Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Dragon and Phoenix (2)

Dragon and Phoenix (2)

0It didn't take too long for Long Aotian and his army to arrive at where Yin Mei and Feng Hua's two brothers were at. Yin Mei had long seen Long Aotian holding Yao Ling in his arms as he travelled on his warhorse. This was truly the coveted general returning home with a beauty in his arms scene.     

If Yin Mei could see this, of course the two phoenix clan princes could also see it. They were practically shaking with rage. Long Aotian, this bastard has such a beautiful fiancé waiting for his safe arrival at home, but he dared to frolic around with some who knows where she was from girl?     

Although there were some people who still had three wives and seven concubines in this world, as cultivators, it was more accepted to only have a relationship of one woman and one man until death. For the dragon king, the phoenix king, the Jade Emperor, they all only had one woman.     

For the cultivators who had such a thought process, it was natural that they despised cheating and looked down on it. It was different from the regular ancient times, where having another woman was normal and if the wife didn't accept that, then they wouldn't be virtuous anymore.     

Long Aotian, as well, had seen the three people from the phoenix clan. He inwardly felt slightly guilty at first, but quickly dispelled that feeling. After all, Yao Ling was his true love, and was different from the haughty princess of the phoenix clan. Long Aotian had the pride of the dragon clan's heir, and so would definitely not bow down in front of the phoenix clan, that had the same ranking as the dragon clan.     

Arriving in front of the three, he nodded at the two princes and the princess, greeting them with a mere semblance of politeness.     

"Long Aotian, you bastard, actually bringing some random woman back from your campaign. What do you think that us phoenix clan members are, to take this lying down?" Feng Liu growled, practically shaking from rage.     

On the other hand, the more mature and dignified Feng Tian only had on a cold face and aura, his gaze looking down at Yao Ling and sending shivers down her spine. "Long Aotian, I hope you've properly thought this through." It was all he said, but it had a heavy weight that made Long Aotian frown.     

Yin Mei also curiously looked at Yao Ling. Like in the description, her beauty was delicate, but not really anything terribly impressive. Being next to Feng Hua only made her beauty diminish even more, looking especially dim when compared to the gorgeous and bright phoenix princess.     

Yin Mei couldn't help but think that Long Aotian was an idiot. This engagement between the two god beast clans was never about love, but instead was an alliance marriage with all sorts of political implications. But this guy didn't even give a thought to such an important alliance and immediately abandoned it for this little slip of a girl.     

As for this girl, Yin Mei definitely thought that she was one of those fake white lotuses. Either that, or she was also an idiot like Long Aotian. Either way, she wasn't anything good.     

Seeing Yin Mei staring at Yao Ling, Long Aotian immediately put a protective arm around the girl. Yin Mei rolled her eyes. What a bastard! Look at his self-righteous expression, it really made her want to punch him!     

"Since it seems that the young dragon prince has found his true love, this princess won't bother you two anymore! Although this marriage was initially for the benefit of our two clans, this princess doesn't feel like ripping apart two destined lovers." Yin Mei said coldly, poking at Long Aotian's sore spot. After all, as the prince of the dragon clan, it was true that he held certain responsibilities, and marrying for the benefit of the clan was one of them. But now that he had offended the princess, in front of her brothers no less, this engagement could be said to be ruined.     

But he comforted himself that they were the proud and powerful dragon clan. To solely rely on a marriage alliance with the phoenix clan was demeaning. He was a little surprised that the arrogant princess of the phoenix clan would back down so easily though. Feng Hua's two brothers were also slightly surprised, the three men looking at her. Yin Mei's eyes were cold and she looked at Long Aotian as if she was staring at a bug. This was not her acting, but her true feelings.     

Even Long Aotian felt a little uneasy when staring at those eyes, that small tiny bit of guilt rising up again.     

"Big brother, second big brother, let's go," Yin Mei said, dragging her two brothers with her as they left. Feng Liu continued to shoot death glares at Long Aotian even while leaving, which Yin Mei didn't mind. Make him uncomfortable, more uncomfortable, and even more uncomfortable! She wanted him to regret his decision and ruin the relationship between the male and female lead.     

