Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Light Bulb Nu Shen

Fifth World: Light Bulb Nu Shen

0Both the guilty party and the victim's gazes fell on Qie Xieling's chest before looking away feigning ignorance. How was one supposed to say such a thing? Sorry, I hit your son while I was in berserk mode? Those words wouldn't come out of Wen Qinxi's mouth even if he was beaten.     

"Uh.... um, here is the thing," said Qie Xieling his speech incoherent when a sudden realization struck him. "Wait, how did you know I was hurt?"     

Wen Qinxi had been looking away while pretending to be innocent like this entire situation had nothing to do with him. But Qie Xieling's question had him staring at Qie Ranzhe with some suspicion.     

'Jolie!' he called out as the father and son questioned each other like in a Senate hearing. The system played deaf for a while but how could it win against the supreme overlord?     

'Jolie, you better start talking otherwise....,' he said in a menacing tone that had the system appear as fast as a genie in a lamp.     

'Ahem.... here is the thing. I had a slight error in my circuits and there was some type of glitch you know so I, um... it took time to retrieve the other half of what happened last night,' explained the system feeling its so-called circuits freeze over with each word.     

'Play it,' said Wen Qinxi in an 'I am not asking' type of tone that sent shivers down this AI's program. His face changed colours multiple times like a chameleon watching a timelapse video. 'Crap!' he thought as he watched Qie Ranzhe check Qie Xieling's bruise.     

'I will deal with you later,' he said to the system wondering how Jolie's character ended up this messed up.     

System: QAQ     

There was no point selling meng right now because it was beyond saving.     

Qie Ranzhe finally stopped arguing with Qie Xieling over who ran away from home or who drank without permission and turned to the adult in this situation. "And you!" said Qie Ranzhe jolting this poor soul who was busy coming up with ways to apologize and lessen the impending sentence.     

"Ah... sect leader Qie, you can't hold someone accountable for crimes committed under mental incapacitation, right? I was out of it and I apologize for that... and the other thing," said Wen Qinxi trying to look as remorseful as possible.     

The that he was referring to was accidentally hitting Qie Xieling but the other thing was referring to the groping and kissing incident. Qie Ranzhe happened to catch his meaning. Unbeknownst to him, the tip of his ears reddened as he threatened, "Tell anyone about this and I will make you i.m.p.o.t.e.n.t do you understand."     

Each letter of the word impotent was annunciated individually making Wen Qinxi's balls shrink in fright.     

"Yes, food is here. I am freaking starving," said Qie Xieling in an exaggerated tone but he soon made sense of his father's sentence so he asked, "Wait, what happened between the two of you?"     

Qie Xieling's head turned from Zhao Zhi to his father but no one answered. "Why is there talk of impotence?"     

Wen Qinxi felt like covering this boy's mouth for exacerbating the situation. He took the chopsticks placed at his side and picked up a huge chunk of green beans and stuffed them into Qie Xieling's mouth. This was the only effective way to shut him up.     

Qie Xieling chewed and swallowed the green beans with great difficulty before lodging a complaint, "Shixiong, do I look like a bunny? If you want to shut me up, you have to use meat."     

"Growing boys need to eat more veggies," replied Wen Qinxi marking the beginning of a long session of senseless bickering between the two.     

Qie Ranzhe watched them in silence with his brain turning at a speed comparable to that of a bullet train. He had a lot of questions and the only reason why he tolerated Zhao Zhi despite what happened the previous day was that he was looking for answers.     

He replayed the previous night's images countless times trying to figure out the reason why Zhao Zhi went crazy on him to the point of losing rationality. The only thing that stood out for him was the teardrop-shaped glass pendant with a blue lotus flower encased within.     

It was the only unique thing he took out last night. This pendant was on his person when he woke up by the riverside. According to his analysis, it wasn't anything special so he tossed it into his interspatial ring for the past eighteen years.     

The one time he took it out he was attacked by Zhao Zhi. Based on this analysis it meant there was a high per cent chance that Zhao Zhi had something to do with whatever happened in that nightmarish realm.     

Maybe it was because he was still in denial, he simply refused to believe that Qie Xieling came from Zhao Zhi. But judging from the way they got along and how Qie Xieling stuck to Zhao Zhi like glue, it was starting to chip away at his delusion.     

Thankfully, this dangerous line of thought didn't proceed any further. That's because Nu Shen from the Xiannu sect arrived back from her night hunt and invited herself to their table. She had been looking for opportunities to spend some alone time with Zhao Zhi but it seemed he was avoiding her like the plague.     

Feeling somewhat displeased by his actions she decided to implement a strategy taught by her sisters last night. 'If you can't get them the regular way, you should try to make them jealous,' is the strategy her sisters told her about.     

The only issue was that she couldn't find a suitable candidate to flirt with. Where was she supposed to find a cultivator equal in status that can make Zhao Zhi jealous? Without the perfect cast member, her play would be pointless.     

It seemed the universe was on her side because she happened to walk in on the perfect specimen who happened to be sitting next to Zhao Zhi. These were the right conditions to perform the perfect play. With her hips swaying as graceful as a swan, Nu Shen walked over with the world's most beautiful smile.     

She cupped her hands and greeted the trio before squeezing in beside Qie Ranzhe like it was the most natural thing to do. "So what are we eating?" she said almost plastered by Qie Ranzhe's side.     

Qie Xieling, "..."     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

The two of them paused while eyeing Nu Shen as though she was an alien from god knows where. It was evident that she was here to start shit but Wen Qinxi wasn't in the best mood right now. He was feeling so agitated watching this girl trying to flirt with his man but Nu Shen mistook his reaction.     

Thinking her plan was working she upped the game flaunting her bazooka of a chest while occasionally throwing a side glance at Zhao Zhi. Unfortunately, her plan was bound to fail as witnessed in the next ten minutes.     

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