Villain Lady



0Little did she know that this matter was already pushed back because the Emperor was too busy pampering his concubines.      

"Open the gate!"     

The messenger and Wei Liuying entered the city. The night had fallen and there were not many people were still awake.     

"The distance is quite far," Wei Liuying commented and scanned the crowd with her eyes.     


"Xiao Ling."     

Hearing the call, Wei Liuying furrowed her brows. There was only one person who would call her using that name. As she had expected, Yang Xian was standing not far from their location while waving his hand with a broad smile on his lips.      

"Strategist Yang," Wei Liuying greeted properly.     

"Tell me your experience outside and also, there's someone who wants to meet you at home."     

Wei Liuying arched her eyebrows and nodded. "Ok."     

She proceeded to tell everything that occurred to Yang Xian, including her decision to not rashly engage in fight and to positioned the soldiers in the most advantageous position she could think from that terrain. Yang Xian listened to her explanation carefully as they walked back to his residence.     

"Commander Zhao is still reckless," Yang Xian said with a sigh. He had concluded from what Wei Liuying said that her work was splendid and there was nothing much he needed to nitpick. Though, he would need to make her more familiar with the soldiers here and also their capabilities.     

There was a mistake in the calculation Wei Liuying did because it was the first time she came to the camp. The movements of the soldiers would also depend on their physical ability, and Yang Xian wanted Wei Liuying to be familiar with them.     

In addition, she needed to work on her physical strength.     

"Has Commander Zhao stayed in the army for a long time?"     

"Commander Zhao was the one in charge of this area before General Sheng came. He's a headstrong commander, but he's someone who trust strength more than wits, so it's a bit hard to persuade him."     

Thinking of the days when he first came here, Yang Xian felt a headache. He had clashed with Commander Zhao for so many times to the point he lost count. There were numerous times when he felt that Commander Zhao was following the rules of fist is much stronger than brain for so many times.     

It was only after he had gained some fame that Commander Zhao realized that by following Yang Xian, he would be able to minimize the casualties. In addition, they would be able to recruit more soldiers.     

Though, Commander Zhao refused to have them in his army.     

"He's not that hard to persuade," Wei Liuying said with a confused tone. She only needed to give him the clear picture and the commander understood.     

Yang Xian pondered for a bit. "He might have already accepted that the youngsters are smarter than him."     

"I'm not sure he'll be happy if he heard your words."     

"There's no need to tell him."     

Wei Liuying smiled faintly when she heard what Yang Xian said. It seemed that this strategist was someone who was blunt when talking about other people. However, he didn't let the words reached the person's ear.     

"I didn't know you like to talk about someone behind their back, Strategist Yang," Wei Liuying teased.     

Yang Xian arched his eyebrows. "Rather than talking about them, I'm analyzing their capabilities. I don't think there's anything wrong with my words."     

'Yes, there's nothing wrong, but your words are so blunt that if they heard it from you, they'll surely be heartbroken and unable to respond to you. Worst case scenario, they'll hate you for life.'     

However, Wei Liuying certainly will never utter it out. She knew very well how deadly words could be. Even the same message, if delivered differently, could have a completely different result.     

Yang Xian's direct words were hurtful, but if sugarcoat it and told the other party politely, there'll be less chance for them to get offended. Though, in the military, most of them were blunt about their abilities and strived to improve better because every improvement meant that they have better chance to keep their lives.     

"Have you told Commander Zhao about your plan for him?" Wei Liuying asked. She was sure that Yang Xian must have already planned for Commander Zhou to have a strategist beside him.     

"I have," Yang Xian replied. "Commander Zhao knew that having strategist can be beneficial to him, but until now, there's no one trustworthy enough to be put inside his army."     

"I see," Wei Liuying murmured lightly.     

The hidden message within Yang Xian's words meant that now there was someone trustworthy enough to be placed within Commander Zhao's army. All that was left would be for that particular trustworthy person to get admitted there, which would happen sooner or later.     

Wei Liuying noticed that they were not far from Yang Xian's residence. "I see that you have prepared everything, Strategist Yang."     

"I would never move when I'm unprepared."     

"I have expected that."     

Yang Xian chuckled. The two of them didn't talk anymore as they continued to walk towards his residence.      

When they reached Yang Xian's residence, Wei Liuying could see a familiar carriage in front of the residence. It was a carriage belonged to Shi Yan, meaning that that merchant must have come. A smile was formed on the corner of Wei Liuying's lips when she thought about her funny friend.      

"Come in. He's already waiting inside."     


The two of them come inside. Yang Xian had only closed the gate when there was a scream coming from inside.     

"Xian! How long do you want to make wait?" Shi Yan asked in annoyed tone while he walked out. His long white robe fluttered along with the movements that he did. He was dressed in blue robe along with dark fur coat that he wore to reduce the cold.     

"And how come you two only wear basic robe? Don't you realize that the temperature in this place is so chilling? Also, why are there no servants here to serve me some food?"     

Wei Liuying blinked her eyes. "You sure have a lot of complaints, Yan."     

"Liu Ying! You can't imagine just how poor this place…"     


Yang Xian had kicked Shi Yan to the side to shut him up. "How I take care of my residence is none of your business, Yan."     

Shi Yan was rubbing his back as he grimaced. He looked at Yang Xian with aggrieved expression. "What if there's any thief coming into your residence? Don't you think it'll be better for you to have a guard here?"     

"There's no one who would dare to barge in here if they want to stay alive."     

"How could it be."     

"Why don't you try?" Yang Xian's tone was confident. He had set several traps around his residences, which he would explain to Wei Liuying so that she didn't trigger any by accident. Besides, there was nothing really important in his residence.     

All important papers and his work were all inside Prince Ji Sheng's residence. There were only some food and a few liang of silvers that he kept inside his house. The rest of his important belongings were mostly related to military, so he didn't keep it by himself in case something might happen to him in the future.     

Shi Yan pursed his lips. "That's what you say, but what if you lost your papers?"     

"I never bring my work home," Yang Xian said clearly. "All of my work is in His Highness's Residence. If you ever have any interest to read them, you can head there and request for permission from His Highness."     

Hearing that, Shi Yan was speechless. Who was interested with Yang Xian's works anyway? Aside from letters filled with code, the others were documents related to war and military. He didn't understand any of them, which meant that he would not regard them highly.     

Wei Liuying blinked her eyes as she listened to their exchange. "How did you come inside the residence in the first place, Shi Yan?"     

"Ah? I have the key…."     

"Should I ask you to give me back the key if you're going to destroy my residence?"     

"Wait, wait, wait, no! Don't! I'm sorry! Don't be as cruel as His Highness ah….!"     

Wei Liuying tried her best to not think too much as she saw Shi Yan begging. Truthfully, if his words were heard outside, people would surely wonder what kind of relationship they have with Prince Ji Sheng. In addition, they would surely be confused as to why Shi Yan termed Prince Ji Sheng as cruel.     

The one who had made his name to be known as cruel was Prince Ji Shu and not Prince Ji Sheng.     

Yang Xian sighed and shook his head. "Come on, we should get inside to warm ourselves."     

"Hahaha! That's a good idea. Oh right, if you want, I can be the one to serve the tea this time!"     

Seeing how Shi Yan changed his attitude upside down, Wei Liuying looked at the sky. Her funny friend might have his brain roasted this time.     

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