Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (7)

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (7)

0Because Ming Wei practically lived in the lab, Yin Mei would be cooking in the lab kitchen every day. She signed a nondisclosure agreement and received a keycard that would allow her basic access into the laboratory. She was overjoyed that she was finally able to achieve her first step in completing the first mission.     

She knew that once she broke the zombie emperor out from the lab, she would definitely not be able to stay in B City. She might even be hunted down by all the rest of humanity. She had to plan for then, but for now was solving the issue of actually getting the zombie emperor out.     

Because of the importance of this lab, and the fact that they were experimenting on zombies and human ability users alike, the amount of security was quite high, with a special guard unit especially assigned to protecting the lab and Ming Wei. In addition, because B City had been fairly well off since the very beginning of the apocalypse, most of the security systems in the lab had been kept intact, including surveillance cameras, keycard authorization, and even fingerprint and retina scans for where the more important things in the lab were kept.     

Yin Mei had half a mind to cut off Ming Yu's hand and scoop out her eyes to bypass the security system, but thinking about that kind of disgusted her so she put the idea off for now. Plus, first she needed to find a way to get rid of the guard who was accompanying her at all times, as well as do something about the surveillance cameras. The only place the guard didn't follow her to was the bathroom, much to her relief (though it gave her a sense of deja vu, which she shook off in annoyance, not wanting to remind herself of those damned events in the previous world).     

Yin Mei finished cooking lunch and she walked out into the lab's small dining room/lounge area, serving it to Ming Wei, who was dragged over here and from his research by the other researchers.     

It was at this moment that Yin Mei saw Ming Yu, and she put on an expression of shock. Okay, she was actually shocked though, that scar really was quite ugly, really contrasting up against her pretty face. In the future, Ming Yu would evolve her healing powers and be able to heal the scar, but for now, she was stuck with it.     

Yin Mei looked back and forth between Ming Yu and Ming Wei several times, making Ming Yu feel uncomfortable. She quickly bid her brother an awkward goodbye and returned back to her research. The others felt a little bad, glaring at Yin Mei as if warning her to put away her obvious shock. Of course, they all felt that Yin Mei was shocked because of Ming Yu's scar, and she really was, but Ming Wei was the only one who thought differently.     

Much to Ming Wei's annoyance, Yin Mei immediately walked a few steps closer to Ming Wei, speaking in a slightly loud whisper, "Oh my god, that girl was actually working at this research lab? No way, she looks a little like you, so could it be that you're siblings??"     

Ming Wei narrowed his eyes. Actually, he had always heard that he and his sister didn't look anything alike, but in this girl's eyes they were suddenly so alike that she could pinpoint their relationship with one glance. He had to admit that her eyes were good, if nothing else. Oh, right, her cooking skills were also good. He took another bite of the pasta in front of him. He didn't even like pasta that much, but it seemed that anything made by her was just unbearably delicious... he lamented that he might not ever be able to return to normal food after this.     

Yin Mei then looked at him with an exaggerated gaze of pity, making him almost want to spit in her face. What the f*ck was that look for? She continued whispering loudly, "If she's your sister, then there's no way you could experiment on her, right! What a pity, and here I thought that the zombie cure could finally be made. I guess you'll have to find someone else with a healing ability. I just don't know if there's actually anyone else who has this ability, though - it seems like it would be one of those rarer abilities," Yin Mei prattled on and on. She wanted to make sure that her words slowly but surely pushed Ming Wei onto the path she wanted him to walk.     

Initially, Ming Wei already had very little qualms in experimenting on Ming Yu. For him, if it was for the sake of humanity, he could do anything. Like Yin Mei mentioned before, this family had a very twisted relationship and neither of the two cared for their blood ties except when it mattered. In addition, he really had already checked through the list of registered abilities, and there wasn't a single healing ability in B City. But, the only thing was was that Ming Yu was stubbornly insisting that she didn't have a healing ability, as if she instinctively knew that it would be bad if she admitted it.     

