Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Fighting Or Flirting?

Fifth World: Fighting Or Flirting?

0It's a well known but unapproved fact that boys usually bully the ones they like but they just don't know that their urge to bully is correlated to like. Such is the case with Qie Ranzhe the inexperienced sect leader when it comes to matters of the heart.     

Yes, he had a glorious harem that plenty coveted and drooled over. There were even written songs about the glorious harem of the rich immortal which was slightly exaggerated. If the masses were ever to find out the truth, they would vomit out a mouthful of blood in shock.     

Qie Ranzhe held the pendant in his hand as a great desire to bully Zhao Zhi rose from the deepest depths of his heart. He found that watching this man run around due to his provocation was truly entertaining so he didn't stop.     

"What? Is it that your boyfriend gave it to you that you have to work this hard to get it back?" said the sect leader exuding a rare childish side seen by none.     

Wen Qinxi grew extremely annoyed with his handsome face contorted in a funny way. He rushed over in a flash trying to grab the pendant as an overwhelming urge grew inside him. He felt like he was going to lose his mind at any second unless he got that pendant.     

Qie Ranzhe vanished into thin air and reappeared atop a roof sitting in the lotus position while looking down at Zhao Zhi. Wen Qinxi felt like picking up a rock and throwing it at Qie Ranzhe to bring him down like boys do when they want to take down mango fruits. As the saying goes a tree that bears fruit will be stoned.     

He not only thought it but did it while yelling, "What boyfriend.... stop being an asshole and give it to me!" Unfortunately for him, the rock turned to dust before it even reached its target.     

Qie Ranzhe scoffed twice in one day with his image as a stone-faced sect leader ruined just by associating with Zhao Zhi. "You actually have the audacity to curse at me? Are you tired of living?" he said while putting the pendant away into his interspatial bag.     

Wen Qinxi stomped his foot like a little loli that had just been denied a kiss by her boyfriend. He folded his arms across his chest and turned away while tapping his foot in annoyance. He was done talking and besides, there was no point in talking to a lunatic.     

This sort of reaction didn't deter Qie Ranzhe in the slightest. In fact, his desire to poke the bear grew much stronger. He wanted to know how Zhao Zhi would look angry so he said, "This Shidi is so frivolous. He not only has a boyfriend but he is also flirting with a Shimei on the side. How interesting."     

That was the final nail in the coffin. Wen Qinxi was done dealing with an idiot that had a memory like that of a goldfish. So he walked off in big strides but as soon as he took a second step, Qie Ranzhe appeared in front of him with a sly smile.     

Under threat of losing his source of entertainment, Qie Ranzhe decided to do something about it. Like a cat playing with a ball of string, he wasn't done playing with it yet the ball of string decided to roll away without his permission. How could he let that happen? 'You will only leave when I let you leave,' he thought to himself.     

He would have said it out loud but this firecracker seemed to disregard his reputation otherwise why would Zhao Zhi willfully attack and provoke him ceaselessly despite knowing his identity?     

"How about we fight it out. If you win, I will give you what you want?" suggested Qie Ranzhe with hidden intentions.     

Unfortunately for him, Wen Qinxi wasn't a newbie when it came to dealing with this man which meant he could read him through and through like a book. Well, maybe not a hardcover book but an ebook on kindle or something.     

There is no need to further damage the environment by cutting down trees for a book. That's 20,000 sheets of paper per single tree and let's not forget the harmful chemicals used in the process. Okay, his thought process was a bit off-topic so he veered back to the topic at hand.     

Wen Qinxi stared back at this silly sect leader and said, "Sect leader Qie truly takes me for a newborn. Why on earth would I challenge someone greater in cultivation rank than myself... Isn't that setting myself up for failure?"     

Qie Ranzhe felt like he had been found out but his expression didn't change. "How about sealing our spiritual power and fight like mere mortals," said Qie Ranzhe but even he couldn't believe what had just come out of his mouth.     

If some malicious thing happens to show up right now would they have enough time to unseal their spiritual power and defend themselves? Well, he had already said it and there was no way to take back his words.     

Wen Qinxi thought for a while before responding, "Fine.... but what do you get if I lose?"     

"If you lose then I would have to trouble this Shidi to come back with me to the Qie Sect," he said with a straight face like it wasn't him speaking.     

Wen Qinxi chuckled thinking this sly man always comes up with absurd ways to keep him by his side. This was already his goal in the first place. How was he supposed to help Qie Ranzhe succeed in conquering this world if he was living under the Zhao sect? It just that he was trying to come up with reasons to get into the Qie sect.     

Who would have thought an opportunity would present itself without putting in any effort and even came with a bonus. The bonus was having to hit Qie Ranzhe once even though he would lose the fight.     

Ghosts, guns even a one-ton bear, you name it, he had been through it all. And now there was a harem. He might not be able to punch his boss outside the game but in here, right now, it was open season.     

"Okay, deal," said Wen Qinxi sealing his spiritual power in a swift motion.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't think Zhao Zhi would be that enthusiastic which was interesting. He couldn't fathom what he had done to this junior disciple that made him want to fight him so bad. While musing over this after sealing his spiritual power, he was suddenly tackled by the eager beaver marking the beginning of the scuffle.     

From an outsider's perspective, it couldn't be described as a fight but a playful scuffle between two cubs. Actually, all Qie Ranzhe was doing was holding back Zhao Zhi like an older brother holding back his younger brother by placing a hand on his forehead.     

Sadly for the two of them, this unfortunate event was witnessed by Qie Xieling who had ran over once the dust had settled. He was worried to death rushing over only to find his father on top of Zhao Zhi pinning him down.     

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