand on the left.

"Oh! Is this us?"

Daiyu nodded.

Nana then opened the card and read the message inside.

'Dear Awnty Nana,

Can Daiyu call you Mommy from now on?

Jin-gege said that Daiyu is family.

Family means Awnty Nana is also Daiyu's mommy.

Hoping for your kind considewation.

Love, Daiyu.'

Nana's hand trembled.

'So cute!!!'

She looked up and saw Daiyu looking at her with expectant but nervous eyes. She smiled, her eyes growing teary.

"Come here, baby." She extended her arms towards the child, beckoning her.

Daiyu's eyes widened with excitement. She wanted to run towards her but fear and nervousness gripped her heart. Suddenly, a hand rested on her shoulder.

"Go Xiao Yu, mom's calling you."

Daiyu looked into Liu Jin's eyes before smiling. She ran towards Nana as fast as her little legs could take her and Nana enveloped her in a tight hug. Warmth flowed into her body and Daiyu buried her head onto the nook of Nana's neck.


"M-mommy." She called.

"Yes, baby. Mommy's here." Nana gently rubbed her back.


"Mmm! I'm here."


Nana giggled and kissed her chubby cheek. Daiyu looked into her eyes.


Nana smiled before gently kissing her forehead.

Liu Jin watched as his two favorite people enjoyed each other's embrace. He pouted.

"Mom, I want a hug too."

Nana giggled.

"Come here!"

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