Yin Mei kneeled down, putting her arms and chin on the table as she looked up at Ming Wei a smile on her lips as she spoke, in a normal voice this time, "Well, but I'm sure the younger sister of the doctor would surely be grateful to sacrifice her wellbeing for the sake of the rest of humanity." What a joke. Lei Han thought that Ming Yu was so pure and good, but the reality was that she was definitely not so. In the first place, what pure and good person would do the man who killed her older brother? Maybe there were really people out there willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, but Yin Mei could confidently say that Ming Yu wasn't one of them.     

But Ming Wei certainly was.     

It's precisely because he was such a person that he could also sacrifice others, and Yin Mei's words were constantly reminding him - by experimenting on his sister, he would be able to create a cure.     

Actually, just Ming Yu was not enough. There were a few other components needed before the cure could be completed, but Ming Yu was indeed a key ingredient (at least, her ability was). If not, then Ming Wei would have already have completed the cure in the past timeline, though it was a pity that the final ingredient had been out of his reach at that time.     

"Hey, Doctor, if you give me a tour of the lab, I'll tell you something interesting again." Yin Mei said, once more dangling a piece of enticing prey in front of the research obsessed man.     

Ming Wei gave her a suspicious glance. Yin Mei shrugged, passing it off as no big deal. "Come on, I'm curious about what you've found out on the zombie virus!" She said in a slightly nonchalant tone.     

Ming Wei paused. Actually, although their research was important, it wasn't that big of a deal if it was found out by others. In the end, the reason the research was kept secret was because B City wanted to keep an advantage over the others. And just perfect if they could find the cure and monopolize it for themselves. Ming Wei didn't agree with this train of thought, but he would cooperate as long as they gave him the resources he needed. Anyways, Ming Wei had to admit he was actually really tempted to hear this "interesting" thing that Yin Mei talked about. Her last piece of information was so good, it was only to be expected that her next piece of information should at least be equal in quality, right?     

In the end, Ming Wei could not go against his pure desire for information. Ming Wei was, after all, the type to prioritize his research above silly political matters and stuff. Of course, the guard disagreed, but in this lab, what Ming Wei said was law. Ming Wei was the best brain that C Country, or maybe the entire world, could offer. In the apocalypse, his existence was like a light of hope for all people. Even though Ming Wei never created the zombie cure in the very end, he had still created many amazing medicines that helped humanity survive the apocalypse - things like water and ground purifiers, cures for newly evolved parasites, physical and mental enhancement medicines, and etc. etc., they all came from the hands of this man.     

Granted, Yin Mei also knew that the zombie virus was also his doing. Was his obsession with the cure because he felt guilty? Yin Mei couldn't tell.     

Walking through the lab, Yin Mei showed an appropriate amount of interest as Ming Wei explained what the researchers were doing as briefly as possible. It was only until they came in front of a giant glass cylinder filled with some sort of golden liquid. Inside a zombie was floating, attached to all sorts of pipes and tubing. He looked almost human, well, a dead human though.     

Yin Mei stopped dead in her tracks, her face pale as she stared in shock at the zombie, her breathing quickening a little. She wasn't surprised because she had so easily encountered the zombie emperor, no, it was because... he simply looked too similar to the demon king. His long hair floated in the liquid, and the golden glow gave him a mystical appearance. Perhaps the only difference was that he had two moles under his left eye, and his skin had a weird grey-yellow-blue-green tint to it that was the result of his corpse-like skin color mixing with the color of the mysterious liquid. He also looked shorter, but she couldn't tell very well.     

"What's wrong?" Ming Wei asked, noticing that Yin Mei had stopped dead in her tracks, looking at the cylinder. "Oh, him? There's no need to worry, it's perfectly safe. The cylinder walls are made from a special type of glass that-"     

Ming Wei continued explaining, but his voice faded in the background as Yin Mei's eyes remained on the zombie emperor, who opened his eyes, his red irises gazing at her.     

"No. No, no, no." Yin Mei muttered, clutching her head as she tore her eyes away. "It's impossible, it's impossible. There's no way!"     

