Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Lin Lin's Grand Entrance

Fifth World: Lin Lin's Grand Entrance

0"So what? It's not like he is taking the entire kingdom. It's just insignificant peasants so what's your problem?" said the most outspoken of them all.     

"Aren't you worried that one day this demon king will be powerful enough to enslave our entire race? Do you know what would happen to the rest of us when that happens?" expressed Lan Lian Hua but it was as though he was talking to air. He knew nothing good would come out from making a deal with a devil but of course, no one believed him.     

This memory faded once more and he reappeared on the surface of the water creating a barrier to prevent the demon king from entering their underwater kingdom.     

What he didn't know was that this year he had been calculated against. He was one of the citizens the king wanted to offer up as a sacrifice. The demon king intended to reward his loyal subordinate Qie Anzhie with this powerful merman prince.     

But something unusual happened. Things were much more chaotic than usual. Their realm seemed to have opened on unusual coordinates. What Lan Lian Hua didn't know at that time was that the realm was opened over the Qie Mansion which was bad news for the humans caught in the crossfire.     

The terrestrial beasts tore at the unfortunate cultivators who dared trespass resulting in a gory scene. Lan Lian Hua only cared about his people so he didn't bother to save either the righteous or demonic cultivators that is until he saw Qie Ranzhe about to be devoured. Sensing the man's grief, he was suddenly struck by inspiration.     

They didn't have allies in the mortal realm but if they did then wouldn't it be good to have someone help fend off the demon king. His plan wasn't exactly perfect but one thing was for certain, he had to save this man.     

So Lan Lian Hua rescued Qie Ranzhe who was already unconscious. He then took him to an isolated part of the kingdom to treat his wounds but someone witnessed the scene in the shadows with malicious intent.     

For thirty days straight, Lan Lian Hua treated Qie Ranzhe's wounds but the man didn't wake up. This became a well-kept secret only he and his mother knew about. But he didn't know someone was plotting against him.     

The most outspoken of his half brothers, Lan Wei had been watching him for a long time and knew about the queen's plan to have his older brother fight in single combat with the king. Sure, he found the king annoying but he didn't want his older brother to succeed either so he decided to eliminate the competition.     

It was a well-known fact that if their race had intimate relations outside their species, they would lapse in cultivation rank from just that first time only. This meant his brother would be a waste after having his first time taken away by a human so he found Lan Lian Hua's secret hideout where he was hiding the man.     

He got his hands on the aphrodisiac they use on the terrestrial beasts in the forest to force them to procreate to increase their numbers for defence.     

After much difficulty, he sprayed this strong powder into the cave and patiently waited for the good news. All this was done behind his father's back. He didn't know the king had promised Lan Lian Hua to the demon king so he could get rid of his disrespectful son.      

Because the human couldn't breathe underwater, Lan Lian Hua had Qie Ranzhe in a hidden underwater cave drained of all the water. When he entered the cave, his tail vanished replaced with a pair of long slender legs. Wen Qinxi saw himself wear a robe before he was blindsided by the horny Qie Ranzhe.     

Lan Lian Hua struggled but it was futile because he was soon affected by the same powder. From then on he resigned to his fate fully aware that it was pointless to fight the effects.     

The two entangled with each other for days on end till they fell unconscious when the powder dispersed. Coincidentally, the queen found out her husband's plan to send her son into that demon king's hands so she went to find him.     

When she saw her son's state, she was so angered that she struck the unconscious Qie Ranzhe taking away the cultivation gained from taking advantage of her son and placed a seal to prevent him from making any further breakthrough.     

This was the punishment she bestowed upon him. But that wasn't the worst of it. She found out her unconscious son had a seed planted within him which meant she had to think fast otherwise her wretched husband would slay her son.     

She accelerated the growth of that half yao half-human fetus and took it out of her son. She wanted to kill this child at first but once she was met by those doe eyes her heart softened. She sealed the child's dantian with a seal that could only be broken by her or her descendants. This was for the child's own protection otherwise he would suffer the same fate as the yao that were taken by the demon king.     

She then took away her son's memory and sealed them in what looked like a pendant. This decision stemmed from her maternal love for Lan Lian Hua. It would be better that he didn't remember this place and move on with his life. Based on her son's character he would come back to pick a fight with those who calculated against him even when he was weak so she had to protect him from himself.     

The goddess then opened a portal and dumped Qie Ranzhe and the child to the furthest part of the continent with the pendant. As for her son? She left him in the mortal realm a place her husband couldn't easily reach. When she left him, he was clothed with rare treasures thinking he would be okay.     

But she truly underestimated men's greed. The unconscious Lan Lian Hua was stripped of his clothes and robbed of all his treasures. Since he looked important based on his clothes, the bandits decided to toss him in the river and let him die but who would have thought the man's legs would change into a fish-like tail as soon as they placed him in the water.     

Terrified out of their minds, they ran away fearing they had run into a demon. This is how sect leader Zhao found this Lan Lian Hua and named him Zhao Zhi.     

Wen Qinxi watched all this and couldn't help but shake his head wondering what goes on in Qie Ranzhe's head to come up with such a messed up plot.     

The only good thing was that he could finally experience how it feels to swim. This landlocked nerd was about to explore the underwater world to his heart's content.     

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