Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Qie Ranzhe's Flawed Logic

Fifth World: Qie Ranzhe's Flawed Logic

0The two cursed internally at the same time. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. So the two people were forced to carry on with a non-existent tutoring session. For the bored nerd, this was torture. He actually dozed off thirty minutes in while Qie Xieling was cultivating.     

By the time Qie Xieling opened his eyes, his Shixiong was long gone dozing off with no care in the world. No one would blame him especially after fighting it out with a vicious ghost plus a ruthless opponent dressed like a character from the assassin's creed.     

Qie Xieling turned to look at his father who was staring at Zhao Zhi like he was watching an interesting show. "Shixiong... Shixiong.... wake up and get into bed," said Qie Xieling trying to wake up Zhao Zhi who was sitting on the floor sleeping with his head leaning against the wall. But as soon as he poked him with his finger, Zhao Zhi's head drooped to the side that is before his entire body slid down to the floor.     

Qie Xieling tried to lift his Shixiong but the man was like a ton of bricks, unmovable. It made him wonder where all that weight was coming from when the guy was skinny.     

Unable to bear watching this disastrous scene anymore, Qie Ranzhe stood up and walked over with a blank expression. He picked up Zhao Zhi in one fell swoop before placing him on the bed. Zhao Zhi shuffled like a puppy looking for a comfortable spot before falling back into a deep sleep.     

While Qie Xieling struggled to get Zhao Zhi's boots off, Qie Ranzhe was busy eyeing those flushed cheeks that looked tantalizing. It was probably from all that drinking earlier. In fact, he knew these two weren't cultivating before but he chose not to expose them.     

Like a K9 unit sniffer dog, he could sniff contraband a mile away so he knew they were drinking and possibly gambling based on the suspicious rectangular box under the wooden cupboard.     

He wanted to see what kind of lie they would spin out and planned to expose them later but who would have thought the little minx would fall asleep. An inexplicable urge rose in his heart eyeing those cheeks. He wanted to pinch them till the person woke up but he found that he couldn't do it in front of his son.     

"Fa-father.... he-help me," said Qie Xieling still fighting with the same boot with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.     

Qie Ranzhe flung his sleeve before saying, "Not my problem," while walking back to sit on Qie Xieling's bed.     

Qie Xieling sighed as he carried on fighting the good fight. It was indeed a hard battle as it took him a full ten minutes to succeed. Let's not blame young master Qie because it was his first time going through such hard labour.     

He staggered over to his father like a drama king while expressing his grievances. Qie Ranzhe silently watched him act out his play with a cold gaze. The boy was acting like he had suffered much hardship while wiping non-existent sweat. "You must have got that from your mother," mumbled Qie Ranzhe before standing up to leave.     

"Wait, wait... how about I tell you a secret," said Qie Xieling pulling his father's sleeve with a serious look on his face.     

Qie Ranzhe stared at him with some suspicion but Qie Xieling didn't back down saying, "It's important."     

His father gave him a 'you better not be wasting my time' look before sitting back down. Qie Xieling beckoned with his hands for his father to come closer. Qie Ranzhe's brow creased as he leaned over. What was so special that he had to whisper it into his ear.     

Qie Ranzhe's expression changed slightly when he heard his son's words but before he could scold him for wasting his time, Qie Xieling suddenly said, "I will prove it. If I am right you should let me sleep here."     

Certain Qie Xieling was going to lose, Qie Ranzhe said, "If you lose then you aren't allowed to sleep in the same room with him ever again." Qie Xieling felt a sting in his heart hearing this. He especially enjoyed hanging around Zhao Zhi and if it were up to him he would stick to him as toddlers stick to their mothers.     

Of course, he would be much more reasonable than a toddler and let him have bathroom breaks and privacy while bathing but the rest of his time would be non-negotiable.     

But he was confident that he got it right so he chose to gamble. "Okay, watch...," said Qie Xieling tiptoeing over to Zhao Zhi. He squatted at the head of the bed and called out, "Shixiong.... Shixiong.... are you asleep?" in a soft tone.     

Wen Qinxi was in such a deep sleep that he didn't realise his secrets were about to be spilt to the world. This ought to teach him never to fall asleep first in the presence of these people as sleepover regulations state 'never be the first one to sleep at a sleepover otherwise you will wake up with a drawing of a penis on your forehead drawn with a permanent marker'.     

"En," he mumbled in a muffled voice.     

"Shixiong.... do you like Nu Shen?" he asked leaning closer to his ear. Qie Xieling pursed his lips when he didn't get any response.     

He was about to ask another question when Zhao Zhi suddenly pulled him over to the bed and said, "Ran-ge stop making tro-trouble... You know I love you."     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

Qie Xieling, "Help me." The poor kid was strangled by this octopus with no escape route. Well, it serves him right for provoking a sleeping Wen Qinxi. There was no way of freeing himself without external help. But his saviour was thunderstruck standing there like a frozen human popsicle.     

Qie Ranzhe was certain Qie Xieling would lose which is why he dared to gamble. Who would have known the brat had hit the nail on the head.     

"Fa-father..... help me. He's too strong," complained Qie Xieling feeling like the biggest loser here. He should have asked for more than just a sleepover. Too bad it was already late.     

Qie Ranzhe helped his son get out of Zhao Zhi's arms but didn't utter a single word as his son jumped into his bed. "Good night," said Qie Xieling but Qie Ranzhe didn't show any signs of leaving, "aren't you going to your room?"     

Qie Xieling soon regretted asking this question because of what happened next. "Move over," said Qie Ranzhe while taking off his outer robe. He was going to sleep over as well but the problem was that the space was so tiny.     

"Ah, I have terrible sleeping habits.... have you forgotten?" said Qie Xieling but the next second he saw his father place a quilt and pillow on the floor before pointing at it.     

The implication was obvious but Qie Xieling wouldn't go down quietly. "Why do you have to sleep here anyway? Now I have to sleep on the floor."     

"I need to be here when Zhao Zhi wakes up so I can let him down easy. Now sleep," said Qie Ranzhe lying on the bed.     

'Father your logic is flawed,' thought Qie Xieling but he didn't dare say it aloud. The man could have slept in his own room and speak to Zhao Zhi during breakfast but instead, he chose to kick his son off the bed so he can wait for his pursuer to wake up.     

Well, Qie Xieling only slept on the floor for half the night. One can only guess whose bed he sleepwalked to.     

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