Ming Wei noticed that Yin Mei was really acting weird, so he walked a few steps closer, narrowing his eyes. "Hey, what's-"     

"He's already dead, he can't be here, that's impossible, why-" Yin Mei continued blabbering, and Ming Wei was about to place his hand on her shoulder so that he could get her attention on him, only for her to slap his hand away, her face looking up. Her eyes were red with tears, and she was practically gasping for breath.     

"Ah!" She noticed that something was wrong, and hurriedly wiped at her eyes. "S-sorry, he just looks, like someone I know... But that's impossible." She laughed nervously, and Ming Wei rubbed his hand, scoffing.     

"Well, whoever he used to be, he's just a zombie now." Ming Wei said heartlessly.     

"No, the person I know, he... no, it's impossible. He couldn't be here." Yin Mei said, glancing back at the cylinder. The zombie's cold red eyes continued gazing at her and she shivered, a cold sweat going down her forehead. "It's not my fault. Why couldn't you have just-" Yin Mei started to say again, but this time calmed herself down without Ming Wei interfering. She took a deep breath. "It's not him." She firmly told herself.     

She knew that. But honestly, if she had to deal with the zombie emperor from now on, with that appearance of his, she felt that she would definitely go crazy with guilt. She couldn't "save" the demon king before, and now she had to literally save the zombie emperor, who had his same appearance. Yin Mei really couldn't name this complex feeling she had in her heart.     

Yin Mei breathed deeply in and out once. "Phew. Okay, I'm good. Sorry about that. It was like suddenly seeing a vengeful ghost from the past, nearly scared the sh*t outta me," Yin Mei said in a lighthearted tone, as if brushing off the severity of her former... episode.     

She refused to be reminded of what happened in the past. Of her failure. Of everything that happened because of her weakness.     

"That's right, this time I just need to get rid of those damned cockroaches before they can do anything," Yin Mei said with a cold expression and she blinked again. "What're we waiting for? The tour isn't over yet, right?"     

Ming Wei really couldn't read this girl, and he realized why. It was because her emotions were too unstable. One moment she appeared innocent and sweet, the next moment she was breaking down, and another moment she was exuding a murderous aura. A person like that was really too dangerous. But, could she be blamed? In this apocalypse, how many people could truly stay sane?     

He shook his head. Though Yin Mei was unstable, she was also still rather normal compared to other people. At the very least, she hadn't completely gone off the deep end yet and was still "functional". Anyways, her food was really way too good. He could accept it even if she was a little insane. Though he did think that he should recommend a psychiatrist for her. All of the soldiers received counseling from B City's resident psychiatrist, so when he had time, he would write up a recommendation letter. He nodded, satisfied with his decision.     

After the tour was over, they returned to the lounge room where Yin Mei went into the kitchen to whip up some small snacks real quick and handed part of it over to Ming Wei while eating the rest.     

"What's the interesting thing that you wanted to tell me about?" Ming Wei said, his face cold even as he eagerly ate the seasoned cream cheese crackers from his plate.     

"Oh, right, right! You know, I actually know the person that your sister healed," Yin Mei said. Actually, she wasn't selling Lei Han out. Because, she knew that this wouldn't be a good thing. She was worried that he would be able to avoid any traps the lab would set for him and only get more powerful as a result. She couldn't trust others, and felt that she had to take care of him herself, or else who knew what could happen. What she was aiming for was something different.     

"You know, your sister really looked like she was having a moment with that guy. I'm sure with a little incentive, she'd be happy to volunteer her services, right? His name was Lei Han. He used to be a special forces officer." Yin Mei said.     

Ming Wei guessed what Yin Mei was implying - she wanted to use Lei Han to threaten his sister. She put on this innocent front, but Ming Wei felt that she had some sort of personal grudge against his sister, with the way she spoke.     

As for Yin Mei, she wanted to see if this girl could sacrifice herself for true love, since the rest of humanity was no good.     

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