My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife



0Lu Mello was confused about why his lines didn't seem to work to Shi Enxi unlike back then, in the past, she seriously loved it whenever he tried to hit on her. Was it because their relationship right now was different?     

"I saw that." Lu Yifeng's deep voice was heard out of nowhere. He emerged from the dark. He actually followed his son since he was worried about Shi Enxi's true nature.      

During dinner earlier, he was able to see how Shi Enxi manipulated everything. Shi Enxi was a crafty woman, her acting skills were so refined that if he wasn't able to catch the slightest change in her expression, he might believe her act against his daughter!     


Lu Yifeng looked at him for a while with a blank look on his face before he sighed heavily. "Do you really love a woman like her?"     

Lu Mello chuckled lightly, "It may be hard to believe how I ended falling for her but my feelings for her are real, dad. No matter what, she will always be my cute evil wife."     

"I'm so disappointed, Mello. If your mom was here, she will surely say that I'm still better than you when it comes in expressing our feelings. Where did you get those cheesy pick-up lines?"     

Cheesy? Lu Mello thought that they were good!     

"I read from somewhere." He was saying the truth. In his past life, he bought a pocketbook of pick-up lines and tried each of them to Shi Enxi.     

For the first time in his life, Lu Yifeng couldn't help but ask, "Are you really my son?"     


"You have a long way to go." In other words, this level of shameless was too low and he has to work hard for it if he wanted to impress the girl he loves.     


"Brother, let's go home." Shi Enxi reached put and held her brother's arm, interrupting him in his moments with Lu Weichun. "Aren't you going to drop me home?"     

Lu Weichun raised a brow, "What are you, a kid?"     

"Chun'er, don't start." Shi Yi sighed. He turned to his sister and patted her head. He preferred to drop her at home himself since he wanted to make sure that she was able to get home safely.     

Shi Enxi sneered inside her when she saw that her brother was siding on her. "Maybe I should just go home by myself..."     

"What? No. I will drop you." Shi Yi firmly said. He turned to Lu Weichun, "We should get going now, Chun'er." He leaned and kissed her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."     

Lu Weichun didn't say a word, she just stood there, pouting at him.     

Shi Yi and Shi Enxi were about to leave when Lu Mello came with his father walking behind him.     

Lu Yifeng was eyeing Shi Yi, he saw the kiss that he gave his daughter and that didn't give a good impression for him. Shi Yi ended up gulping nervously when he saw how Lu Yifeng narrowed his eyes at him.     

"Why are you leaving already? It's still early." Lu Mello said as he stood in front of them.     

"I have to be early on my job tomorrow so I can't stay long here." Shi Enxi replied, politely declining his offer. She didn't want to stay a second longer with him.     

"Is that so?" Lu Mello sighed in defeat. He couldn't offer to drive her home since Shi Yi has a car of his own parking outside.     

"When do you plan on getting married?" Lu Yifeng asked all of a sudden as he turned towards the two.     

Shi Enxi's brow twitched with his sudden question. Can't he see that she was about to leave with her brother? Why was he delaying them? She wanted to go home so badly!     

"Xi'er and I have decided that a grand wedding ceremony will be for later. We are both busy in our work that's why we are just going to register our marriage tomorrow afternoon." Once again, Lu Mello was fast enough to answer his father before Shi Enxi could reply.     

Shi Enxi shot her head to him. Did she make a decision for that? When did she agree to it?!     

She was itching to reach out her hands and choke the life out of him!     

"After that, Xi'er will move in my place, right, Xi'er?" Lu Mello finally looked at her with a blinding smile on his lips.     

"..." What the hell was he saying?!!      

Shi Enxi fought the urge to curse out to him! She really wanted to beat some sense to him!     

Shi Yi and Lu Weichun frowned deeply after hearing his words. Marry? Live together?     

Shi Yi stayed close to his sister in a protective way. "Isn't it too early to get married?"     

Lu Weichun nodded in agreement, "Also living together all at once... This is ridiculous! I'm not going to accept her as my sister-in-law!"     

Shi Enxi scoffed inside her. Their feelings were mutual.     

Lu Mello acted as if he suddenly remembered something. "Oh right... If I married Xi'er then both of you can't marry each other, after all, you'll become in-laws."     

Lu Yifeng turned to his son, "Why would they want to marry each other? They're not even together."     

Lu Weichun's face became as white as snow when she realized what she was brother was trying to do. She rushed to his side and held his arm. "Gege..." She muttered, shaking her head as if she was trying to tell him not to say anything.     

Meanwhile, Shi Yi stood still in his ground, digesting Lu Mello's words. If his cute little sister married Lu Mello then that means that he wouldn't be able to marry Lu Weichun!     

The side of Shi Enxi's lips slightly curled up into a smirk. Lu Weichun's troubled face was so pleasing to look at.     

For once, Shi Enxi decided to play along with Lu Mello just so she can bully her a little.     

Shi Enxi lightly covered her mouth and showed a shock expression, "Ah... Xiao Chun, you haven't told uncle Yifeng about your relationship with my brother?"     

Lu Weichun turned to Shi Enxi, her face pale. "W-what are you saying?"     

"Are you going to deny it?" Shi Enxi held her brother's hand, "You have been together with my brother for a year and yet... Did you keep your relationship from others? Why? How could you? I always thought that everyone knew!"     

"Together for one year?" The room's temperature dropped a hundred degrees. Lu Yifeng looked so scary that Lu Weichun ended up hiding behind her brother for protection.     

"D-dad... I can explain..." Lu Weichun wanted to cry. She turned to her brother and whispered, "Help me..." She trailed off when she saw the smile on Lu Mello's lips.     

Why is he smiling?!!!     

She felt so betrayed. Why did her beloved brother suddenly dropped a bomb and betrayed her?! It must be Shi Enxi's fault! She was a witch! How the hell did she poison her brother's mind for such a short time?!!     

"What's happening here?" Xia Meilin entered the room, looking at all of them with a confused look on her face.     

Lu Weichun's eyes sparkled as if she saw her savior. She ran to her mother's side and hugged her arm. "Mom, they are bullying me!"     

Shi Yi, who was quiet the whole time finally snapped out from his deep thoughts. He faced Lu Yifeng like a knight ready to fight a demon lord. "Uncle Lu, everything you heard earlier is true. I love your daughter and I've been dating her for a while now without your permission."     

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