Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (22)

Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (22)

0"How are you?" Yin Mei asked, when the zombie emperor finally returned from the Dark Saint's hands into hers.     

The zombie emperor quietly looked at her, first placing his hands on her shoulders, then looking up down, left right, and all over. Only after that did he feel satisfied and left Yin Mei standing their dumbfounded as he went to go grab a book.     

"Wait, wait, I asked you a question!" Yin Mei said, jogging after him. He was the one who got hurt, so why did it seem that he was worrying about her instead... She pursued her lips, a little upset as he ignored her in preference of a reincarnation novel.     

D*mn, couldn't he stop reading those trashy books and actually do something else for once?     

Yin Mei boldly took the book away from his hands, not knowing where she got such courage as she asked again, looking him in the eye, "How are you?"     

The zombie emperor looked at her calmly, answering with a short, "I'm fine," as he took the book back.     

Yin Mei felt a little upset, but she didn't know why. He was fine, so wasn't that good?     

It wasn't until the zombie emperor had sat down on the couch that he spoke again. "What you said before..." He spoke, suddenly, as he had opened the book and seemed to be staring blankly at the first page.     

"What is it?" Yin Mei asked, excitedly turning around, trotting over like a little puppy and sitting next to him.     

"You called me 'your majesty' earlier. And that time at B City too..." The zombie emperor said. For some reason, whenever she called him that, he felt like he could just remember something. But in the end, it was as if something was blocking this memory off, and he just couldn't entirely recall what it is that he wanted to. He felt that he needed some sort of key, to unlock the door that these memories were shut away behind...     

"Ah..." Yin Mei felt a little embarrassed. This was what she had called the demon king in her past life... She had just naturally called the zombie emperor this, the term slipping out of her mouth. But what could she say? Would he think that she had a weird fetish or something if she said that she had called the man who looked like him that?     

"Say it again." The zombie emperor demanded, and Yin Mei gaped at him. So the one with the weird fetish was the zombie emperor!?     

"Y-your Majesty?" Yin Mei cautiously tried out, seeing the zombie emperor blank out as if he was thinking of something.     

"Why do you call me that?" He finally asked as he resurfaced from his thoughts, his eyes narrowing and staring deeply into hers.     

"I-I-I used to call someone who looked like you that... it just slipped out." Yin Mei felt that she couldn't lie when those red eyes stared at her. She was reminded again of the demon king.     

"Someone who looked like me?" The zombie emperor furrowed his brow. Someone like that existed? He recalled the weird expressions that Yin Mei would give him all the time and realized that the person who looked like him must be the cause of those looks. That person must really look like him for her to be unable to look at him without being reminded of that person...     

For some reason, that made him feel extremely uncomfortable inside.     

The zombie emperor suddenly wanted to tell her that he wasn't that person, so she should stop looking at him that way. With that gaze filled with sadness, hurt, and blame - he didn't know if she was blaming him or herself. But, for some reason, the words got stuck in his throat and wouldn't come out.     

Why was that?     

Was it because somewhere deep inside, he felt that the person she was talking about... wasn't another person after all?     

But why?     

He didn't know her at all.     

He was certain of it.     

In this place, in this time, he had never met her before.     

But, what about further before that?     

What about those memories, of an ancient palace and beautiful sceneries that couldn't be found anywhere in this world? Where those all just an illusion that his brain had come up with...?     

He suddenly spoke again, "Do you believe in past lives?" He asked, and Yin Mei stared wide eyed at him.     

Wait, was this the reason why he had been reading all those weird books all the time? She didn't think the zombie emperor was actually the type to believe something so unscientific. She then paused. Oh wait, everything about this was unscientific though. She herself was a transmigrator with a system, she shouldn't be talking, huh...     

Maybe even her life as Bai Yu and Feng Hua could be considered past lives. She paused. Wait a moment? Hmmm???     

"Why... would you ask that?" Yin Mei looked at him suspiciously, squinting her eyes at him as if doing so would cause the answer to her doubts to magically appear.     

The zombie emperor paused. In the end, he vaguely said, "I'm not sure, but when you say that term 'your majesty', I feel like I'm about to remember something I forgot a long time ago..."     

Yin Mei abruptly stood up, her face extremely pale. What was that?     

