Reborn as a Mom

I am the BOSS!

I am the BOSS!


'What's wrong? Does our CEO have a split personality?'


'Oh, a personality disorder?'

'Maybe, he's bipolar.'

'No, He's got Schizophrenia. Schizophrenic patients talk and laugh by themselves.'

The whole company discussed the severe issue of what mental illness their boss suffered from.

"Maybe, he got Alzheimer's and forgot he is the boss," said one of the brilliant employees.

'Hmph! I am not that old to get Alzheimer's. I, your father, just dyed a few hair whites!'

Even the market price of shares in the company dropped that day. A rumor spread in the business, the President has Alzheimer's disease.


Ira looked around her plain cabin. The grey undertones of the room with her black desk and sofa made it dull. No paintings hung on the white wall — just a big vintage copper clock. She sat on her chair, but it didn't feel comfortable anymore. 'It looks gloomy.' Ira sighed.

Behind her seat was a bookshelf that contained countless thick files, all related to business and management. Each arranged systematically in alphabetical order.

With a single glance, one could tell that a very boring and tedious person had held this office. Her room looked empty and lifeless: no potted plants, no decorations, no photos.

People placed pictures of their loved ones, small desk toys, colorful notes to make it comfortable. Her desk was empty. It only had a large stack of documents and a nameplate.

Her slender fingers picked it up and brushed it. 'Ira Rai. General Manager.' All her life passed by only in efforts to change the only thing on her desk — the title from General Manager to CEO.

Right opposite to her office was the clear view of the conference room. The glass wall enabled her to keep an eye on everyone in the office.

Ira smiled as she recalled an incident two years ago. She had barged into an important meeting being held in the conference room.

Her mother told her they had arranged her marriage with Vivan.

As soon as she heard about her engagement with Vivan, Ira didn't even bother asking her mom about anything and rushed to meet her dad.

Since things had already reached this point, she wanted to clarify things with her dad. She pushed the door and barged into the meeting as she cried out, "Dad! I won't marry Vivan!"

Everyone in the meeting had witnessed Ira's temper. They guessed a big fight was going to take place between the father and the daughter.

Though they were curious, they knew that 'curiosity kills the cat'; hence, they left.

The only one they were afraid of after the big devil was this devil girl.

"Why did you choose him?" Ira had lost her calm look. Both of her hands rested on her hips as she questioned him. 

Her father explained, "Didn't you go on a blind date with him before?"

"But why him?! I went on a blind date with Vivan, but it was only once. I went to a total of seven blind dates. I even met one of them twice!"

Tej Rai still tried to explain, "But haven't you rejected them all?"

Ira cried out, "Vivan was rejected too! He is younger than me, and he is merely an architect with no income!"

Tej Rai was still earnest, "Vivan is an architect who builds people's home; he will build yours too. As for age, 1- 2 years of gap between both of you doesn't matter."

"Why did you arrange my marriage with him?" she demanded an answer.

"Because your horoscope matched with his! You are a perfect pair, made for each other," Tej Rai said with a straight face.

"....." Her mouth twitched.

Ira knew her father was a traditional man, but his words were beyond her comprehension. Finally, wanting to give up the 'why him' argument, Ira declared, "I won't marry him!"

"You can do that. Just walk out of the company." Tej Rai was not the type to back away from an argument.

"Dad, this is not funny! What do you mean 'walk out'? Unless you fire me, why would I be willing to walk out on my own? Never in this lifetime!" she gritted her teeth in anger.

"Then it is decided. We will have an engagement celebration in 10 days..." Tej Rai smiled. "... or would you like to be fired?" he added.

Unwilling to admit defeat, Ira fought back. "Dad, you can't bully people like that."

"Of course I can. I am the boss," 

'Hah, what a finishing statement. You can't win against me, girl.' Tej eventually got satisfied with his demand met.

'And so, Vivan and I, who only met each other twice, got married.

The first time we met, was on a blind date, which I don't remember. The other was on the day of the engagement.

There was no love at first sight.

No butterflies in the stomach.

I was 26 when I married him.

The reason for our marriage: our horoscopes matched!

He was a year younger than me.

I was near the peak of my career, while he shamelessly stood at the starting point.

I was a strong, confident, and determined individual, while he was weak and incompetent.

I was a fearless person and he was a coward.

Neither our personalities nor our ambitions matched.

This marriage was a compromise I had to make for the sake of my career. So i went along with it.' 

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