Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Zhao Zhi's Real Identity

Fifth World: Zhao Zhi's Real Identity

0Wen Qinxi felt his body descend to the darkest depths like his soul was been sucked out of him. This kind of experience should have had him panicked especially for a non-swimmer like him who was highly averse to water. Surprisingly, Wen Qinxi allowed himself to sink in a relaxed manner like he was home.     

This must have been Zhao Zhi's home. As his surroundings got darker and darker, Wen Qinxi felt a magnetic force pull him into a vortex. By the time he opened his eyes, he was outside a grand underwater palace with his entire body transformed.     

His lovely feet were gone replaced by a mesmerizing azure mermaid tail that captured his attention. "Holy shit!" yelled Wen Qinxi swaying that dazzling work of art that was clearly out of this world. His upper body was bare with a pendant hanging around his neck exuding a majestic picturesque scene that would have any girl drooling. In his hand, he held a scimitar that was clearly superior to any of the divine tools in the cultivation world.     

A mischievous part of him wanted to test the limits and cruise like a torpedo underwater but he found he couldn't move much. It seemed he was inside of a memory which meant he was limited.     

"Your Highness, the king will see you now," said a voice coming from behind him. The merman who just spoke to him was dressed in a gold plated armour on his upper body with a greenish-blue tail that was in no way superior to his.     

Wen Qinxi's body moved of its own accord as he entered the main hall filled with beautiful mermaids serving the so-called king. Judging on looks alone, this merman was most likely Zhao Zhi's father. The king glanced over in his direction before waving off the mermaids with a swift motion of the hand.     

In a matter of seconds, it was only the two of them remaining in the main hall. Wen Qinxi felt his heart grow cold faced by the merman king. It seemed Zhao Zhi didn't like his father much and their relationship was strained as confirmed by what happened next. The merman king flipped the side table shattering the vase on the floor before shooting an arrow using formidable telepathic powers.     

Wen Qinxi panicked and subconsciously wanted to dodge but he quickly found out that he couldn't. Zhao Zhi remained rooted on the spot despite seeing it coming. Just before it touched his adam's apple, Zhao Zhi suddenly reached out and grasped the arrow that flying at bullet speed. Without uttering a single word, he crashed the arrow with ease further infuriating his father.     

A roar of haughty laughter escaped the merman king's throat as he sat back down on his throne. Two seconds later his laughter died down abruptly with his expression turning dark. "You dare challenge me, boy!" bellowed the merman king glaring at Zhao Zhi.     

That loud roar had Wen Qinxi feel like pissing his pants. If it were up to him, he wouldn't want to offend this great god but, of course, he didn't have a choice in the matter.     

"Father, you have taken things too far. We can not keep associating ourselves with those demons.....," replied Zhao Zhi but he didn't get to finish his statement when the king struck a pillar with unfathomable force shaking the main hall at its foundation.     

"You still have the audacity to call me father while criticizing me?! Get out!" roared the king almost going berserk.     

The doors of the main hall were suddenly opened and a beautiful goddess entered with a gorgeous crown complimenting her platinum grey lustrous hair.     

Her sapphire mermaid tail swayed with grace but there was nothing vulnerable about her. Unlike the previous mermaids serving the king, she was a hundred times stronger with a domineering noble aura that couldn't be instilled through teaching but something she was born with.     

Her sapphire mermaid tail seemed to extend towards her top half partially covering her belly with a beautiful sapphire lace hovering around her. Wen Qinxi curiously eyed her chest. He wasn't a pervert, it's just that he was purely curious. Her blossoming chest was covered by a sapphire gold plated brassiere that closely resembled armour.     

While Wen Qinxi was satisfying his curiosity, the underwater goddess was giving the king an earful. It seemed like she was upset about the king treating their son as an enemy. In fact, Zhao Zhi was the only legitimate child and the rest of the king's offsprings were from the king's casual encounters.     

This meant Zhao Zhi was the rightful heir to the throne but he had to work hard to earn the position of the crown prince as he was under constant threat from his seven half brothers. 'Seven, damn that's a busy merman,' thought Wen Qinxi but he soon realised that these were only sons not counting the daughters.     

"If it weren't for me you wouldn't be sitting on that seat," she said before dragging Zhao Zhi out of the main hall. The next moment Wen Qinxi was outside the palace with the woman caressing his cheek in a doting fashion while soothing him.     

"Lian-er, don't take it to heart. It's mum's fault for falling hopelessly in love with a fool. Do your part and I will do mine," she said with misty eyes like she was going to cry at any second. Wen Qinxi felt the urge to hug her but the memory faded away.     

He found himself standing in front of his seven brothers and they were chastising him for going against their father's wishes. Their race had been isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years but when the new merman king seized the throne after marrying the daughter of the late king, he crossed boundaries and made a deal with a demon king in exchange for an elixir that would make him immortal and invincible in terms of strength.     

That way he could live forever and rule the seas and lakes unchallenged. He wouldn't have to worry about his sons overthrowing him more especially Lan Lian Hua (a.k.a Zhao Zhi). In exchange he had to offer virgin citizens to the demon king for cultivation as a sacrifice very year.     

Lan Lian Hua naturally didn't know about this growing up but once he found out he defied his father and single-handedly stood up for his race. This didn't settle well with the king but he wasn't worried because no one could challenge his authority.     

What he didn't know was that his queen was training her son in secret giving him the best of the best to make him just as powerful. All Lan Lian Hua had to do was become powerful enough to overthrow the king in a one vs one combat. It was unfortunate that the king was unkillable because of that elixir made out of a demon king's blood.     

"So you can watch in silence as our people get dragged by that demon each year?" asked Lan Lian Hua (Zhao Zhi).     

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