What was that supposed to mean?     

It can't be what she thought?     

No, but... but...     

He was already dead. This wasn't even the same world. He wasn't like her, someone with a system who could transmigrate to different worlds, right? And from the looks of it, he didn't remember anything...?     

She shivered. She didn't know how to feel. It was a mixture of fear, self-blame, anger - all sorts of negative feelings sprouted in her heart. But, there was also a small sliver of hope. Would she be able to finally see the demon king again? Her demon king?     

She looked down at the zombie emperor. But wasn't she already seeing him in front of her? No, she wasn't. She felt confused. The zombie emperor was different from the demon king. Although there were points where they could be said to be similar, aside from their appearance, they also had points of difference.     

So she didn't know. Were the demon king and zombie emperor the same person after all? And if, and she was just saying if, he was really the demon king and recalled all his memories of the past world what would happen to the zombie emperor then?     

This matter of potential past lives and amnesia confused Yin Mei.     

Even though she had struggled to come to terms that the zombie emperor wasn't the demon king, he had to pull this on her, and give her hope!     

Hope, and uneasiness.     

"What, what do you remember- no, that's right. You said you can't remember..." Yin Mei bit her lip, and finally sat back down.     

The zombie emperor paused, feeling that the way Yin Mei was acting was odd. From his memories of humans, usually they would not believe him, right? Or maybe it was because the world had already ended and gone to hell, that nothing was new anymore? Since he was a zombie, it wouldn't be so odd if he had a past life?     

He suddenly recalled that Yin Mei had often claimed to be from the future.     

Time travel was possible, so did it mean past lives were possible as well?     

Yin Mei and the zombie emperor looked at each other.     

"Do you remember? This... past life," the zombie emperor said.     

"I-I-" Yin Mei stammered out before falling silent, not knowing what to say. She...     

"Lan Wu has illusion abilities. We can use him to show me your memories. Perhaps then I'll be able to... remember something," the zombie emperor said.     


Wait a minute...     

Illusion abilities? Wait, wasn't that a mental ability? Although it wasn't mind control, couldn't she use this? Lan Wu? Who was that??     

Several minute later, a young kid in a black school uniform and hat walked in, his expression gloomy as he clung to a doll in his arms.     

Hmm? Why did Yin Mei feel he looked real familiar- ahhhhh! AHHHHH! He was one of the first zombies that they had ever recruited when they came to H City! Yin Mei had totally forgotten about him! Or rather, she had completely forgotten all the zombies that they had first recruited. There were too many zombies now after all, who had the time to remember those guys?     

(A/N: Me too, until a comment mentioned it... :P)     

Although the illusion ability was not exactly a mind control ability, it could still be classified under mental abilities along with other ones like telepathy and mind reading and was useful in indirectly manipulating a person's state of mind.     

Yin Mei was still feeling uneasy, but they had already come this far.     

She wasn't quite sure how his ability worked, but apparently by linking hands, he could show what one person was remembering to the other as an illusion. It was his special mutated version of the ability, just like how Qin Shuang's ability would mutate in the future to allow him to heal with other's blood.     

She closed her eyes. Although at first, she didn't want to remember, in the end, the memories flowed, like water rushing in after a dam breaking.     

She remembered the moment she had first met him. That appearance, like a blood red rose, a scent almost rotten, a luxurious palace, and a seductive voice...     

Ahh, ahhhh, ahhhhhhhh... She couldn't take it. Tears naturally began to flow down her cheeks as she recalled the memories she had tried so desperately to keep away.     

A smile that seemed to dazzle the eyes, long black hair that was like an ink waterfall, pale skin in sharp contrast to that bright red robe.     

She didn't want to recall. It was only full of painful memories.     

Under the moonlight, him saying "good job" to her while patting her head...     

She didn't want to recall.     

Because, her heart, it couldn't take it. It felt like it was breaking into pieces, being ripped apart, burned, trampled on, destroyed, shredded, and all manners of pain stabbed into her.     

It was her fault.     

It wasn't her fault.     

Why...? Why did he die... even after she had done all she could, so that he could be happy. In the end, it still wasn't enough...     

