Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Consequences Of Falling Asleep First

Fifth World: Consequences Of Falling Asleep First

0As soon as he turned to walk away completely Wen Qinxi's face fell and went straight to knock on Jolie's door like a maniac. 'Shit, Jolie. What the fuck did I do last night?... I didn't even drink that much,' he said feeling distressed.     

'Oh, nothing much. You just declared your love for him in your sleep. It was incredibly entertaining by the way,' said the system recalling Qie Ranzhe's expression that looked like a cat that just had its tail stepped on.     

Wen Qinxi walked out of the inn narrowly dodging Nu Shen who was headed in his direction. He heaved a sigh when he realised she didn't see him. 'Will you stop looking like you are enjoying this so much,' he said feeling depressed. The laughter earlier was merely a cover for his embarrassment. If he didn't laugh back then he would have further sold himself out and who knows what kind of ruthless rejection would be sent his way?     

'Actually, this is not the first time it has happened. You really need to duct tape your mouth when you are sharing a room with others,' it said snickering under its breath. It wouldn't want to further infuriate this overlord and get sentenced to death. It had already used up all its nine lives but it couldn't help it.     

It was fun screwing over Wen Qinxi especially when it had nothing else to do. Like an addict going through withdrawal, it swallowed down various taunts with great difficulty.     

'What? When?' asked Wen Qinxi pausing in his tracks. He really didn't know what the system was yammering on about. How he could know? Just like the previous night, he fell asleep first in the fourth world and guess what? Qie Ranzhe interrogated him in his sleep making him show his hand earlier than expected. The only difference is that this time it was Qie Xieling who did it and he straight out confessed his feelings.     

'Can I ask you something?..... Are you like this in the real world? Because if you are then only god knows how many company secrets would come out of your mouth while sleeping. Wait, did you tell anyone about me? You know I am a highly classified AI in GameX, right? Hello.... hello. Damn it, is he a fuckin reincarnation of Houdini or something?' it said when it realised it had been muted once more.     

While Wen Qinxi was working through his sleep talking issues, Qie Ranzhe and Qie Xieling had an unexpected visitor. Who else other than Nu Shen would dare approach them? The only difference was that this time she was reserved standing a great distance away from the pair like she had a restraining order hanging over her head.     

"Se-sect leader Qie, have you seen Zhao Zhi? I have been looking for him for a while now," she said hesitating. It seemed Qie Ranzhe's previous threat was highly effective that she dared not talk nonsense.     

Qie Ranzhe carried on eating his breakfast treating her like air. This was understandable but she couldn't easily accept it. She bit her lower lip looking dejectedly at the pair but the two remained unmoved. It was Qie Xieling who put up a friendly facade and beckoned her to sit on the opposite side of the table before ruthlessly stomping on the opponent. "Well, I don't know where he went but here is the thing," he said before leaning in closer with his elbows lying flat on the table, "It's best you give up."     

In his father's exact words he carried on letting her down easy. "Because it's never going to happen so I highly suggest you give up," he said with a cunning smile. Now that he knew his Shixiong had a thing for his father and that he would be moving with them to the Qie sect Qie Xieling felt like it was his responsibility to eliminate competition. Besides, he was doing her a favour otherwise she will continue building castles in the air.     

Qie Ranzhe's cup that was about to touch his lips paused for a split second before he resumed his action. He didn't immediately stop his busybody son wanting to see where this was headed so he let him continue.     

Nu Shen was angered by his words which was evident in her reaction. She angrily pointed at Qie Xieling while reprimanding him. "You brat, what do you know? He was clearly jealous the other day. Stop talking rubbish." Recalling how Zhao Zhi stormed off that day how could she believe a wastrel's words? "Stop involving yourself in adult business and focus on cultivating."     

Qie Xieling wasn't angered by her words. In fact, he had been scolded so many times by his father that he had grown numb to it. With a smug all over his face, he said, "Yes, he was most definitely jealous but he wasn't jealous over you. That's because the person he likes is.... ouch! Aiyo... ah, that freakin hurts." Those cries were a result of being pinched by his father.     

Yeah sure, Qie Ranzhe wanted to get rid of this annoying girl but his son's method was a little extreme. If he knew Qie Xieling would take things this far, he would have stopped him from the very beginning.     

"Miss Nu, I reckon you still remember our conversation from before. If so then what gave you the courage to walk up to me? Your business with Zhao Zhi has nothing to do with us so show yourself out," said Qie Ranzhe surrounded by a bone-chilling pressure that scared Nu Shen to death.     

"I, I, I am sorry," she said before running off like her skirt was on fire. She also didn't want to come to him, okay. It's just that her shixiong was avoiding her like she had a venereal disease or something. Even the Zhao sect disciples weren't divulging any details. This left her with no choice but to jump straight to the tiger. Unfortunately one can't jump straight to the top of the food chain unless they want to get eaten.     

As soon as Nu Shen ran for dear life, Qie Ranzhe eyed Qie Xieling in his peripheral view and said, "Are you done acting?"     

Qie Xieling was still lying on the cushion wailing like he had been beaten while covering the spot he had been pinched. "Such a drama king," said Qie Ranzhe before standing up to leave him behind.     

Sensing that his father was going to leave, Qie Xieling opened his eye before standing up in haste.     

His father had ordered him to stay by his side at a maximum distance of two feet. If he so much as lagged behind a distance above that he would be grounded in his room for an entire month without his interspatial bag. This meant he couldn't use talismans to escape either.     

Given the choice, he would rather follow his father everywhere like a puppy. This is why he ran after Qie Ranzhe. "How am I supposed to keep up with you when you leave without warning?" asked Qie Xieling walking next to his father.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything. Instead, he gently smacked Qie Xieling upside his head before placing his hands behind his back like an old wise leader.     

"Ouch... I am definitely going to turn stupid if you keep hitting me," mumbled Qie Xieling rubbing the back of his head.     

"Why bother when you already are stupid?" replied Qie Ranzhe as a rare smile quirked upon his gorgeous face.     

Seeing this Qie Xieling was shocked stammering, "Di-did you just make a joke? Ha!.... make another one... Ouch, okay that one wasn't funny." The ouch came after being smacked again but he didn't care because his stick in the mud of a father seemed a tad bit relaxed.     

Qie Xieling, 'I wonder who's responsible for that?'     

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