Villain Lady



0Gao Ling tightened her grip on her bow. "Yes!"     

Wei Liuying nodded and turned around. She noticed a man crept close to her, so she twisted her body and swung her sword. The sharp blade connected to the man's body and gave a harsh and deep wound.     

Without any time to rest, Wei Liuying already headed to the nearby man who managed to bypass the layer. The soldiers were not doing their work properly even though Wei Liuying had asked them to guard the perimeter.     

'The soldier's defenses are too weak!'     

Even though Wei Liuying had guessed that their performance was not up to par with Prince Ji Sheng's soldiers, she felt that they were really bad. How did General Gao even pick them to be his daughter's guards if they were this poor?     

She felt that she needed to have a good long talk with General Gao about this.     

"Don't let anyone pass!" Wei Liuying yelled.     


Despite the clear yell, the soldiers were not doing their work properly. Wei Liuying noticed three men passed as she stepped forward. Her body moved agilely as she twirled her sword and cut them.     


Fresh blood and flesh spilled on the ground.     

By this time, Wei Liuying's robe was already tainted with blood. It made her felt as if she had returned back to the frontline. She had to make sure that everyone was doing their work properly if they wanted to survive from this incident.     

Her martial arts were limited, so she had to make use of the soldiers and people here to face those people who came here.     

"Lady Gao!"     


Gao Ling could see the men from a distance. Even though her vision was a bit blurry, she forced herself to focus on the faraway distance. There were numerous people from unknown tribe rushing in with their weapons ready. Her ear was ringing, but Gao Ling didn't want to let it affect her.     

'Ah, damn it. I should never drink so much next time.'     


The arrow was shot and hit the man on the shoulder. There was faint scream from the opponent's side. Gao Ling couldn't see them properly from her current position, but she still directed it to the foremost back. At the very least, she knew that there was none of their soldiers were there.     

Wei Liuying's eyes narrowed when she saw the distribution of power turned imbalanced. The enemies still managed to crack through their defenses.     

"Shan Yi, head to the left!"     

"Du Min! Go to the back with some of the bandits and protect the residence!"     


The two men moved swiftly and diverted their number so that they could move more effectively.      

Du Min saw that the soldiers from Gao City were doubtful. They moved sloppily and not doing their work properly. His brows creased.      

"Protect the Young Miss!"     

"Ah? Just who the hell are you, giving us…"     


Swinging his sword close to the men's face, Du Min looked in their direction with anger. It seemed that these people were the type who couldn't set their prioritize straight.     

"Do your work properly if you still wish to be alive," Du Min uttered each word slowly. "If something happened to Lady Gao, you won't be able to get out of this alive."     

The soldiers were stunned, but they hastened their speed. While Du Min's words were annoying to their ear, it was also the truth. Should something happened to Gao Ling, they wouldn't be able to get out of this place alive.     

Not only that, their family members would be killed as punishment because they didn't do their work properly.     

Clang! Clang!     

The sounds of blades clashing could be heard from a distance away. Wei Liuying glanced into a distance with her brows furrowed. From the sound alone, she knew that the soldiers and bandits were trying to hold them back.     

But they couldn't do proper work and still left some passed.      

Turning her head, Wei LIuying looked at Gao Ling. "Lady Gao, please climb to the roof for better vision."     


This was the first time Gao Ling was in the same battle with Wei Liuying, but she still followed Wei Liuying's instruction without any question. With her head still so dizzy, she only knew that she could rely on Wei Liuying's judgement to be able to safely protect herself.     

Wei Liuying noticed the men that managed to pass with her cold eyes. Her grip on her sword tightened as she dived down. In her lower position, Wei Liuying twisted her body and her sword managed to cut the opponents down in a breath's time. It was so quick and precise.     


'There are too many. Why are they targeting this direction and not Wei Xiao Hua?'     

Looking to a distance away, Wei Liuying could see that the battle on Wei Xiao Hua's side was not as fierce as here. There was a faint feeling of discomfort welling inside her heart, but she couldn't put her words to it. It was as if everything that happened here was nothing more than a plan made by Prince Ji Shu for them.     

After all, who didn't know how much Prince Ji Sheng loved Gao Ling just like Prince Ji Shu loved Wei Xiao Hua so dearly?     

While it might not be too obvious for Prince Ji Sheng, but the rumors about how much he loved Gao Ling had been heard from time to time. Unlike Prince Ji Shu who showed his affection openly, Prince Ji Sheng was still a bit more restrained and didn't act out of the line.     


Wei Liuying tried to push everything back to the back of her mind as she looked to a distance away. She had sent a message to Yang Xian this morning, telling him about Gao Ling's competition with Wei Xiao Hua. Because of that, the messenger was not here and the distance from here to the north border was more than a day's travel.     

Even if they paced their horses to reach the temple, it would still take them several incense stick of time.     

Holding the enemies for that long… would it be possible?     

'Well, it didn't matter whether it's possible or not. I just have to do it.' Determination flashed within Wei Liuying's eyes. No matter what, she had to succeed. Because if she failed, the cost would be everyone's life, including hers.     

Wei Liuying griped her sword and attacked the men who came inside once more. She looked to the back with a frown, but with Du Min there, she knew that nothing bad should happen.     

Du Min on the back and Shan Yi on the left and front. She only needed to take care of the leftover from the right side that somehow managed to pass by the soldiers. How come they were so bad…? wait…     

Pass by the soldiers…?     

"Lady Gao, kill everyone on the right!"     



Gao Ling looked to the right and frowned. Aren't there also some soldiers from their sides? Within her dizzy mind, she recalled the conversation with Prince Ji Sheng.     

"There might be some people who're sent to monitor you and eventually kill you amongst the soldiers from Gao City. I don't know who for sure, but you need to be careful."     

At that time, Gao Ling felt that it was not possible. Everyone who came here with her had passed her father's test to make sure that they were loyal and had good skill. After all, her father would never let anyone harm her.     

But now…     

'You're right, Sheng… I can't trust them too much.'     

Gao Ling raised her bow and docked several arrows. She was glad that she brought several tubes of arrow with her. That way, she would be able to use the arrow to kill many of her enemies.     




Screams from pain and terror began to spread from the right side. Wei Liuying's gaze was cold when she saw three men approached her once more. The weakest defense line turned out to be the right side.     

"Die!" The first men shouted and thrusted his sword forward.      

With an agile movement, she rushed over and passed by the first man's sword that was trusted forward. Her sword moved in circle and cut off the man's stomach.     

Side stepping to the side, Wei Liuying approached the second and the third men. Before they could attack her, her own sword had already cut through their throat and blood spurted out like waterfall. Their bodies fell on the ground with a loud thud.     

Wei Liuying looked up, her eyes flashed in red as she muttered out, "Do you know what kind of people that I hate the most?"     



Standing up and looked at the right as more and more enemies came from the right. Her lips curled up to form a cold smile. Her enchanting figure along with the bloodied robe created a gory yet beautiful sight.     

Gripping her sword tighter, Wei Liuying muttered, "Betrayers."     

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