Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: What To Do When Your Drunk Crush Deliver Themselves To Your Door?

Fifth World: What To Do When Your Drunk Crush Deliver Themselves To Your Door?

0The smart AI that couldn't read the atmosphere turned it off and began to chatter incessantly. "Boss, I searched online for ten cures for jealousy and the results are... rather interesting," said the system trying to suck up to Wen Qinxi like a teacher's pet.     

"What?" asked Wen Qinxi turning to lie on his back facing the ceiling. He was thinking that maybe the tips would be helpful so he can get some shut-eye but of course, what else can he expect from the internet. They were all long term cures but no short term cures.     

"Um... there is recognize you have a problem then hahaha..... trust them. That one isn't really helpful, is it?" said the system trying to lighten up the mood.     

"Then, um.... okay this is a good one. It says to keep yourself busy and work on your self-esteem," continued the system but judging from Wen Qinxi's reaction this didn't seem helpful.     

"This is garbage," said Jolie shutting down the browser before making other suggestions, "How about hypnosis? I can hypnotize you to sleep."     

"Seriously? Are you a fuckin snake oil salesman?" said Wen Qinxi feeling annoyed.     

"Says the guy who is stuck in a game. If this scenario is plausible then why not hypnosis?.... Boss, give me five minutes to learn then I will come back and try it on you," said Jolie feeling rather ecstatic like a mad scientist ready to experiment on a test subject.     

"Hell no, I am not going to be your fuckin guinea pig," he said but the system vanished without a word again, "Jolie, you better not fuckin try it on me. Do you hear m-?" Wen Qinxi didn't get to finish scolding the system because there was a sudden knock on his door.     

Thinking it was Qie Xieling, he stood up and opened it but to his surprise, a tipsy Qie Ranzhe was leaning against the frame of his door. Wen Qinxi squinted his eyes in puzzlement and asked, "What are you doing here?"     

A sweet smile appeared on Qie Ranzhe's face as he pointed in the direction of his room saying, "There is someone in my bed so, so I came to sleepover."     

Wen Qinxi fought off the urge to roll his eyes thinking, 'How can there not be someone on your bed when you have a dozen harem members.' He pursed his lips and suggested, "You can go sleep with Qie Xieling."     

But his suggestion was met with a vigorous shake of the head. "No, no, Qie Xieling is... um how do I say this.... um," he said with a thoughtful look written all over his face.     

Wen Qinxi was tired of waiting so he finished his sentence for him. "A bed hog?"     

"Yes that," said Qie Ranzhe almost leaning in closer to Zhao Zhi disregarding personal space.     

Wen Qinxi had never seen Qie Ranzhe this wasted before. He would willingly take him in but he couldn't trust himself not to do anything to the sect leader. His hands were itching to pull him in but he restrained himself by tucking his grabby hands under his armpits. "How about Machu or Shao Lan? You can sleepover at their places. Why does it have to be me?" asked Wen Qinxi staring at those glossy full lips that were just begging for it.     

"I don't like sharing with others but you..... we have already kissed and I didn't dislike it so let me in," said Qie Ranzhe with his blushing cheeks tantalizing the sexually deprived nerd. Wen Qinxi didn't immediately respond with two voices advising him on what to do.     

The first voice was that of an angelic version of Wen Qinxi telling him to give him the bed but go sleepover at Qie Xieling's room. The other voice could only be the sinful version of Wen Qinxi telling him to take advantage and seduce the vulnerable sect leader.     

Angelic Wen Qinxi: That is immoral and highly unethical. I can't believe you suggested that.     

Sinful Wen Qinxi: Oh, excuse me Mr too goody two shoes. Speak for yourself. Just because you can't get it up doesn't mean you should ruin it for everyone.     

Angelic Wen Qinxi: Excuse me, who the fuck can't get it up?.... Now see what you made me do? You made me curse...     

Sinful Wen Qinxi: Hahaha... I knew it such a fucking hypocrite.     

Angelic Wen Qinxi: Why you! I will kill you!     

The rest of it was sounds of fighting between the evil and righteous small version of Wen Qinxi with a cloud of puffy dust covering them just like in cartoons. The occasional thud and bam could be heard. Wen Qinxi was probably drunk to imagine such a weird scenario.     

Qie Ranzhe's brow furrowed thinking Zhao Zhi's silence was him driving a hard bargain so he fumbled through his interspatial ring and took out the pendant. "I will give you this?" said Qie Ranzhe dangling the pendant in front of Zhao Zhi.     

Wen Qinxi immediately returned to earth and tried to grab the pendant but Qie Ranzhe moved his hand away in a swift motion with a pleased smile. "Do we have a deal?" asked Qie Ranzhe in a teasing tone.     

Wen Qinxi nod his head in agreement while secretly praying he could hold himself back otherwise he might eat this man clean. This obedient nod made Qie Ranzhe's heart itch inexplicably. He staggered forward and placed the pendant on Zhao Zhi's neck while saying, "Just be-because I gave this to you..... it, it doesn't mean you can leave."     

He then proceeded to hook his arm around Zhao Zhi's shoulders using him as a human crutch. "I will be trusting this Shidi to take care of me," he said with his lips almost brushing against Zhao Zhi's ear. The hot breath and intoxicating smell of wine sent Wen Qinxi's junior brother into overdrive but he had to pretend like nothing was wrong.     

"I am not a pervert, I am not a pervert, I am not a fuckin pervert" he chanted under his breath trying to brainwash himself but Qie Ranzhe made it extremely difficult.     

"Uh... little Shidi why is your flag raised so high? Do you have a girl in here.... you sho-should have told me earlier then, then I would have kicked Qie Xieling out of his bed instead," said Qie Ranzhe before Wen Qinxi tossed him on the bed in annoyance.     

"Girl my ass. You throw yourself into the lion's den and expect it not to bare its teeth... you be must fuckin joking," he muttered but Qie Ranzhe didn't hear him.     

"Where is she? Come out little mei-mei. No judgment here," said Qie Ranzhe with his voice as loud as a bell. If Wen Qinxi didn't stop him, Qie Ranzhe would attract the attention of the entire sect.     

Wen Qinxi covered his mouth and gestured for him to keep quiet with his index finger on his lips. "Shh, shh....," he said feeling like this night was going to be much harder than he initially thought.     

"Okay, okay, shh... I get it haha," chuckled Qie Ranzhe with his voice low.     

"And there is no girl, now be obedient and sleep," said Wen Qinxi taking off the man's brocade boots. As soon as he finished, Qie Ranzhe sat up straight and began to undress till he was topless.     

"What the fuck are you doing?" asked Wen Qinxi feeling like he was about to lose his mind. How was he supposed to exercise restraint and not eat candy when it was unwrapped right in front of him.     

"Since there is no girl then, then I can take it off. Is it hot in here or it's just me?" said Qie Ranzhe with his hands on his pants. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what this awful man was about to do.     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

'I am so fuckin dead.'     

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