Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Horsing Around On Bed

Fifth World: Horsing Around On Bed

0Qie Ranzhe's brow creased for a moment with his index finger on his lip before asking, "Is it? Why?"     

"Because, I like men," he said finishing off the rest of his sentence in his heart, 'especially you.'     

The sect leader sank deeper into the wooden tub with his back leaning down in a relaxed manner. A sly smile quirked up his face as he said, "So? It's not like anything will happen between us. I have a harem ready to serve me, remember?"     

Wen Qinxi's mouth twitched at his words. He fuckin knew it. This man would play him like a Yoyo and like an idiot, he was led on resulting in this predicament. Even Qi junior couldn't stand for this as it instantly softened like a flabby cucumber.     

Wen Qinxi tossed the sponge in his face and said, "Then go to your fuckin harem!" before storming away. He took off his outer robe while cursing under his breath before going under the quilt feigning sleep.     

He deliberately occupied the entire bed as a sign that Qie Ranzhe should go sleep elsewhere but who would have thought the sect leader wouldn't catch the hint. Qie Ranzhe dried his body and wore his inner robe before slowly approaching the bed.      

Qie Ranzhe sat on the only space available on the double bed and poked Zhao Zhi while calling out to him. "Shidi.... shidi. Move over so I can sleep," but there was no response, "are you ignoring me? Shidi, are you going to move or not?"     

Wen Qinxi was obviously awake but he wasn't going to give Qie Ranzhe the satisfaction so he continued with his act. Qie Ranzhe quieted down for a minute making Wen Qinxi believe he had given up.     

He silently listened for the sound of footsteps and the door but the room was dead silent for more than five minutes. Wen Qinxi wanted to continue to pretend but he had made a blunder covering his face with the quilt which meant he was getting hot under there.     

If it weren't that he was as stubborn as an ox, he would have opened up the quilt a long time ago. His stubborn nature wouldn't allow that which meant even when he was sweating like in a sauna he wouldn't give in.     

Just when he thought he was going to suffocate under the quilt, Qie Ranzhe finally made his move but it was the least bit expected. "Tsk, fine then don't blame me," said Qie Ranzhe before jumping on top of Zhao Zhi, "Then I will just sleep on top of you."     

Believe it or not, there was nothing sexual about what he did. It was more like a big brother bullying a younger brother by slumping on top of him with his back in the poor victim's face.     

"Ah, shit.... get off me. OMG, you are so fuckin childish," complained Wen Qinxi while trying to push him off but the man was like a boulder, unmovable.     

Qie Ranzhe chuckled while getting comfortable. He found the feeling of screwing with Zhao Zhi was incredibly satisfying. This, unfortunately, made it highly addictive. He couldn't seem to stop himself.      

"Seriously?.... Fine, then don't blame me," said Wen Qinxi with his hand pinching Qie Ranzhe's waist making the man slide off him. Having gone through four worlds with Qie Ranzhe, he naturally knew the man's sensitive spots and one of them was his waist. Using this to his advantage he successfully got rid of the nuisance but not for long.     

Qie Ranzhe came back for vengeance trying to pinch Zhao Zhi which quickly escalated into a playful scuffle that shouldn't be seen by the outside world otherwise this sect leader's strict reputation would be tainted big time.     

"Ah....stop... Hahahaha! Ran-ge, no more, I give up. I give up," was the sound of laughter and pleading coming from Wen Qinxi after being tickled with Qie Ranzhe straddling him, "Stop, haha. I am going to pee if you don't stop."     

This came about after Qie Ranzhe realised how sensitive Zhao Zhi was. It seemed this mode of attack was more interesting than wrestling.     

"Shh," said Qie Ranzhe while smiling from ear to ear, "Do you want to wake the entire sect?" This is after he grabbed Zhao Zhi's wrists and pinned them against the bed.     

"How can I keep it down if you keep torturing me?" replied Wen Qinxi liking the view very much. The scuffle just now had made him forget he was angry a couple of minutes ago.      

The two fell into silents panting from all the horsing around they were doing. Qie Ranzhe looked down at the man he was still straddling. He wanted to give a witty response but he found himself tongue-tied. That's because the longer his gaze lingered on the man lying beneath him, the faster his heart thumped.     

Maybe it was that enchanting face belonging to a vixen or the supple skin showing from under the collar or maybe the way Zhao Zhi's chest was moving.     

Whatever it was, it had him feeling chaotic as an inexplicable heat rose from within. He suddenly found himself wondering how it would feel like kissing Zhao Zhi's lips. Zhao Zhi had kissed him already but because he was caught off guard, he didn't pay attention.     

With his curiosity approaching dangerous levels, Qie Ranzhe cleared his throat before saying, "Sleep."     

Wen Qinxi nodded his head as Qie Ranzhe got off him. The two slept at opposite sides of the bed with one sleeping at the head of the bed and the other sleeping at the foot of the bed.     

Wen Qinxi couldn't understand why Qie Ranzhe thought of sleeping this way. This made him grateful that he didn't have smelly feet otherwise it would make this entire ordeal even more embarrassing.     

"If you put your foot in my mouth you won't live till morning," said Qie Ranzhe as he covered himself in a separate quilt that he took out from his interspatial ring.     

"Likewise sect leader," said Wen Qinxi while smiling like a fool. It seemed a good old fashioned playful scuffle cured the uneasiness in his heart. He was going to monopolize this sect leader and from the looks of it, it won't take time.     

With this in mind, Wen Qinxi fell asleep with a bright smile on his face. The room descended into peaceful silence with the occasional chirping of the cicadas coming from outside.     

This was bound to be a peaceful night but something unexpected happened. The docile pendant wrapped around Wen Qinxi's neck shone a luminous white light. Though bright it didn't seem to disturb the two men.     

After shining brighter than florescent lights, it began to dim as Wen Qinxi's body absorbed the light. The room descended into darkness in a matter of seconds as the pendant vanished into thin air. This marked the beginning of a restless night for Wen Qinxi as sealed memories filled his mind.     

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