Before she knew it, she had collapsed onto the ground, her shoulders shaking. She was sobbing so hard that she could barely breath, not a sound coming from her mouth aside from short gasps, as she clutched at her chest.     

Why was she still even trying? The person she had tried so hard for was already gone anyways.     

"Little rabbit," a voice suddenly spoke, and she looked up. An all too familiar voice entered her gaze. "It's my fault. I'm sorry," he was apologizing for some reason. Why was he apologizing?     

"I could't protect you, even though I promised myself I would..." He muttered, and then pat her head, for some reason. She felt like she remembered this happening, a long time ago. That's right, and at that time, he had said... "You did a good job, up until now."     

And something inside Yin Mei seemed to break, as all the frustrations and pain she had suffered until now seemed to pour out of her like a stream, and she cried. And cried. Loudly, and obnoxiously. She continued crying, until the tears dried up and she fell unconscious.     

The next day, Yin Mei woke up in her bed, trying to recall what in the world had happened yesterday.     

When she did, she turned bright red. She had actually broken down and sobbed like a baby in the arms of the zombie emperor of all things! Oh my god! How embarrassing!!     

When she finally calmed down, she went through her daily morning routine and changed her clothes before slapping her cheeks a couple of times. "I'm okay. I'm okay now." She said to herself, looking straight at her in the mirror.     

... She looked like a total mess.     

Puffy and red eyes, red nose, red cheeks, and dark bags. She looked horrific.     




Well, whatever. After ignoring what she had just seen in the mirror and banishing it into the back of her mind, as if it had never happened, Yin Mei walked out into the living room, where the zombie emperor was leisurely drinking a cup of tea while flipping through the pages of a book. It was so peaceful and normal of a scene that Yin Mei almost felt like yesterday had never happened and this wasn't the apocalypse.     

But of course, no matter how Yin Mei wished for that to be true, it wasn't.     

"Little rabbit," the zombie emperor, or perhaps the demon king, spoke in a peaceful manner as he acknowledged Yin Mei's entrance.     

Yin Mei's face turned stiff. Not only did she look like a mess, she had shown him such an embarrassing sight...     

She wanted to die, right now, at this moment, instantly.     

But god did not grant her wish, and she didn't have the courage of suicide. Plus, even if she did die, she'd just end up having to go to another punishment world!     

Just imagining it was scary enough for her to immediately take back those feelings.     

"Y-your Majesty," Yin Mei began to speak cautiously, but before she could get out what she wanted to say, the sound of a giant explosion interrupted her words. "Wha-?" The whole city seemed to shake a little. Could abilities actually be so strong at this time?     

Qin Shuang barged into the room, along with all three Ri siblings.     

"Eh? Since when did the Fire Emperor get here?" Yin Mei said, blinking her eyes at the man with short cut red hair.     

"Fire Emperor? What sort of embarrassing title is that?" He said back.     

"That's not the time for that! We're being attacked by an army from B City." Ri En interrupted in an urgent tone of voice.     

"B City? Since when did they have the time of day to come attack us?" Yin Mei replied, feeling very confused.     

"Since you kidnapped their head researcher and brought that guy to assault their city, that's when!" Ri En answered, and Yin Mei almost coughed up blood in reaction to that.     

"I bet it was all that b*stard Lei Han's fault!" She immediately shoved all the blame onto the male lead.     

"I bet it was cause that stupid Ning An did something, right?" Qin Shuang muttered under his breath, glaring daggers at a certain expressionless zombie emperor.     

"Lei Han! I'll definitely get my revenge for this!" Yin Mei said, clenching her hand into a fist as she overflowed with fighting spirit, completely not paying attention to the others.     

Ah! But then she recalled that the zombie emperor was still out of commission. "D*mmit Lei Han, targeting us while we're weak!!" She now was overflowing in frustration, but still didn't forget to pin all of the blame on Lei Han.     


Oh well, she would have to make do with the cards in her hands. They had Qin Shuang and the Fire Emperor now, as well as the Ri twins and some good portion of the zombie emperor's army. The kids as well, could do some good damage if they put their minds to it. She just wasn't sure how they would fare battling humans...     

She shook her head.     

For the sake of their city, and more importantly, for the sake of getting rid of the pest known as Lei Han, she had to do this!     

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