She wasn't sure how she would go about doing it, but she would somehow manage. That being said, she couldn't spend too much time on it, as this wasn't her main goal. Even though destroying this ship would be a lot of fun, it wasn't the most important thing.     

When Yin Mei returned home, Feng Tian and Feng Liu immediately wanted to go find their parents in order to cancel the engagement, but Yin Mei stopped them.     

She smiled sweetly. "Big brother, second big brother, let's first take a rest," The two were confused, feeling that their little sister was too calm, but obediently followed her the the small pavilion that overlooked the lotus flower lake in the palace.     

Their servants shooed away any unwanted visitors, and Mei Lan served the three tea and snacks.     

A long time passed, but Yin Mei didn't say anything, making the two brothers nervous. Actually, she was just absorbed in how good the tea and snacks were. What the f*ck, she almost swallowed her own tongue there!     

She regained her composure, seeing the two men become increasingly impatient. "There's no need to be angry." She said, setting down the teacup.     

"Lil' Sis, how can you not be angry? That bastard actually came back with some unknown woman, even though he's engaged to you!" Feng Liu said, enraged. He was angry just thinking about it, let alone his little sister who was the one being wronged?     

Yin Mei continued, not looking at Feng Liu, but Feng Tian. "There's no need to be angry about it. The dragon clan doesn't want this marriage alliance, then there's no need to force it. The money, businesses, and everything else we gave them... they are the ones throwing it away?"     

Feng Liu and Feng Tian both realized what Yin Mei was thinking. It wasn't that their little sister wasn't angry, she was outraged!     

The marriage alliance was more of a front for a business alliance between the military focused dragon clan and the business focused phoenix clan. The phoenix clan had wanted a few hands in the military, while the dragon clan needed funding. Because of this, they formed the marriage alliance. The phoenix clan lent the dragon clan a not too small amount of money and businesses, while the phoenix clan now had heavy sway in the military.     

Actually, even without the marriage alliance, the business alliance still had hope in being saved, but Yin Mei was feeling vicious. Even though she knew that the dragon clan would be brought to their knees if the phoenix clan pulled out their funding and demanded their money back, she still wanted to go through with it. Yin Mei wanted the dragon clan crippled, so that when the demon king arrived, all he needed to do was poke it a little bit until it crumbled, and then he could rightly take his crown as dragon king.     

Feng Tian and Feng Liu didn't think this move was wrong, instead finding in particularly genius, feeling that their little sister was very smart. After all, the phoenix was known to be the most petty of the god beast clans, and seeing as they were wronged this time, they would definitely be vicious in their revenge.     

"You see, there's no need to be angry, right? After all, everything they owe us, we will make them spit it back out." Yin Mei's smile was cruel, but on her face, with her beauty, it only ended up looking particularly gorgeous and dazzling.     

"Our little sister is always right. Since they don't want this marriage alliance, then they don't want it." Feng Tian nodded. Although by appearance and personality he was more mature and calm then Feng Liu, he was also definitely more two-faced and petty.     

The two then quickly bid their farewells to Yin Mei after a bit more pampering and giving her presents, before rushing off to discuss these matter with their parents. In the end, they would have to first receive permission from their father, the phoenix king, before proceeding.     

But, Yin Mei wasn't too worried about this. After all, if played well, the phoenix clan would still be able to keep the position in the military that they wanted. In the end, this move was still beneficial for the phoenix clan. It ruined their relationship with the dragon clan, but the phoenix clan wouldn't care about that once word got out that the dragon prince had brought back some lowly unknown girl when he returned from his campaign. In this matter, probably the entire phoenix clan would be united in the prospect of bringing retribution down onto the dragon clan.     

As for Yin Mei, all she had to do was sit there and look a little sad for the audience. She didn't even have to make a sad expression, just rub her eyes a little so that they turned red, and everyone else would fill in the blanks. Not only the members of the phoenix clan, that treasured their youngest princess with all their might, but all those males of the upper realm would definitely feel their hearts ache and curse with all their might at that dragon prince who couldn't tell pearls from mud.     

Yin Mei, at this time, decided to host a tea party and invite all those females of her generation. It was all the noble daughters, and would include the daughters of the beast king, the ghost king, the medicine king, and the demon king. Feng Hua didn't get along very well with all of these girls, but they were relatively friendly and would get together for tea parties often.     

