Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Need you right now

Need you right now

0Hah! This guy just cares about his family's reputation.     

"I am not that weak." I slam the table twice. "I won't faint or get sick."     

He bores his eyes into me. "You look like you are about to faint now."     

"I won't faint." Why is he obsessed with fainting? I fainted during sex. Sex and work are too different. I won't faint during work. I am not a porcelain doll who will easily get sick or faint.     

"Don't overthink. I fainted during sex because it was my first time. Get over it. You were a loose animal. Did you eat a Viagra or something on that day? You were the one who tired me out."     

The corners of his lips curl up. His eyes twinkles. "Did you see me eat it?"     

I bite my lips. That's his natural... I don't care. "Anyway, I won't faint. I can do the job of the ten errand girls with my strength. Don't be...concerned with this small employee."     

"I chose the right job for you. You are also satisfied with it." He stands behind me and gently slaps my shoulders as if he is dusting away. Is this man always horny? Men really think with their dicks only.     

I realize that I have been tricked. I have told him that I can do the job of the ten errand girls. I grit my teeth. This evil Kamiyama!     

"What are you doing?" If he keeps doing that, I will bite his hands.     

He lightly presses his body behind me and says, "I saw dust on your clothes. By the way, did Eichi hurt you? I heard about what happened."     

I turn around and face him. "Did he go blind?"     

"No." His eyes linger on my clothes. This guy is no less pervert. He is feeling me up. "I took him to the hospital. You would have gotten into trouble if he turned blind. Are you not afraid of prison?"     

"That's a shame." I trace his hard jawline with my thumb. His skin is smooth. "I wouldn't mind going to prison if he became blind. Men like him belong in the gutter."     

"Yes." He agrees with me and steps closer. "Takeuchi, you did a good job. If he comes after you again, don't hold back this time. I will take care of you if he retaliates."     

Did he just? I think that I need to clean my ears. "He is the CFO of this company, right? Is it okay if I turn your CFO fully blind?"     

"It's okay." His warm hands wander inside my shirt onto my back. "I won't support anyone who sexually harasses my female employees."     

It tickles my skin. I try to push him away. He gets even closer. "Aren't you harassing me right now, pervert?"     

He inserts his finger under my bra strap on my back and sinks closer to my ears. His breath is hot against my ears. His voice is low, deep, and masculine. "Let's have lunch."     

"What? No."     

"After lunch, we can play for a while." He suddenly lifts me in his arms. "Let's get you some energy. Then, we can exercise together."     

"Kamiyama, you horny bastard! Let me down now." I flail my legs and arms wildly. He holds me tighter against his chest. "Let me down at this instant."     

My words are like air to him. He takes me to the adjoining room and drops me on the couch. I look at the bedroom. Why is there an attached bedroom to his office? Does he bring all of his women here? Is he sleeping with his assistant too? Argh! Does he want to do me here now?     

There is a three-tier lunch box on the table. He opens it one by one. It's full of delicious homemade food - curry, rice, gyoza, and deep-fried sushi rolls.     

I glare at him when he commands me to eat.     

"What the fuck." I want to slam his head against the wall. "Why are you so obsessed with food? I told you that I am fine."     

"You can do it in a hard way or easy way." He repeats the same word. "Your choice."     

I inhale and exhale a few times. I evaluate my enemy. I need to be calm to tackle this. He is superior in strength. His intelligence is high too. He would be an elite villain in the game. Every villain has a weakness.     

My strengths? Ah, well! I will use this opportunity to test something.     

"Fine, I will eat." I pick up the chopsticks. "Before that, can you lock the door? I don't want your assistant to walk on us. It is not good for the Kamiyama family's reputation." I emphasize the word 'reputation'.     

"She won't come inside here without my permission." He looks at me suspiciously. "I will lock it if it puts you at ease."     

I give him a nod. "Lock it."     

He gets up and goes to the door. I swiftly take off my clothes. I have never taken them off at this speed. When he turns around, his eyes widen. I am sitting cross-legged on the couch, completely naked with a gyoza box and chopsticks.     

"What are you doing?" He pretends to be not affected.     

"At home, I liked eating like this." I pick up the gyoza with the chopstick. "I can't get full until I am alone and naked while I eat food. That's why I don't like eating in public. You have already seen me naked. I can eat this in front of you."     

He glances at me with distrust. "Are you trying to distract me? This food is not made by the Kamiyama family. My assistant cooked it. You don't have to speak lies."     

"Your assistant cooks for you regularly?" I ask curiously. That assistant is interested in him. He doesn't know or he doesn't care?     

"She does it sometimes." He sits opposite me. "Eat. We can play after you are done. I am not touching you before you eat."     

Is that a threat? I want to laugh. Who is craving your touch? I will see how you can keep your words.     

I stand up and look at him gravely. "This couch isn't comfortable."     

I ignore his dark expression and sit on his lap. He sighs when I rub my butt on purpose. I lean against his torso and softly say, "Kamiyama, put your arms around me. I will enjoy eating this more if you do it."     


She is looking at him tenderly and repeating his name softly. Kamiyama can't resist. Her fruity scent is driving him insane. Her gaze is smouldering him in the fire. He puts his arms around her tiny waist. His unprepared heart beats rapidly when he sees her smiling at him sweetly. She kisses him on his cheek.     

"Kamiyama, you work hard all day." She puts down the lunch box on her lap and runs her fingers through his hair. "Because of me, you were having a hard time."     

"It's not that hard." His voice is hoarse. She caresses his face with her soft hands.     

"My Kamiyama, I feel sad seeing you in trouble because of me." She puts her head on his shoulder with her breasts pressing against his chest. He takes a deep breath when he sees those pale pink peaks. He clenches his hands.     

"I feel sad seeing you in trouble because of me."     

He doesn't realize anything wrong with the situation. He pats her bare shoulder. "It's not your fault. It's my competitors who are using the media against me. I will deal with them soon."     

"After it's finished, let's go to a nice place. I want to see the sunrise with you." Her words make him smile. He doesn't think much about it. After all, she's a girl. Her romantic side is coming out finally. Though he only has sexual feelings for her, it doesn't mean that she won't want more from him. Isn't it why she seduced him to sleep with her? Everything makes sense now. He is used to women falling for his appearance at first sight.     

"Sure, I will take you anywhere you want to go." He caresses her cheeks. "Takeuchi, do you like me?"     

She smiles faintly at him. Her eyes are full of warmth and care. She lifts her head and kisses his lips tenderly. "Kamiyama, I need you right now."     

He cups her face and attacks her lips. She accepts him with a moan. He sucks her soft lips. She moves her legs slightly. The lunch box falls onto the floor. Kiyohira ignores it. He plunges his tongue inside her mouth, exploring her sweetness. He feels her small hands trying to unbutton his shirt. His lips part with hers. He takes her to the bed.     

She watches him take his clothes off with raw desire in her eyes. Kiyohira breaks some buttons in rush. He wonders why isn't he wearing a t-shirt. Those are fewer hassles to take off.     

She parts her legs and waits for him. Her chest is going up and down erratically. Kiyohira reaches for her softly parted lips and continues to attack her. He stops her hands from exploring his body. He pins them down above her head. He softly bites her lip, marking her. Now, others will know that she is taken.     

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