Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Did Not Use Condom Once

Did Not Use Condom Once

0Kamiyama looks into my eyes with his intoxicated dark eyes. He pulls my lower lip with his teeth. He sucks my lips again before he moves to my neck. His kisses rain down along the curve of my shoulder. His hands are tracing down my body. His lips trail down to my chest. He puts my nipple in his mouth and plays with his tongue. His left hand kneads my other boob. His actions are slow and deliberate.     

"Kamiyama, I want you now."     

I hear him chuckle lowly. He ignores my words and nibbles my other breast. When I wrap my arms around his head, he pulls them apart and pins them down on my bed. He shakes his head with a devilish glint in his eyes.     

I feel the need for building up with me. I am aching for him to go inside me. I almost beg him, but I keep my mouth stubbornly shut. I won't beg a Kamiyama.     

He is taking his sweet time. I can feel his hardness between my legs. He is holding himself back. I don't understand why. He kisses my lower belly, sucking me here and there before he moves down further below. He lifts my waist and looks at me. His hair is shadowing his dark eyes. But, I can see the undisguised want in his eyes.     

A slow smile appears on his red lips. He plunges his two fingers inside me abruptly. I close my eyes shut. He moves them in the clockwise direction and pulls them out. That's not enough for me.     

He doesn't move his fierce gaze away from me when he licks his wet fingers. His voice is teasing when he says, "You are delicious, Takeuchi."     

He looks extremely hot.     

He buries his mouth between my thighs. His tongue explores inside my cave. I moan in pleasure and cry out his name, "Kiyohira."     

He pauses for a moment. He takes a glance at me once. I realize what I have done. Did I lose my head in pleasure? This is unacceptable. He is Kamiyama to me. Only a Kamiyama.     


When Kiyohira hears her call his name intimately, he is frozen. A surge of happiness run through him. He glances at her and finds her face completely flushed. She looks shocked and cute at the same time. He parts her folds with his tongue and frolics with her pearly bud. He hears her short and fast breaths mingled with lewd moans. He licks her sweet essence. He wants all of her. She must give him everything.     

He finds her exhausted and ready to fall asleep.     

Kiyohira won't He traces the entrance with his finger. "It's time."     

His plunges into her deeply. She grabs the bedsheet. He leans down and kisses her passionately. He thrusts deeper inside her. His nails on her hips pierce the skin when her silky walls contract around his erection. He wants to give her all of him.     

He isn't done after his release. He becomes hard inside her again. She blinks at him and says, "Don't hold back."     

He didn't intend to.     


He has fallen asleep. It's time to leave now. I slowly untangle his hands and legs away from me. This man didn't hold back at all. I lost count how many times we did it in this short time. My body has been eaten dry. He has left marks everywhere. Even my thighs are full of red marks. I blush when I remember his dirty smiles. I take a glance at him. He is an exquisite creature.     

It's too bad that he is a Kamiyama.     

I take a picture of his back. I look for his underwear and take a picture. I stifle a giggle. I have successfully seduced him. He has completely lost it in the bed. My 1 time is more effective than 15 times. It's quality over quantity. Hahaha!     

I wear my clothes and leave the office. Luckily, Mizutani Isami is either not back or she has already left. I push the elevator button. It's 7 PM right now. I will order three bowls of Ramen today.     


Kiyohira searches for her in bed with his eyes closed. He frowns when he can't find her. Is she in the bathroom? He opens his dark eyes and looks around. Her clothes are gone. He notices the lunch boxes. The spoiled food on the floor makes him frown.     

He looks for her in the bathroom and kitchen. He is annoyed by her disappearance. He likes it better if she is beside him. He likes to hold her soothing cool body when he is sleeping.     

He checks his phone. There are missed calls from his grandmother, assistant, Eichi, and a few other people. He decides to call her, only to realize that he doesn't know her number. He checks the time. Mizutani must have left by now. If she didn't find him in office, she must have assumed that he has left. She is not permitted to enter this room.     

He calls home. A maid picks it up. He asks whether she has reached home.     

"Miss has arrived a minute ago," The maid tells him on the phone. "She brought back three bowls of Ramen with her."     

Ramen again? He hangs up the phone. He glances at the lunchboxes.     


I finish the three bowls of ramen. I am still hungry. I order two more. After I am done with the bath, I open the door. I find two bowls of Ramen in front of my door. I eat them with relish. I am full.     

I lay myself down on my bed and open the chatroom. It's time to show off.     


Blessed_Noodles has logged in.     

PaperWig: It was dull. Now, you are here.     

Blessed_Noodles uploads two pictures.     

Blessed_Noodles: @Lady_NotVirgin Your chapter 3 wasn't that effective. Chapter 32 was a huge success.     

Lady_NotVirgin: Is that him and his underwear?     

PaperWig: I only see his back. That brand of underwear is... Is he rich?     

Blessed_Noodles: You can see the brand? @PaperWig     

White_Whiskers has logged in.     

White_Whiskers: What's this? Why are you posting a picture of underwear?     

PaperWig: You have to zoom a bit.     

I_Hack_You: You can post yours @Blessed_Noodles I prefer seeing that.     

Lady_NotVirgin: If his back is this sexy, I can't imagine his front.     

White_Whiskers: What is the color of your underwear? @Blessed_Noodles     

Blessed_Noodles: His front is way sexier...especially with dirty smiles.     

I_Hack_You: What did you do to his back? @Blessed_Noodles You should cut your nails.     

Blessed_Noodles: Nice try @White_Whiskers     

PaperWig: HOT SEX.     

White_Whiskers: I never had sex like that. No woman ever did that to me. I want to have sex like that.     

Lady_NotVirgin: Chapter 32? Is he the type who likes caring and doting housewife?     

Blessed_Noodles: I guess so. He went crazy after a little push. He thought that I was...Hohoho. I fooled him alright. It was the best sex that I ever had.     

PaperWig: You started only yesterday. It is still too early to say that.     

White_Whiskers: I am envious. How many times did you do it today?     

Blessed_Noodles: I lost count     

Lady_NotVirgin: Wow @Blessed_Noodles I wish my husband was like that man.     

I_Hack_You: Those scratch marks....my 2D wife can't do that.     

PaperWig: That's a big difference between a real woman and a plastic doll.     

Blessed_Noodles: He was rough. I felt his warm sperms inside me. I want to do it again tonight.     

Lady_NotVirgin: Rough sex... Did the condom break?     

White_Whiskers: It's heavenly to do it without condoms.     

I_Hack_You: My 2D wife does not need a condom.     

PaperWig: 2D wife can't scratch your back like that.     

Blessed_Noodles: FUCK FUCK FUCK     

Lady_NotVirgin: Go fuck him @Blessed_Noodles Don't scream here.     

Blessed_Noodles: HE DID NOT USE CONDOM ONCE.     

PaperWig: SHIT     

White_Whiskers: HOLY FUCK     

I_Hack_You: Looks like you will have pregnancy sex soon.     

Lady_NotVirgin: Pregnancy sex sounds good.     

Blessed_Noodles has logged out.     

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