Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Crazy Aunty

Fifth World: Crazy Aunty

0If it was any other young cultivator their plan would have succeeded but this was Qie Ranzhe for heaven sake. A rigid visionary with a tightlipped group of disciples surrounding him. It was fairly easy for him to weed out the spies and punish the brazen sects who dared trump over him.     

This earned him a reputation as the Unfathomable Lord throughout the cultivation world.     

The land Qie sect was on was once an unattainable land with a vast population of vicious spiritual beasts. It was unknown how Qie Ranzhe managed to chase off these high-level beasts and conquer lush green lands with endless streams of clear blue lakes brimming with spiritual energy.     

Rumour had it that on this fertile ground, cultivators gained a big advantage by drawing spiritual energy from nature replenishing stamina, purifying the Qi and strengthening meridians.     

The Qie sect was truly a sight to behold for this indoor bred nerd. This experience had him wanting to travel once he becomes a millionaire to see the world. The only family trip he ever took outside the city was with his mother to the countryside which was a rare occurrence in itself since his father's parents were deceased. His mother's parents were city folk that lived two streets away from their apartment so there was not much travelling there.     

Wen Qinxi dazedly admired the Qie sect that he didn't notice a group of people watching him with great interest. In the training arena stood a man and a woman who had been fighting it out in a one vs one match. Their attention was immediately drawn to their sect leader but it didn't linger for long when they saw Zhao Zhi who was behaving like a tourist. The only thing missing was a camera and a big sun hat.     

The girl in the fiery red dress spoke first as she placed her scimitar on her shoulder. "Who's the dandy?" she asked while elbowing the man standing beside her.     

The man she elbowed was a 1.9 meter tall brawny giant with a gruesome scar running down from his cheek to his neck disappearing under the clothes. Such a wound must have been from a nasty injury to leave him with a terrifying long scar. His name was Shao Lan a retired mercenary for the crown.     

He was betrayed by the former emperor of the mortal folk because the man feared Shao Lan would turn around and seize his throne. This is where he got that nasty scar and thrown over the cliff to die but it was Qie Ranzhe who saved him.     

"Maybe he is your new saozi.... we have too many of those to go around," said Shao Lan as he jumped off the platform of the arena.     

The girl in the red dress followed him landing right in front of their prestigious sect leader. With a sweet smile, she cupped her hands in salute but her inquisitive gaze was on the handsome cutie who seemed lost.     

"Ah! Auntie.... you are going to give me a fucking heart attack," said Qie Xieling who didn't see this coming.     

Dai Yu seemed pleased with herself as she circled behind Zhao Zhi where Qie Xieling was currently taking refuge. She smiled with a wide grin and said, "Is this why you escaped confinement? To pick a stray?.... A rather handsome stray at that. Can I keep him since our dearest sect leader has a lot of people in his hands?"     

Qie Xieling placed his hands on Zhao Zhi's shoulders and said, "I found him so why should I give him to you?" before pulling further away from the red vixen.     

"Ah uh, no need to fight. This Shixiong is our guest not for you to play with," said Machu trying to break apart the two adults fighting over a person like toddlers fighting over a toy. Only in this case, Qie Xieling would most likely end in tears because Dai Yu was a little heavy-handed when it came to fighting.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything walking alongside Shao Lan who was updating him on the current events of the sect. Qie Ranzhe was half-listening eyeing the four people behind him through his peripheral view. He wasn't especially happy when Dai Yu asked for Zhao Zhi like he was merchandise from a carnival but if he were to ask himself why he wasn't exactly happy he wouldn't know the answer.     

Qie Ranzhe was so distracted that he didn't notice Shao Lan calling him. It was only after calling out his name for the nth time did Qie Ranzhe respond and he seemed displeased about being disturbed.     

"Ran-ge, who is he?" blatantly asked Shao Lan after seeing his leader so distracted. He wasn't the type to pry but seeing how much this person affected his sect leader, he just had to ask.     

Qie Ranzhe stopped staring and said, "Important.... someone very important," before riding black calamity to his Pavillion atop the tallest peak.     

Shao Lan, "...."     

While Shao Lan was making guesses over Zhao Zhi's identity, Wen Qinxi was caught in the middle of a turf war and the turf was himself. Dai Yu was never one to shy away from fighting with Qie Xieling mainly because she was his cousin's child.     

That's right, Dai Yu was Qie Ranzhe's cousin from his mother's side who joined his sect after offending her grandmother by tying her to a tree after she tried to marry her off as a concubine to an old man. Ever since she joined the Qie sect she took her role as an auntie seriously by teasing her nephew at every turn.     

This situation was such an example of what Qie Xieling endured day in day out. "Aiya..... I see. So you go around bringing beauties to your father but never bring me a handsome man not even once. And when you do bring a handsome man you forbid me from laying a finger on him? Am I still your aunt?" she said with her hand on her hip looking like a lady from the fish market.     

"What aunt?" said Qie Xieling while wrapping his arms on Zhao Zhi's shoulders in a protective manner, "when you look about the same age as me."     

Qie Xieling managed to strike this lady's soft spot because her arrogance melted in an instant under such flattery. "Oh, auntie taught you well.... you know exactly what to say to appease a woman," she said pinching Qie Xieling's cheek that is until she noticed something off.     

Out of the blue, she licked her thumb and rubbed at Qie Xieling's eyebrow with a puzzled expression. "What the... Shit, Xieling what happened to your eyebrow? Come here.... hey, come here let aunt see!" she said with the last part said yelling as she chased after him.     

Qie Xieling was running off in shame while covering his eyebrow that was now smudged. Lesson well learnt, he would never screw around with Zhao Zhi's stuff.     

Wen Qinxi watched the hare run after the tortoise with great interest. He could only imagine how much his poor son was going to be taunted once that woman caught up with him. He shook his head while silently lighting a candle for his dearest Lin Lin.     

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