The Return of the Devil's Wife

Who is Riza Saunniere?

Who is Riza Saunniere?

0A few days passed since the picnic, contrary to the worries of the people around her, Yan Qing Shan didn't take her little discussion with Yan Qing Yu to heart. Worrying about it would do her no good. She would let it stew in her brother's mind for now. Instead, she geared her thoughts in line with the next steps that they are supposed to take with the Ace Project, among other things.     

One of her priorities was the takeover of Heidelberg Productions. As the Ace of Media it was within her line of interests and thus Yan Qing Shan wanted some of her ideas to come into fruition. Being a writer herself, there are a few scripts in mind that she wants to invest into a movie.     

And from her knowledge of the past, the Yan Group is gearing for a production of a film especially for Yan Xiao Yi. Since she was one of the popular rising stars recently, they were seeking to boost her reputation and fame even more. Yan Xiao Yi was aiming to be a Heavenly Queen in the entertainment industry. And she planned to utilize the Yan Group to fulfill this ambition. And this is something Yan Qing Shan refused to take lying down.     

A light knock on her door snapped up Yan Qing Shan from her reverie. She looked up and saw Zi Jue coming in.     

"You left the door open." He commented as he approached her. Yan Qing Shan shrugged her shoulders in acknowledgement.     

"I figured it would be about time you came. So I didn't bother with it." She replied. Yan Qing Shan raised a brow when she saw her books in Zi Jue's hand.     

"You're already finished with those? That was quick. When did you even have the time to read?" She asked curiously. Yan Qing Shan knew just how packed Zi Jue's schedule is. The picnic last time was him clearing it especially to have a break.     

"I read when I take short breaks at the office. Though sometimes I lose track of time. And suddenly, they're all finished in one sitting. As opposed to the rumors that my sole hobby is torture people, I, in fact have proper ones. Reading is one of them." Zi Jue explained. She nodded in understanding, followed by a little laugh with his snide comment against the rumors surrounding him. In fact, she was even a little flattered that she was able to make the great business tycoon of Z City throw his work aside and read her books. It was a sort of validation for Yan Qing Shan.     

"By the way, who is Riza Saunniere? Is she someone you know? Strangely, I couldn't get any useful information as to who she is. Everything leads to a dead end." Yan Qing Shan was not surprised at Zi Jue's sudden inquiry about the books' author. It was inevitable that it would come to that. She also wasn't surprised that Zi Jue tried to have Riza Saunniere's background checked. That was also inevitable for someone like him. In fact, it was almost some sort of a reflex for people in their circle. Being ignorant of someone's identity and background could get one into trouble or miss opportunities. And there really was nothing bad about knowing whether a person could be a threat or not.     

"Oh, you want to know who she is? You had her investigated? Why?" Yan Qing Shan gazed at him in question.     

Zi Jue put down the books at her side and pointed at the elaborate covers with gold trimmings at the side. "Well, for starters these copies you have of her books seem oddly personalized. Then there's this situation where I can't find any copy of her books aside from what you have, or any of her other works. So I decided to try finding out who she is. But there's nothing. I'm close to doubting whether she's even real or not. With works like these, it's shocking that she isn't well-known."     

Yan Qing Shan giggled as Zi Jue finished. The latter merely looked at her in exasperation. His expression indicated that he somehow expected this turnout of events.     

"I do know who she is. These copies are indeed personally designed by her. Do you want to meet her?" She replied with a little bit of teasing. Zi Jue looked at her suspiciously.     

"So Riza Saunniere really is a she? Not a guy using a girl's pen name or something?" Yan Qing Shan was dumbfounded at the unexpected reply of the man in front of her. Why didn't she figure it out earlier that he might also have that in mind?     

"Tell me the truth. Is that what you really wanted to know?" She asked almost bemusedly. Zi Jue shrugged his shoulders in nonchalance.     

"Not really. I truly do appreciate her spectacular writing. But her identity is crucial information, as well."     

Yan Qing Shan made a face of disbelief at him. Oblivious to how cute she looked and how much Zi Jue wanted to pinch her soft cheeks at that moment.     

"Right." She said patronizingly with a little pause. "You haven't answered my question though. Do you want to meet her?" Yan Qing Shan continued.     