The daughter of the beast king, Hu Rong, was a six-winged tiger and especially fierce and fond of violence and combat among the five of them. The daughter of ghost king, Gui Neng, was rather gloomy and specialized in curses and necromancy (but Feng Hua had found her cute and liked to dote on her). The daughter of the medicine king, Yao Lan, was, by appearances, elegant and dignified, with a gentle aura, but the girls all knew that she had a narrow heart and hated being humiliated just as much as the average phoenix. And lastly, the daughter of the demon king, Mao Mao, was a member of the cat clan, and was clever and fond of pranks.     

The five of them gathered around a pavilion, the other guests mingling in the garden nearby, being served snacks and drinks while they admired the flowers, making polite conversation.     

"I heard that the girl that Long Aotian brought back is a member of your medicine king's clan," Mao Mao said, her eyes narrowing in amusement at Yao Lan, clearly wanting to start a fight between her and Feng Hua. Mao Mao didn't like Yao Lan's two faced personality, but also thought it was amusing. Those two contradictory feelings led to her constantly teasing Yao Lan in order to make her lose her cool.     

Yao Lan had a naturally gentle and pretty appearance, looking mature and elegant. "She's just a member of a branch clan, nothing to concern yourself with," She said, though on the inside she was dying to rip out Yao Ling's guts. Yao Lan had a crush on Long Aotian, and so hadn't gotten along very well with Feng Hua before, but now that Long Aotian had been stolen away by Yao Ling, the target of her hatred had also shifted. In fact, she even thought of Feng Hua as pitiful and somewhat of a comrade now, seeing as the person of their affection had been stolen away by some lowly woman.     

If Yin Mei knew what Yao Lan was thinking, she would definitely roll her eyes at that. Excuse me, what comrade? Please don't lump me in with you, this lovestruck idiot. But of course, she couldn't know what Yao Lan was thinking, only that she felt that Yao Lan was a little weird today, actually treating her in a sympathetic manner, much more sincere then the Yao Lan in Feng Hua's memories.     

"Just a member of the branch clan, yet she was still able to steal away Long Aotian's heart. I have to wonder just what sort of fox spirit she was descended from." Mao Mao mused, her cat's tail swishing back and forth. "But to dare steal our Feng Hua's man, she sure has guts."     

"Feng Hua, you should challenge her to a duel. You can righteously kill her without worry." Hu Rong suggested. As always, her solution was a violent one.     

"What do you mean without worry. Everyone would look down on Feng Hua if she challenged that no name girl." Gui Neng said, her eyes glaring at Hu Rong through her bangs. "Feng Hua, don't worry. I'll definitely curse that b*tch and make her never think about stealing other people's men ever again." A dark aura rose up around Gui Neng as she laughed creepily.     

"In that case, I'll definitely switch out all her food with fish bones," Mao Mao said, not to be defeated.     

"Eh? Th-then I'll challenge her to a duel myself and defeat her in your stead," Hu Rong said, not wanting to be left out.     

"Feng Hua, don't worry. I'll ask father, as long as he doesn't agree, there's no way that the dragon clan can force a marriage." Of course, Yao Lan couldn't not join in either in comforting Feng Hua.     

Yin Mei felt quite warm hearing this. Although the friendship between these girls was rather complicated, and also not quite pure and had in mind the relationship between their clans, Yin Mei felt that they were actually still good friends nonetheless.     

"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. Because we're friends, I'll tell you, our phoenix clan already has plans to withdraw our business partnership with the dragon clan." Yin Mei said happily.     

Actually, Yin Mei was, in the end, the more vicious of the five.     

Hearing this, they immediately understood what was going on and that Yin Mei was warning them not to get involved. Some of their families also had business partnerships with the dragon clan, so she was doing them the favor of telling them to back off while they still had the chance. This move that Yin Mei took, it was making sure that the dragon clan didn't get the chance to get back up off the ground. Of course, a royal family with so many years of history wouldn't fall with just this, but if all these clans pulled out of their business deals with the dragon clan, then they would definitely feel the pain.     

"That's good. But I can still curse that girl if you want." Gui Neng said, thinking that just targeting the dragon clan would be letting Yao Ling off too easily.     

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