Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (23)

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (23)

0Yin Mei didn't forget to ask a zombie to bring Ming Yu with them, as she was Lei Han's weakness after all.     

She felt a tad bit worried that Lei Han might do some weird power up that was a unique ability to the protagonist if she tried using Ming Yu against him, but thinking about it now, such a thing hadn't happened with the male lead's before him. She was a little curious why that was.     

She thought that maybe all male leads were just weaker than she had thought they were, but that was what had gotten her almost killed by Lei Han.     

So she had to scrap that idea.     

Well, for now, she would first bring Ming Yu with them and then see how the situation would develop from there. B City's ability users were currently assaulting the wall, but with no notable results. This was a special wall created by one of the powers of a rank 5 zombie and Qin Shuang's ability. It had special regenerative properties and wasn't so easily taken down.     

But, seeing that their assault was ineffective, they had those people with flying abilities bring up some of the stronger ability users to try and enter that way.     

"Miss, what do you want us to do with them?" A zombie approached her to ask, his body covered in scales as a large number of snakes slithered around him and his body. Yin Mei was always afraid she would step on one when he walked around like that...     

"Do you even need to ask? Kill them all and don't leave a single one behind." Yin Mei said with an icy expression.     

"Wait, Lu Mei, if you do that, then you'll be setting a target onto all our backs. The other bases in C Country will end up ganging up and trying to go after us then." Ri En said, quickly trying to stop this crazy woman from doing anything too detrimental toward them.     

Yin Mei clicked her tongue loudly, obviously feeling unsatisfied. "Fine, fine. Anyone who retreats or runs away you can leave alone. Kill the rest."     

Ri En still felt there was something wrong with this, but they didn't have the luxury of going easy on their opponents so he left it alone.     

The only one that Yin Mei was worried about was Lei Han. With such a large gathering of rank 5 zombies on their side, they would definitely overwhelm the other soldiers from B City. Because zombies wouldn't die unless their heads were bashed in, and nor would they tire, they had the advantage over a human army.     

"Slaughter them," Yin Mei said with endless satisfaction in her heart. Okay, she had wanted to say it just this once in her life. It made her feel very cool and badass inside, though she quickly calmed down and joined the zombies in making their way up the wall to meet the intruders.     

There were only oh so many that could make it up the wall, and this city was their home base at well, so they had a very obvious advantage.     

B City were idiots to raid without any concrete plan or knowledge of the city.     

But, Yin Mei also knew that they had Lei Han, so she didn't let her guard down.     

"Where is he?" She muttered, as she emotionlessly slashed down at another soldier. She glanced around, trying to find the telltale purple flashes of his ability.     

"Kids, don't overwork yourselves! If you get tired, you can go back!" Yin Mei called out, her voice reaching the grouped together kids who were throwing their abilities left, right, and center.     

They acknowledge Yin Mei's words, but none of them left, stubbornly staying behind. The kids already had no issues killing other humans when they had arrived here, let alone now, when they were protecting their home and city. The apocalypse was a really cruel place, where kids would now kill others without batting an eye at it.     

At this moment, she caught a purple light flashing at the corner of her eye and whipped her head around, spotting Lei Han immediately. She bared her teeth at him. "Ming Yu!" She called out, and a pale skinned zombie that had short cut black hair protected her as they both came over.     

"L-Lu Mei, what's going on? Do I have to be here...?" She asked with a nervous expression, her eyes darting around as she saw humans being slaughtered by the kids and zombies around her.     

"You have a rare healing ability. If the kids get hurt, then you'll have to quickly heal them." Yin Mei answered. "You want a peaceful life right? If we can protect this city, then you'll be able to stay here. You won't have to worry about food or shelter. You can play with the kids. We even have cats and dogs that you can take as a pet."     

Yin Mei spoke, and though her voice was low, it seemed to ring clearly through the cacophony, having some sort of seductive pull and power to it. Ming Yu could almost imagine it oh so clearly. A world where she didn't have to worry about anything...     

"All you have to do is break Lei Han's heart." Yin Mei said, her voice piercing straight through Ming Yu's own heart and she blinked at her, her mouth opening and closing.     

"Wh-why?" Ming Yu asked. In her times of torture, only Lei Han had been her solace, his visits the only time she could find comfort.     

"He's here with the others to tear apart your future peaceful days. Don't believe anything that he'll say, Ming Yu. Outside of our city, others are filled with dirty things. They can't freely do anything, always having to ration their power and water between hundreds of thousands of humans. If even one infected person gets in, the city is practically doomed. The only place that you can find peace is here." Yin Mei said, her voice soothing.     

She had said that she didn't know how to brainwash a person, but it seemed that she was naturally good at coercing them despite that. Ming Yu was clearly starting to waver.     

"But, but I can just try and convince him to leave with the other forces. I don't have to do something so cruel, right...?" Ming Yu said, and Yin Mei shook her head.     

"If you don't, then he'll think there's hope and come back with the army again and again. You have to mercilessly, cruelly, crush his heart until he won't ever come back again." Yin Mei's words were cold, but Ming Yu pursed her lips, seeming to seriously consider them.     

