The Return of the Devil's Wife

Yan Qing Yu's Sorrow (2)

Yan Qing Yu's Sorrow (2)

0Yan Qing Shan glared at her brother. However, the air around has become considerably less tense. Yan Qing Yu stared at her intently. His mouth opened and close as if not know what to say and when to start.     

"Are you really dating Zi Jue?" Yan Qing Yu started, his tone hesitant.     

Yan Qing Shan met his eyes with a pause. She then sighed and merely nodded.     

"In fact, I don't see any other person fit to be my partner aside from him."     

Yan Qing Yu looked at her in disbelief. He shook his head as if trying to vanquish horrendous thoughts.     

"No. You're just saying that because you haven't met other men yet. Zi Jue is dangerous. More than you could ever imagine."     

Yan Qing Shan scoffed at this and smiled ruefully. "I am aware of that much. But big brother, haven't you thought for a moment that maybe I might even be more dangerous than he is?"     

"No! You? Dangerous? That's impossible. You're too timid and sweet for that." Yan Qing Yu denied her statement vehemently. It was here that Yan Qing Shan realized just how little Yan Qing Yu knew of her. And just how much he was stuck in the past that he still saw her as that clueless child he took care of the night their mother died.     

"I don't know if I should feel hurt with how lacking your knowledge of me is, Brother Qing Yu. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You don't see me even as miniscule threat much less think that I also have the right to know whatever you and father are dealing with." Yan Qing Shan paused and gazed at Yan Qing Yu deeply. The latter's countenance paling by the second.     

"Do you really think I am that clueless? Why don't you do some research? Except not on the culprits about mom's death. But about your own little sister. Maybe then you'd have progress with your investigation. Maybe then you'd realize that telling me everything would protect me better." After finishing her rant, Yan Qing Shan left the astonished Yan Qing Yu and went back to the others. Her face wrought with resignation.     

Zi Jue met her halfway and seeing her expression furrowed his brows in concern. He looked over to the man Yan Qing Shan just talked to. He swore if he wasn't Yan Qing Shan's brother, Yan Qing Yu would have gotten another beating from him.     

"You alright, my love?" Zi Jue asked as he gently caressed Yan Qing Shan's cheek. The latter lifted her head to meet his eyes and nodded simply. Zi Jue sighed internally. He knew that this was the least he could do. He could never sort Yan Qing Shan's feelings for her no matter how much he wished to rid her of that burden. Of course, the same could be said for him.     

Their emotional struggles were what made them human. Be it the abundance or the lack of it. It is what made them who they are.     

Zi Jue heard Yan Qing Shan suck in a deep breath before turning to him, saying in a firm voice "Let's go back. This much break is enough. We have a lot of things to take care of."     

He nodded in agreement and motioned for the people, who by the way were trying their best to appear invisible but was almost stretching their ears to eavesdrop on the ongoing conversations. The said eavesdroppers straightened their backs and cleaned up the picnic setting. They then proceeded to go to their respective cars and prepared to leave. Zi Jue and Yan Qing Shan followed after.     

However, the Aces along with the Guardians stayed waiting in the car for Yan Qing Yu. He was still frozen in the spot Yan Qing Shan left him. They could understand his predicament. His entire goal was to protect his little sister and shield her from the evils that were plaguing their family. Yet now it was slapped in his face the error of his logic and how little he tried to get to know his sister who had been estranged from him. Not that he could be blamed entirely, sometimes it was difficult for people to accept changes from the people they hold close in their hearts.     

Yan Qing Yu numbly took out his phone and dialled a number. The conversation he had with Yan Qing Shan snapped him out of a reality he was trying so hard to avoid. He really did not try hard to know the woman that she is now. He confined her in that innocent and naive child in the past. Yan Qing Yu and their father did not even try to see things in her perspective. Maybe she might fare better knowing the dangers in her way rather than confining her in a safety bubble.     

By the looks of it however, their little princess has gone up and found out things on her own. Though Yan Qing Yu wasn't so sure of the extent of the information she had on her hand. He thinks it was probably enough for her to piece the crucials parts together. It seems she is planning on making moves herself as well. And that is what Yan Qing Yu worries about the most. What if Yan Qing Shan couldn't handle it? What if she does something that might drive her to the same end as their mother? Yan Qing Yu prefers not to take that fraction of a chance. But first, he needed to confirm the nagging suspicion he had the moment he saw the people she considered hers which was enforced by the words she blurted out a while ago.     

"I need you to gather data for me." He said curtly.     

The voice in the phone let out a little laugh at the obviously irritated and gloomy tone that Yan Qing Yu had. "What has got your knickers in a rut boy? Having trouble with whatever you're dealing with? That's a first. Who is it? What data do you want me to find?"     

Yan Qing Yu breathed in deeply trying to calm the raging thoughts in his head. If it was the usual, he would have definitely bantered with the guy on the other line. Except this was a time where he just couldn't be bothered. He definitely needs some of Yao Changying's cooking after this. Yan Tian Yu needs to be informed as well. So he could make necessary changes to their plans.     

"I need you to find everything, and I mean every single detail." Yan Qing Yu repeated, this time with a somber and serious voice. There was a palpable sorrow in his eyes as he recalled the recents events he had witnessed Yan Qing Shan in; the people she was with and how awfully familiar he was of the nature they exude; and that resounding question she had when she replied to his statement of Zi Jue being dangerous.     

'But big brother, haven't you thought for a moment that maybe I might even be more dangerous than he is?'     

The question replayed on his head like a broken record. The ironic tone it held casted an imprint in his mind and led him to a question. What has his sister been through all these years?     

There was a long moment of silence before the voice sounded once again. The reply was devoid of the joking tone it carried earlier.     


He sighed. "My sister, Yan Qing Shan."     

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