Reborn as a Mom

I know

I know


Rai Pharmaceutical Company, one month later. 


"Girl, why didn't you tell me you doubted Roth?" Tej Rai complained to his daughter who was sitting on one of the sofas in his office.

"Look at your face, you show your emotions on your face loud and clear. I was searching for a spy and the whole company would have known about it, just by looking at your face. It would make them cautious." Ira refuted.

Ira didn't let her dad know about it. First Tej Rai would not trust her words against James. He blindly trusted James more than family. Their friendship was famous in the circle.  Second, with his short temper, he would have confronted Roth directly. Moreover, with no evidence in her hands, Roth and James would leave unscathed and that was not what she wanted.

"Anyway, you did well this time." Tej Rai praised his daughter with pride.

"Where did the funds for the factory come from?" 

"I got them from Viv," 

"Girl, open my locker and take the money you invested in a factory back. You shouldn't just use your money and your husband's for the company," he commanded. Ira agreed as she had just borrowed the money and planned to return it back.

Ira pressed the keys to input the password and said, "Dad, you should change your locker password. You simply went for my birth date! I know you did so as to not forget the locker password," she smiled.

"Girl! I will forget your birth date at a time but would never forget my locker password. By the way, I kept it 

so that I would remember your birthday, not the other way round."

"And your father, I am too young to forget about things. I just dyed..."

"Dyed a few hairs white," Ira completed his words.

Many things were back on track. Ira's relationship improved with her mom, dad, and mother in law as well.

The Rai Pharmaceutical Company was finally out of danger for now. She continued to keep an eye on James and Ryan, just in case of another mishap. Her pregnancy was good when she passed the first three-month critical period.

Things were good, for now. Ira and Vivan's relationship was going well too.

Vivan was the sweetest husband she could ever dream of. They got closer as the days passed by. 

Still, something was missing. Ira felt guilty when facing Vivan's tender love and care. 

Though uncomfortable, it was the truth that she had fooled him for a year and a half, at least here this lifetime. They were trying for a child and conducted a lot of tests and even took medications for fertility.  But she didn't think of him, his feelings, and his emotions back then.

Ira needed to confront the truth. Fortunately, the list of her wrongdoings wasn't as long just like in her past life with little hope for forgiveness.

At night, Vivan came home to an unlit house. He opened their bedroom door and saw his wife, Ira, sitting on the bed, staring at him with clouded eyes.

"Ira, is there something wrong?" he was worried about Ira's behavior.

"Vivan, I need to tell you something," Ira cried and choked on her words. She hugged Vivan tightly in her arms as if he would disappear from her hold, not daring to look at his face.

"Vivan, I am sorry. I was wrong. When we started planning for the child, I was already on contraception pills." She cried, desperately seeking his forgiveness. "I hid this from you...Sorry...."

Vivan sadly smiled and said, "I know."

Lost in her senses, she continued, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Vivan pressed her against him, stroking her head as he softly repeated: "I know."

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