Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Kiyohira's referigerator

Kiyohira's referigerator

0"If you look carefully, you will see that she is dying with worries for her sister." The man points at Yamashina Chiyo. "It's hard to see her emotions. Actually, she doesn't know what to do with them. She doesn't understand how to deal with people. Because of the harsh reactions of the people, she decided to deal with dead people because the dead won't rebuke her if she makes a mistake."     

Ren notices the small giveaways on her face. She is wearing the same clothes that she wore this morning. Her hands are inside her pockets, but the small bulges in the pocket reveal that she is fisting them in anger. Her eyelashes shake. She keeps staring at the building. The fine lines around her worn-out eyes and her dishevelled hair show what's inside her heart.     

Has he been so prejudiced against her that he couldn't see the truth?     

"She rejected me though." The man sighs. "I asked her out, but she told me that she liked someone else."     

"She did?" Ren exclaims. "Who?"     

"I am not sure." The man looks at him. "It can be someone whom she asked to go away. She is usually not this cold or irritated toward commoners."     


"Before she came here, she visited her aunt at the hospital." The man tells him, "She told her that Iori-san will survive because her cousin must pay for the damages that her apartment got."     


The man continues, "After she came out of the hospital, she fell on her knees. She didn't cry or whine. She asked me calmly to help her get to the car. Then, she explained to me how she can't control her physical response to this situation."     

Ren listens quietly. He may not have been able to imagine this ever.      

"I have to leave now." The man smiles at him. "I think that someone else should be by her side at this moment. If one looks closely, he might be able to see how human she can be."     

The man leaves after saying goodbye. Ren watches him disappear in the crowd. Then, he realises that he didn't ask the man's name.     

He keeps stealing glances at Chiyo. Then, he rethinks about everything that happened between them. It was her first time too, but she boldly said that she would take responsibility. Ren chuckles as he makes his way toward her.      

"Go away." She shoos when he gets closer. "I don't want to hear you speak."     

"I am here to apologise," Ren says to her.     

"I am too busy to accept an apology," She replies coldly. Then, a soft trembling whisper comes out of her mouth, "Iori is inside. It will be chaotic in the house if she dies. I don't want to see her…"     

"They will be fine," Ren assures her as he inserts his hand inside the pocket of her coat. He wraps his fingers around her fist. "Kiyohira is taking care of it. So, don't worry. It will be over soon. No one we know will get harmed. He's the man who ran into the mansion full of bombs and fire to save his family. How can he let someone else get harmed like this?"     

Just then, a police officer shouts. "The door is opening!"     

Everyone readies their guns toward the door.     

A man steps out of the restaurant with his arms in the hair. "Don't shoot. We are coming out one by one."     

Ren and Chiyo go closer to the tape. The police officers don't lower their guns, but a few officers go to their sides. One by one, all the civilians come out of the restaurant.      

Lastly, Takeshi and Iori come out together, holding hands. They look like they have aged by ten years. Ren rushes toward him as he drags Chiyo with him.     

"You took so much time to come out, kid!" Ren slaps Takeshi's shoulder. "Is this how you planned to treat your wife on the day of your marriage?"     

"Too soon for jokes," Takeshi utters.      

"Okay, okay." Ren grins at him. "Ah! Your brother and nephew have gone to look for Rie. I think that she's in trouble too."     

"Sister-in-law is in trouble?" Takeshi widens his eyes in shock. "Is it the Takeuchi family?"     

"Hmm?" Ren knits his brows together. "That's possible, but do you think that anything can happen to Rie?"     

"What do you mean?" Takeshi scowls at him. "We should look for her now."     

"I will trust Kiyohira a bit. He's not the same idiot we used to know." Ren says to him, "I am starving. Do you think the restaurant will still serve?"     

Chiyo stands still in front of Iori. "I nearly had to do an autopsy on you."     

"Sister." Iori has tears in her eyes. She steps closer and hugs Chiyo tightly. "I am so glad to see you."     

"Me too," Chiyo replies in a mechanical tone. "Don't get into trouble like this again."     

"I won't, I won't," Iori promises her. "I have decided that I want to be a housewife."     

"Is that so?"     

"I don't want my family to get hurt."     


"I will start my own news channel on Youtube and report."     

Chiyo sighs. "Is that so?"     

"I will take over Senpai's company too."     

"You have it all planned."     

"Takeshi is important to me." Iori looks up at Chiyo. "My family is also important. I don't want to endanger them again, but I also don't want to lose what I am passionate about. I will do things smartly instead of acting like an idiot after we come back from the honeymoon. Then, we will have a wedding too."      

Chiyo doesn't comment on it. It seems Iori has changed after being held as a hostage. She seems brighter and unusually cheerful. It is not surprising. Many people change after something big happens to them. "What happened inside?"     

"Ah." Iori touches her forehead. "The shock was too great. I cannot remember."     

Confused, Chiyo turns her head toward Takeshi.     

"I have shared the same shock." Takeshi says, "I don't remember either."     

Ren laughs. Then, he looks at Chiyo. "Chiyo, are you hungry? I want to eat something sweet. Do you like sweet buns?"     

Chiyo frowns hard. Why is this man warm toward her? But she doesn't ask any questions. "Eating something sweet will make up for the loss in --"     

"Let's go to Kiyohira's place." He gives her a toothy smile. "We will empty Kiyohira's referigerator."     

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