A peaceful life, for Ming Yu, was the most important. Above all, what she desired was a life where she could live carefree without having to worry about anything. In the original storyline, she had relied on her brother, and then Lei Han for that.     

This time, it would be Yin Mei.     

Ming Yu finally nodded, and Yin Mei's lips curved into a delighted smile. "Ming Yu, you're doing the right thing." She placed her hand on her shoulder, her mouth leaning in to say, "it's all for the sake of a more peaceful life. There's nothing so wrong about that, is there?"     

Ming Yu nodded, her eyes seemed to be filled with the peaceful life she was imagining here. Her expression then hardened, as she had made her decision.     

"Alright, then go ahead," Yin Mei said, watching from behind and occasionally slashing some people down as she watched Ming Yu walk up to the fighting Lei Han, her zombie bodyguard closely following her.     

"Lei Han!" She called out, her clear voice not very loud, but Lei Han could still hear it clearly. He quickly dispatched the last low ranked zombie he had been engaged with, turning around to see the clean and pretty Ming Yu.     

"Watch out!" Lei Han said, shooting an arc of lightning at the zombie bodyguard behind her.     

"Stop!!" She shouted, about to move to block the lightning - this was the bodyguard who was protecting her from all the abilities flying around the top of the wall, if he died then what would happen to her? But the bodyguard quickly moved to block her first, reaching his hand out to allow it to be hit by the attack. It turned black from being burnt, but the zombie didn't even blink an eye.     

"Wha- why did you try and block it?" Lei Han asked. "You could have gotten hurt!" He appeared worried, and also glared at the large man with dull eyes and a now completely burnt hand. "Don't be deceived Ming Yu, that thing is a zombie! Hurry up and come over here so I can protect you."     

"He's protecting me," Ming Yu said, glaring at Lei Han who had almost killed the one thing standing between her and death.     

Lei Han felt hurt. He had just been trying to protect her, so why was she looking at him like that?     

"Lei Han, you should take your army and leave." She said, speaking as coldly as possible.     

Lei Han shook his head. "You know I can't do that. I don't have the authority."     

"Then leave yourself. You shouldn't even be here. All you're doing is bothering us." Ming Yu said.     

Yin Mei, standing nearby: ... Ming Yu, please increase your cruelty level by another ten times.     

"You..." At this moment, Lei Han saw Yin Mei, who was observing with a cold face from nearby. When her eyes met with Lei Han's, she couldn't stop from twisting her mouth into a sneer. There was a groan from the man collapsed by her feet, and without glancing, she stabbed down at him with her sword, completely ending his life this time.     

"It's Lu Mei isn't it? Did Lu Mei set you up to do this? Is she threatening you?" Seeing Yin Mei, he couldn't help but pin the blame on her as he looked back to Ming Yu. Actually, the two of them, Yin Mei and Lei Han, weren't all that different in the end.     

"Don't talk about her like that! Lu Mei is my benefactor," Ming Yu said in a venomous voice. Yin Mei blinked. She didn't expect that. But for Ming Yu, in her heart, Yin Mei had been the one to save her from hell. Even Lei Han had been unable to do anything, but with a few words, she had convinced her brother to stop the experiments and had brought her here - sure, there were zombies, but aside from that, it was a peaceful place with cute kids and nothing to worry about. Even though she had only stayed here for a night, it was already enough for her to not want to let it go.     

Lei Han appeared shocked, looking back and forth between the two. Then he recalled that Yin Mei was from the future. She must have known about his relationship with Ming Yu, and thus had taken the initiative to make Ming Yu feel indebted to her and use her against him.     

"Ming Yu, she's only using you so that she can get to me! You can't trust her!" Although Lei Han tried to explain, Ming Yu wasn't hearing it. She had decided on a side, and it wasn't Lei Han's.     

Lei Han, seeing that he couldn't convince Ming Yu, decided that the first thing he needed to was show her Yin Mei's true colors. Only then would she realize that she had been tricked and it was better to come with him. He glared at Yin Mei, shouting, "Lu Mei, you coward! You couldn't kill me, so you decided to use Ming Yu against me?"     

Yin Mei raised an eye. In the end, Ming Yu's personality was perhaps not so suitable for the job of crushing Lei Han's feelings under her foot.     

In the end, she could only shake her head and directed the zombie to bring Ming Yu back, and stepped up. She was a little tempted to high five her like they were changing players in a game, but she resisted.     

She slashed her sword down, flinging the blood off so that it splattered onto the ground as she tilted her head. She was thinking what she should do. If they just fought normally, she would only be repeating the fight from before, and the result would be the same.     

"You preach about 'for the sake of humanity', but you side with the zombies, that are the enemies of humanity?" Lei Has said as she did so.     

"Yes, our goal is for the coexistence of zombies and humans. After all, the doctor theorized that there is a limit to how much the cure can actually fix. zombies that have evolved too much are incapable of becoming human again." Yin Mei answered.     

