Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Dragon and Phoenix (9)

Dragon and Phoenix (9)

0When Yin Mei saw the demon king in person for the first time in over ten years, a complex emotion washed over her. There was happiness, of course. But also something else, that she couldn't put into words. Tears naturally began falling down her eyes. She had been working so hard, she didn't even know how stressed she had gotten. Seeing the person whose sake she was doing it all for made her feel like it was all alright again. Now that her big thigh was back, she would certainly be able to pound those a**es into oblivion. Of course, she didn't think about the fact that she was actually now stronger than the demon king, who had only just ascended and was thus currently one of the weakest people in the upper realm...     

Yin Mei couldn't contain herself anymore, and her sobs became noticeable. Yang, who was next to her, was on the verge of a panic attack. It couldn't be helped. This was the first time he had seen Yin Mei cry since he had met her, and he had no idea what to do.     

"Your Majesty!" Yin Mei finally called out, running up to hug the demon king, who looked at her with a slight change in his normal expression. "I-I-I missed you," she could barely speak because she was crying too hard.     

This really couldn't be helped. In the years that she had been here, she had actually not cried once. She had kept it all in. Not even when she had first killed, or when she had been killed. None of it. But, a person could only handle so much before they reached their breaking point. For Yin Mei, she had already endured more than she could handle, but she continued going despite all that for the sake of her mission, to survive, to be able to obtain the reward of any wish.     

But, even Yin Mei herself didn't know why seeing the demon king again had sent her straight over her tipping point. Was it because it was for the demon king's sake that she was doing all this? Or maybe she had simply imprinted with the demon king like a baby chick would with their mother. Yin Mei really couldn't say. She just knew that she couldn't stop the tears, and she wanted to hear those words from him again.     

"... Little rabbit?" The demon king said, his face one of slight shock as he looked at the girl in front of him. He had prepared himself for what to expect when he ascended with the information that was in the ring he possessed. But, when he opened his eyes, he didn't expect to see a crying girl wearing clothes the color of fire, seemingly oddly familiar, but at the same time, he was confident he had never seen her before. And the first words out of her mouth sounded so much like the way that the little rabbit would call him, that those words just slipped out of his mouth. Even he didn't know why he thought that she was similar to the little rabbit, when she looked so different. Not only that, but the little rabbit was already dead. He had buried her himself. Although, there were certainly techniques that would allow cultivators to reincarnate...     

"H-h-how," Yin Mei was so shocked that even her tears stopped as she froze in place, looking at the demon king dumbfounded. What the f*ck, just one phrase of your majesty let him see through her identity? What was this godly perception?     

The two stared at each other, both shocked. One because the person he thought was dead was alive in another body, the other because her identity had been seen through so easily even after all her worrying these years.     

After a while, Yin Mei realized what a mess she must look like so she quickly wiped her face and cleaned herself up a little before clearing her throat and asking, "how did you know it was me?" She was really curious.     

"Instinct," the demon king replied curtly, but was also really surprised that the little rabbit was really this girl in front of him. "How are you still alive? And in the upper realm?" His voice grew slightly cold, for some reason, and Yin Mei couldn't help straighten her spine up a little, feeling as if she was once again back in the lower realms in those days when she was still serving the demon king in the palace (that experience only lasted about week though...).     

"Um... something like a special technique? Because I was about to die, I used it to transfer my soul to a body in the upper realm." Yin Mei replied. She had technically told the truth, so the demon king couldn't see through anything and just nodded.     

"Oh, Yang, you can't tell this to anyone okay? My family doesn't know that I reincarnated from the lower realm," Yin Mei said, remember the existence of the large boy behind her.     

Yang nodded, feeling sad that she had clearly forgotten about his existence until now. So she was from the lower realm and had been waiting this entire time for this man here? He gazed warily at the man. It really was an appearance that could seduce all manners of people.     

Actually, now that he had ascended and gone through another round of purification, the demon king was somehow even more beautiful than before, if that was even possible. It was like he transcended the bounds of mortal comprehension, his appearance so dazzling that if a human looked at him, they would definitely end up fainting.     

Because Yin Mei was so preoccupied, she had yet to notice though. "Your Majesty, here I'm a member of the phoenix clan! Although you're now a dragon, you can still come to my clan as a guest elder. I can bring you to meet the Jade Emperor as well." Yin Mei said. She could sense that others were quickly coming from the capital city, and so quickly wanted to take the demon king back home so that he wouldn't go following around or seducing some random people. It would be the absolute worst if he got kidnapped by some stranger! She especially couldn't let that dragon clan get their hands on him.     

