I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Shuren hesitated to return back home. He knew that he couldn't put off getting rid of Lanfen any longer but he was also against bringing Nana back into the country. He was finally going to execute his plan but he knew that keeping Nana safe during this period of time was also crucial.


"Then why don't I just stay with Uncle Wang too?" Nana suggested.

Shuren raised a brow.

"I'm sure her granddaughter could use a mother figure around. Besides, Ah Jin will be there with me." She smiled.

Shuren didn't really mind. In fact, keeping Nana and Liu Jin together in the same place would make it easier for his men to watch over them. The Wang Mansion was pretty safe too. After Wang Fengge's death, the old man had invested a lot in upgrading the mansion's security.

"I'm fine with that. But I'm not sure the old man would agree."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll give him a call." Nana initiated.

"Alright then."

Just as she expected, Wang Jing had agreed to their plan. The mansion was big enough and hosting one more person made little difference. As such, Shuren and Nana took their return flight home and was expected to arrive sometime tomorrow.


Meanwhile, Lanfen was also preparing for Shuren's return. She had her men conduct an investigation and they found out that Nana had left the country. As to which country she ran off to, they had no clue. Her trail had gone cold at that point.

Lanfen didn't want to admit it but she had a strong gut feeling that Nana had left with Shuren. If it was Shuren, he could have easily hidden Nana's tracks and brought her to Germany with him.

But nevertheless, Lanfen couldn't totally discount the idea that Nana might have used other means as well. She was the daughter of a general and she herself was well connected. Although she heard that sometime back, Nana had been disowned by her father, she had also heard that the man had been yearning for her return.

Still, a woman's intuition was not something to be taken lightly. As such, just in case, she had her men wait for Shuren's arrival at the airport.


"Boss, Lanfen had sent men to tail you." Fang Bao reported through the phone. The couple's plane had just landed and they had yet to disembark.

"… Send someone to fetch Nana from the airport clinic."

"Gotcha." Fang Bao understood what he meant. Shuren planned to have Nana escorted out in a wheelchair under the guise of a medical emergency and sent straight to the clinic to avoid Lanfen's eyes.

"Hun, I'll be going ahead. Fang Bao will take good care of you." He then wrapped an arm around her waist before kissing her forehead.

"Will you be alright?" Nana looked up to him, worried. He smiled.

"I will." He gently kissed her lips before turning around to leave first.

Nana watched as his retreating back disappeared into the crowd.

"Ma'am." A flight attendant called her attention as she gestured towards a wheelchair. Nana sat down and they draped a large blanket over her, covering most of her figure. They then wheeled her towards a special corridor, away from the crowd.


As expected, Lanfen's men had been waiting for Shuren at the arrival bay. Though they were disguised, he knew their faces well due to the two-month long investigation they had conducted with the special investigation squad of the military.

Acting like he didn't notice their presence, he began walking towards the exit and into the car that Fang Bao had prepared for him. From the rear-view mirror, he could see Nana in the distance being wheeled into a white van headed for the Wang Mansion.

"Boss?" The driver asked.

"Let's go." He turned his eyes away and the car drove off. He was hesitant to part with Nana right now but he knew that it was for the best. He unconsciously balled his fists at the thought.

'Faster. I need to get rid of that woman faster.'


"Honey!" Lanfen draped her arms around Shuren the moment he set foot in the house. She cupped her hands on his face and kissed him passionately.

"I missed you." She said coyly as she twirled a finger on his chest.

"Were you a good girl?" He looked down on her, eyes, clouded by what seemed like lust.

Or was it bloodlust?

Lanfen smiled. It seems like she was worrying for nothing after all.

"Of course, I've been a good girl. But I can be a very bad girl in bed right now."

Shuren smirked. This bitch was sure itching for some dick.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her towards their bedroom with a suitcase in hand.

Outside, Fang Bao had just arrived with a group of men. They parked their car directly into the underground parking lot to avoid detection.

Thanks to Butler Shao's hard work, they had already managed to find the moles planted inside the Liu Estate. There were just a few left that they had yet to identify. However, the purge will soon flush them all out. He knew how unforgiving his master was. That man would not leave a single traitor alive.

Leading them to a secret connected hallway, Fang Bao and his men climbed up the staircases towards Shuren and Lanfen's bedroom.


Nana sat inside the van anxiously. What woman in their right mind wouldn't be worried when sending their man away to another woman?

After a long talk with Shuren, she had finally found out that the cause of their divorce was a misunderstanding deliberately planned by Lanfen. That vile woman had made it look like Shuren was having an affair with her. Nana was a kind, docile, and submissive woman. But even she had her bottom line.

At first, it was small things – a lipstick on his office table, an unknown handkerchief inside his coat pocket. Until it escalated to weekly ambiguous pictures of Lanfen and Shuren together, and even spam messages harassing her to leave her husband.

Her final straw was Lanfen herself approaching her, begging her to give them the happiness they deserve… and the father for a child conceived yet not yet born.

She gave Shuren the benefit of the doubt by confronting him once but his answer only made her lose faith in him even more.

"So what if that woman has my child? Do you think I'd raise it?"

Right now, she blamed Shuren for answering her in such an ambiguous way. Looking back, she should have known that the man had a humungous ego and that he probably thought the issue was the child and not the infidelity. Nana held her head with one hand as she felt a headache oncoming.

'Let's just hope my baby doesn't grow up to become a useless bag of ego like his father.' She sighed.

Lanfen had used Yu Yanlin, a man with a similar build as Shuren, to pose for the photos. She had also bribed a maid to plant the items onto his belongings to spark the fire of doubt in her heart. She had lied about being pregnant and had purposely used her father to keep Shuren away from home on business calls most of the time. All things taken together, everything had been deliberately made to look like Shuren had fallen out of love with her.

But during the past two months that she had spent with Shuren, she now knew how much of a lie that was. Shuren loved her just as much as he did when they first got together some fifteen years ago. She smiled bitterly. Liu Jin was right. The person who'd benefit the most from their divorce was not them. It was Lanfen.


Liu Jin stood on the steps leading to the large oak doors of the Wang Mansion. Daiyu stood beside him, holding his hand.

"Jin-gege?" She looked up to him and tilted her head to one side in question.

"I have someone I want you to meet, Xiao Yu." He smiled down at her.

Daiyu nodded.

"She's very pretty. Just like you." He told her excitedly.

If anything, Liu Jin was definitely a mommy's boy. Even in his past life, he had always been attached to his mother and had been greatly pained by his parent's divorce.

Soon, a white van drove up the long driveway of the Wang Mansion. It stopped in front of the steps of the large Victorian residence and a familiar woman descended from the car.

"Mom!" Liu Jin's eyes sparkled upon seeing his mother. He ran towards her and she picked him up for a tight hug.

"My baby!" Nana was equally as excited upon seeing her son. She peppered his face with light kisses and he giggled heartily.

From the side, Daiyu watched the scene with curiosity.

"Mom?" She tilted her head to one side before slowly looking down.

"Daiyu doesn't have a mom…" She pouted.

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