Lei Han narrowed his eyes. He knew this was true. Although this information hadn't been publicized in his previous life, as it would be detrimental to the morale of the people then, he had personally heard it being discussed by some of the researchers who he had been experimented on. "Even so, zombies and humans cannot coexist."     

"Well, the doctor agreed to help us research substitute evolution materials, so that we can continue evolving without the need to kill each other," Yin Mei continued.     

Even so, Lei Han disagreed with Yin Mei. "It's impossible. Zombies and humans are too different."     

Yin Mei shrugged. "Isn't that racial discrimination?" She asked, with a bark of laughter before throwing her sword at him.     

"Qin Shuang, plan A9!" She said, and the sword seemed to gain a mind of its own as it engaged together with Lei Han.     

Lei Han grit his teeth. Although Qin Shuang was only ten right now, he was already extremely skilled in battle. One really couldn't underestimate the potential of a former member of humanity's top ability users.     

Yin Mei knelt down, grabbing a gun from one of the corpses. She checked the amount of ammo she had, putting up a shield that blocked Lei Han's lightning attack. She raised it to shoot a few times, but each time he dodged just by a hair's breath. Yin Mei clicked her tongue. So he had evolved his physique enough to dodge bullets? What a pain.     

She was feeling extremely annoyed, and shot another few times until the ammo in the gun ran out. Lei Han had surrounded his body with something that looked like a lightning armor, preventing Qin Shuang from using his threads on him, as they would burn up the moment they got close.     

Yin Mei stomped her foot. She wasn't good at battles that required her to think hard. She was just about to grab another gun, when a hand stopped her. She looked up.     

"Y-y-your majesty?" She was shocked. No, the zombie emperor shouldn't be here. The Dark Saint had explicitly said that he shouldn't fight in the next month, or it would aggravate his internal injuries. Even though the zombie emperor was a zombie that couldn't die from something like internal injuries, it could potentially cripple his strength.     

The zombie emperor glared at Lei Han. This pest had been trying to kill Yin Mei earlier too. Thinking that, he raised his hand, and a pressure seemed to push Lei Han off the wall. "..." Yin Mei gaped at this.     

"Ah! We gotta follow him and make sure he's dead." Saying this, Yin Mei jumped after him without a second thought, and the zombie emperor felt a little distressed, but he also jumped after her.     

Falling from the sky, Yin Mei couldn't help but feel that this was an interesting experience. Her expression was weirdly calm. At this moment, Ning An grabbed a hold of her, and they gently alighted onto the ground, where Lei Han was kneeling. He had used his lightning attack to forcefully slow his fall, but it was hard on his body. He had probably broken something. He grit his teeth. Every time he encountered the demon king, he would always end up eating a loss like this.     

He raised up his hand, shooting a bolt of lightning at the two of them. The zombie emperor hugged Yin Mei in his arms, blocking the attack with his body. A soft grunt escaped his lips and Yin Mei's eyes almost turned red in rage toward Lei Han as pain pierced her heart.     

"Your Majesty!" She called out, and the zombie emperor loosened his grip on her.     

A smile was on his face as he took her own in his hands. "This time I protected you."     

"Main mission has been completed. Would host like to stay in this world until the body's natural lifespan has ended or proceed to the next world?"     

Yin Mei blanked out when she head the voice of System 097 for the first time in a while, not knowing what to think. What? She completed the mission? She hadn't even done anything.     

At that moment, she felt a soft brush of something on her lips, and she snapped to attention, not knowing what had happened. A sweet taste seemed to linger, and she looked at the zombie emperor, who was licking his lips mischievously.     

"Wha- wha- wha-" Yin Mei stammered out.     

It was a battlefield where abilities were flying all around, and it wasn't good to space out. But Yin Mei was completely unable to focus.     

Did he just... kiss her?     

The taste of that brief kiss was oh so sweet.     

But before her thoughts had the time to gather themselves, purple lightning shot out from Lei Han's hands and destroyed the zombie emperor's head, right in front of her. Blood splattered onto her face, and her hand reached out to touch it, bringing it into sight of her eyes.     

She couldn't comprehend.     

His body fell to the ground.     

She couldn't understand.     

Darkness fell on her, as her vision slowly narrowed and her breathing grew sharp and panicked.     


Someone was screaming.     

She was the one screaming.     

Someone was crying.     

She was the one crying.     

And when she came too, she was sitting in a bloody battlefield littered with corpses, covered in dirt and blood, holding the hilt of a sword that she had stabbed into the ground.     

She blankly stared at the red that seemed to be everywhere, soaking into the dirt, covering her skin and clothes. Red, red, red, and even more red.     

It was the same color as the demon king's clothes. It was her most beloved red color.     

She struggled to stand up, gazing into the distant horizon as the sun slowly rose. It was the most beautiful sunrise that she had ever seen. And with a smile, she stabbed herself in the stomach, falling to the ground ever so quietly. Ever so quietly, she took her last breath, her expression stilling, lips still curved in a faint smile as a tear glinted in the corner of her eye.     

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