The demon king nodded, leaving everything to Yin Mei. After all, he was already used to this back in the lower realm, so he just naturally slipped back into his old habits. Although he was a little angry that he had mourned for nothing, but there was more relief that she wasn't truly dead and here safe and sound... He was also glad. That mysterious feeling that plagued him, after seeing her, had also disappeared.     

Yin Mei hurriedly rushed the other two back into the capital city and to the phoenix clan's palace. Of course, she brought the demon king to meet her parents and her brothers. The family stared at Yin Mei who was introducing the demon king. They stared at her, and her reddened eyes from freshly crying, flushing pink cheeks, and sly glances toward an unbelievably beautiful man.     

In unison, all four of them thought: What in the world happened while we were gone??     

There eyes immediately turned to probe Yang, who they had gradually accepted as the man that Yin Mei was interested. But out pops a new man from nowhere, who was even more of a beauty than their own daughter (of course, they wouldn't admit that). Yang was too busy glaring at the demon king to take notice of their gazes though.     

Seeing this situation, they exchanged glances between each other and realized how dangerous this situation was! The girl that their family doted on the most and treasured like the pearl of their eye... had fallen in love!     

Yin Mei suddenly sneezed, and wondered if she had caught a cold? Could immortal cultivators even catch colds??     

After she finished introducing the demon king, her father nodded seriously, politely greeting him and having a servant guide him to the guest quarters. Yin Mei wanted to personally do it, but her father said in a very serious tone that he had something to talk about with her. Because she was still worried, they had Yang accompany him. Only then did she feel a little more relaxed and stayed behind, wondering what in the world made them so serious.     

"Xiao Hua, you must be tired. Take a seat," Feng Hua's mother said, gesturing to a seat with a kind and gentle smile on her face. Even though she was middle aged already, she still looked very dignified and glamorous, and though her face already showed some wrinkles, it was clear that she had been a beauty in her youth and still was quite stunning now.     

Yin Mei was confused, but obediently sat down as her mother sat down next to her.     

"Xiao Hua, what do you think about that person just now?" Everyone in the family looked keenly toward her, waiting for her answer.     

"What I think about him??" Yin Mei was confused, but wasn't really able to answer this. He was her employer and her big thigh, and...?? She didn't really know how to put what she thought of him into words, aside from perhaps the fact that he was really beautiful. Thinking of that, Yin Mei then said very seriously, "He's very beautiful."     

"Eh?" This wasn't quite the answer the family was expecting.     

"He's really, really beautiful." Yin Mei repeated, as if this fact just couldn't be emphasized enough. And it really couldn't. She felt that unless one saw him in person, they wouldn't be able to fully understand just how deadly his beauty was.     

After saying that again, the family actually came to somewhat of an understanding. The thing is, phoenixes really liked beautiful things. They like beautiful people, beautiful scenery, beautiful everything. So, they clearly understood that Feng Hua had been enamored by the demon king's beauty. But they also didn't know how to feel about this. Would she just stay in love with his beautiful face, or perhaps it would end up something more?     

In the end, they could only let her go.     

In the next few days, the demon king was introduced by the phoenix clan to the Jade Emperor, who was very happy, as anyone who had the ability to ascend from the lower realm to the upper realm had very good talent and potential. Especially someone who could overcome this obstacle known as the dragon gate.     

Yin Mei met up with the dragon king in his guest room, and felt that it wasn't good enough so had ordered some servants to bring in a bunch of treasures to decorate it and make it feel more lived in. She also took out those treasures that she had found from the ancient city (save her peeping tom water basin) and gave them to the demon king excitedly.     

The demon king calmly accepted them. For some reason, his little rabbit seemed to really enjoy finding treasures and then giving them to him. He could only think that this was her hobby, but it vaguely reminded him of a suitor trying to woo someone. It couldn't be that the little rabbit thought of him in that way? The demon king didn't think that was the case. After all, she had always been so eager to get him together with that furnace... He was glad that he had killed that person off. Now there wasn't anyone for the little rabbit to try and matchmake him with.     

The thing that he had the most complaints about was that in the time the little rabbit wasn't by his side, she had actually picked up a fly that constantly flew around her. Just seeing this fly made the demon king feel very irritated for some reason. It seemed he just couldn't take his eyes off of her, or she would attract all sorts of unwanted attention.     

Yin Mei thus obtained another little follower, making her speechless. What the f*ck, Yang, can you not teach my demon king bad things please?     

(A/N: Zombie apocalypse was much more popular than I expected, so I'll give it some serious consideration, tho I did want to break up the action with a slightly more relaxed world since I felt that if she goes into a zombie apocalypse right after this, YM really would have a hard time handling it. Also a couple people raised concerns over the 2nd male lead's ending, and I see you. I actually didn't initially plan on including a second male lead precisely because I didn't want that drama and I would feel bad for him, so I will take that into consideration as well.)     

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