Zi Jue contemplated whether Yan Qing Shan was truly curious of whether he wanted to meet the writer or it was a trap where he was being tested. He stared at her carefully gauging her expression.     

As if feeling the suspicion from his stare, Yan Qing Shan flicked his forehead lightly in reproach. "Why are you overthinking things? I just want to know. I don't mean anything by it."     

Zi Jue threw his hands in the air, chuckling lightly. "Fine. You got me there. It doesn't really matter if I meet her or not. I can always take your copies of her books and read."     

Yan Qing Shan raised her brows at his reply. Zi Jue noticed this and gazed at her with questioning eyes.     

"Well, you already met her. So, you don't have much of a choice there." Yan Qing Shan almost laughed out loud when Zi Jue snapped his head to her direction. She returned his incredulous gaze with an innocent blink.     

"Oh! No, you don't. Don't give me that look of yours, my dear. What do you mean I already met her? When? How am I not aware of this?" Yan Qing Shan giggled, taking delight in his confusion. Zi Jue merely watched her with fascinated eyes despite her having fun at his expense.     

"You see her almost everyday. You even live with her. In fact, you're looking at her right now." Yan Qing Shan declared the truth with a proud grin. She wasn't worried that she'll sound completely conceited. She knew Zi Jue would never judge her that way. At some point as well, Yan Qing Shan had always wanted to share this bit of trivia about herself to him. It was a part of her that she brought from the past. Though it may have been the result of being confined day in and out back then, it was still something she could say that she was truly proud of.     

When the realization struck Zi Jue, wide eyes of wonder stared at Yan Qing Shan's to the point that she felt her cheeks becoming hot. This wasn't the type of reaction she hoped for. She waved her hand in his face trying to cut his line of sight. Except, Zi Jue captured her hand and held it between his palms.     

"Why am I even surprised? I should have figured it out when I couldn't dig anything about Riza Saunniere. I should've known it was you all along. You see, I've never really liked fiction books. The same goes for most things. But anything about you or anything connected to you, I would like them very much. This just proves further that you truly are my favorite person." Zi Jue spoke in a tender tone. It left her speechless.     

It made a pretty picture. That scene Zi Jue had painted for her that night. It wasn't anything special. It wasn't something overtly romantic nor were there special, long-winded, sweet words. It was just him holding her hand and her looking at him. Yet along with the peeking moonlight, Yan Qing Shan knew she'll always remember it.     

At a fancy restaurant in Z City.     

"We look forward to working with you, Miss Yan. I dare say, this movie will definitely top the box office. I have seen some of your commercials and roles. It's high time for you to take the lead." A stocky man in a business suit grinned as he shook hands with a young, innocent looking woman.     

Yan Xiaoyi smiled sweetly at the director. "Thank you for your praise, Director Jin. I still have room for improvements. You would still need to guide me.     

The director laughed heartily at her humble response. He was one of the highest-paid and renowned directors within the local entertainment industry. Truthfully speaking, he wouldn't have taken this project if it weren't for the fact that one of the big groups of companies, the Yan group, was behind it. It wasn't anything that is new in the industry. The only good thing about this deal was that this little heiress was actually capable for once. That was why Director Jin felt that it still held promise despite being machinated.     

Yan Xiaoyi bowed low with her sweet smile as she bid farewell to the group of people. Her mother had somehow made it possible for her to star in her own movie with a script that's tailor made for her. It made her feel ecstatic despite the consecutive mishaps that she faced concerning the scourge of her life Yan Qing Shan.     

She took out her phone and dialed the familiar number of Zhao Ming Hua.     

"Mom, my meeting here is finished. I made sure to leave a good impression to the director just as you said." Yan Xiaoyi started.     

"Really? That's my girl. Although our company is behind this production, dealing with people that will make it possible is necessary. It's good that you understand this. And you don't have to worry about any competition. That production company that topped all the awards and the box office the recent years have been taken care of. Heidelberg won't be able to release any film that will be able to rival ours. As for the others, I have already struck an agreement. You just act and be famous, my daughter." Zhao Ming Hua's artificially soothing voice rang out in response. Yan Xiaoyi grinned at this.     

This time, even Yan Qing Shan wouldn't be able to steal her limelight.     

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