Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Parenting Conflict

Fifth World: Parenting Conflict

0Chest pains, chills, numb sensations throughout his body; you name it, Wen Qinxi felt all of it. These were the clear signs of fear and anxiety spreading all over his body an all too familiar feeling. Wen Qinxi had to gather himself up and reel in his rogue emotions otherwise he would show a little more of his true feelings than he intended.     

With a stiff disingenuous smile, he turned around to meet that piercing dreadful gaze. He wanted to use his glib tongue to get out of the situation but that gaze had him faltering so much that he could barely utter a single word. Even the smart words at the tip of his tongue vanished into thin air leaving him to his own devices.     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't calm either despite looking like a stiff lifeless statue that could easily pass as the Queen's guard around Buckingham Palace. He felt a sense of familiarity despite having never met the disciple that replaced him and took his position. A great sense of uneasiness arose at the bottom of his heart but he couldn't fathom why he had such a strange feeling towards Zhao Zhi.     

Qie Xieling was the first to break the awkward silence explaining, "Father, it's not shixiong's fault I -," but he didn't get to finish.     

"Shut it," roared Qie Ranzhe feeling his son had taken his rebellious nature to an unfathomable height. No one could understand how he felt when he returned from a night of senseless slaughter in the misty forest only to find his son was nowhere to be found.     

During his hunt, he had attained several cores from slaughtering demonic beasts and he intended to give it to Qie Xieling to try and help him unseal his dantian so he can cultivate but the boy had simply vanished.     

He managed to track him using the same teleportation talisman the boy stole but he didn't expect this. He didn't expect Qie Xieling would be hanging around the sect he hated the most with a person who replaced him. Wasn't this making him lose face?     

Wen Qinxi, on the other hand, didn't appreciate the tone Qie Ranzhe used on Qie Xieling so he went on the defence like a kitty brandishing its sharp claws. "Sect leader Qie," said Wen Qinxi saluting him , "This shidi (juniorbrother) is my guest but you on the other hand treat Zhao sect as a place you can come and go like a toilet. Doesn't this sect leader have other more important things to do like for instance.... running sect affairs or taking care of a harem rather than chasing around an adult that has come of age?"     

Well, he bit the bullet and took things too far but faced by the man who just a couple of hours ago whispered sweet nothings into his ear only to turn around and gaze at him with such a harsh vicious stare like he was looking at an enemy, Wen Qinxi couldn't bear it.     

True, it wasn't Qie Ranzhe's fault for having a broken consciousness but that didn't mean Wen Qinxi wasn't upset.     

As though he didn't know what was good for him, Wen Qinxi kept on berating him venting out all that pent up anger. "I think would be best you head back to your harem. I am fairly certain they are eagerly awaiting to serve you and win your favour," he said before grabbing Qie Xieling's elbow in an overprotective manner.     

His words had Qie Ranzhe tightly clenching his fists as a terrifying vehement storm brewed within. But when his gaze fell on the place joining the two people together, Qie Ranzhe lost it erupting like an overly repressed volcano without warning.     

He unsheathed Black Calamity his intentions as clear as day. A flash of white light fleeted in the air before the cold merciless sword abruptly stopped right by Wen Qinxi's exposed neck. Petrified, Wen Qinxi gulped as a drop of cold sweat flowed down his forehead. 'What a fuckin temper,' thought Wen Qinxi but he didn't back down or negotiate. If he dies here then they can always start again. They were still at the beginning of the journey anyway. If he didn't express his anger he might end up having a mental break down.     

Wen Qinxi might have been prepared to suffer the severe consequences of his words but Qie Xieling wasn't willing. He clutched the hem of his father's sleeve and yelled, "I will go with you. Father, I was wrong... I was wrong." At this point, Qie Xieling's tears couldn't be stopped.     

He would have left with his father anyway but Zhao Zhi's tongue was too venomous tackling his father's bottom line. Everything had gone out of control in a split second. Lucky for him, his tears still counted for something because the bloodthirsty sword made a shing sound as though disapproving of its master's decision before returning to its sheath.     

Qie Ranzhe grabbed Qie Xieling and vanished into a white mist using a teleportation talisman. Wen Qinxi was left standing alone on the isolated grassland. Out of anger, he unsheathed magic frost and released ice shards on the once peaceful grassland leaving small gorges of wet muddy puddles.     

Stupefied by his strength, Wen Qinxi looked around in astonishment before running away from the scene of the crime. Fortunately for him, no one saw him. Well, at least that's what he thought.     

In a small brush nearby, Zhao Huangzhi was hiding there enjoying a good show. She had come to her half brother's peak to scold him for whatever little thing she could think of. He ranked higher in terms of cultivation but because he was born of a prostitute it meant she could be as disrespectful as she wanted and he wouldn't retaliate.     

But who would have thought her usual morning routine would yield such results. Concealing her presence with her divine jade pendant inherited from her grandmother, she was free to watch with no worry about being discovered.     

She didn't know why her male god wanted to fight her brother but she was excited at the sight hoping Zhao Zhi would come out of this with grave injuries. But to her disappointment, Qie Xieling stopped the ensuing battle. When the two people left, she was thinking of showing her face and mock Zhao Zhi but who would have thought the brat would throw a fit destroying the beautiful grasslands.     

A stray ice shard even flew past the brush she was hiding in causing her to flinch in fright. It narrowly passed her but her fear was soon replaced with a strong urge for vengeance. One can only imagine what she did next.     

She flew over to her father's pavilion to snitch which is the only thing she was good at. Being Daddy's little spoilt princess, Zhao Huangzhi rudely walked in with no ounce of respect but the sight that met her eyes had her feeling regretful.     

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