Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Father And Son At Odds

Fifth World: Father And Son At Odds

0No matter how hard he analysed the mounts of information he couldn't come up with a plan.     

Though there was one important thing that he picked up. In the past two worlds, whatever character that was assigned to him had birthed Qie Xieling. This meant Zhao Zhi was the so-called evil Yao that took advantage of the unconscious Qie Ranzhe but from the game files, Zhao Zhi had no memory of it whatsoever.     

Zhao Zhi strongly believed he was sect leader Zhao's son and that the Zhao sect was his home since birth. Other than the Zhao sect, he had no other memories. Someone must have tampered with Zhao Zhi's memories making him forget everything.     

As to the reason why sect leader Zhao valued Zhao Zi so much despite knowing fully well that he wasn't his son, it remained a mystery that Wen Qinxi couldn't figure out.     

Zhao Zi's fate was just as tragic. In fact, he was kidnapped and used to reopen the labyrinth over the Qie sect before suffering the same fate as Qie Xieling.     

Frustrated, Wen Qinxi slumped to the ground not at all caring that he was lying in the dirt. This world was too deep for him that he just wanted to go take a nap. Maybe he would come up with more progressive ideas after a good sleep.     


While Wen Qinxi was shouldering the entire world on his shoulders, Qie Xieling was screaming like a wounded cat while Machu examined his butt injury. The poor kid came back to the sect and wailed in his uncle's arms aggrieved.     

Everyone treated him like a pampered egg even when he deliberately went outside to provoke others but Zhao Zhi was different. He dared to spank him in public for that matter. It was the most humiliating thing to ever happen to this young master and the culprit even threatened to do it again in the future.     

Lying flat on his stomach, he cried without tears while Machu applied some ointment on the ripe butt cheeks. "So he just stormed over and spanked you just like that? Hahaha.... you truly deserved it," said Machu amused by the obvious handprint left by the culprit.     

Qie Xieling didn't find it funny at all. No one had ever laid a hand on him, not even his father. Yet Zhao Zhi dared to discipline him like it was the most natural thing to do. "It's an honour for him to be chosen to enter the Qie sect but he took offence and spanked me. Geez... so fuckin violent," said Qie Xieling but he soon drew a cold breath of air when Machu pressed on the swollen fleshy part, "Ouch..... seriously?"     

Machu chortled and said, "Dare to use vulgar language again and I will pinch you," before standing up to wash his hands in the basin on the bedside.     

Qie Xieling pulled up his pants while complaining, "I am not a bloody kid anymore... Oh, by the way, don't tell my father about this otherwise he will go look for trouble with that Shixiong."     

Machu stopped packing his elixirs and said, "You think he doesn't know already? He's probably at the Zhao Sect right now seeking retribution. Who told him to spank Sect leader Qie's precious baby."     

Unable to refute that point, Qie Xieling rubbed his temples and replied, "I think he's the one father has been looking for," with a look of hesitation.     

"Hahaha..... wah, wrong gender mate. That's the most absurd thing I have ever heard, hahaha," replied Machu laughing his ass off. It was the funniest joke he had ever heard.     

"But I felt something like, like we are connected in some way. It's like a sense of belonging or something," explained Qie Xieling struggling to find the right words to explain what he felt.     

"Pfft..... you have felt the same feeling with every woman you brought to the sect. Hell, you even felt the same feeling with that junior sister which is why you went to pick a fight with sect leader Zhao," said Machu before closing his interspatial bag.     

Qie Xieling understood Machu's reasoning but he still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was up. Sensing Qie Xieling wouldn't let go easily, he said, "Whatever it is that you are feeling..... keep it to yourself and don't go starting trouble with the Zhao sect." This was a warning but of course, Qie Xieling didn't take it seriously.     

"Huh? I would never," said Qie Xieling gasping exaggeratedly with his hand on his chest in a dramatic manner.     

"Liar," said Machu before throwing a scroll at this naughty child. Qie Xieling dodged while chuckling loudly.     

As much as Qie Xieling wanted to keep what happened today a secret it was impossible. Turns out Machu was right about one thing, Qie Ranzhe knew about what happened at the Zhao sect. He just didn't accurately predict Qie Ranzhe's reaction.     

He anticipated that Qie Ranzhe would drag Zhao Zhi out of the Zhao Sect and beat him up black and blue but that didn't happen. Rather he seemed curious to know what gave that person the courage to discipline his son without his permission as shown by his follow up questions.     

"Why did he spank you?" asked Qie Ranzhe while picking up some pork with his chopsticks.     

Qie Xieling wasn't certain if his father was angry or not. He couldn't tell from the man's expression so he nervously bit his lip before speaking in a mosquito-like voice. "I asked sect leader Zhao to let him come to our sect and join your harem," he explained feeling his father's intense gaze boring through his skin.     

He might have spoken in a barely audible voice but Qie Ranzhe heard him loud and clear. Judging from his expression, he wasn't too pleased about it. His disciples had sugar-coated the incident deliberately leaving out the most important part when they reported to him. This was the first time he heard of the reason.     

"Do I look like I am interested in the same sex?" asked Qie Ranzhe through gritted teeth.     

"You, you are not actually interested in the harem any, anyway so why would it matter if I bring him here?" asked Qie Xieling in a low voice yet again.     

"Qie! Xieling!" yelled Qie Ranzhe after banging the table in anger and breaking it in half. All the things on the table scattered on the floor with a loud crashing sound. The noise attracted Machu's attention as he came over in hurried footsteps. Just as he entered the room, Qie Xieling passed him storming out in big strides.     

"Aish... how many of these have you broken in a month? Tsk, tsk, can't you use your words not your hands?" said Machu mourning the loss of the delicious sweet and sour pork.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't say a word. He just stood up and left going who knows where. The kid had undoubtedly poked his sour spot. That incident in the labyrinth left a psychological shadow on him that he disdained being touched.     

This was one of the reasons he had to find that vile creature and slash its throat as vengeance for taking advantage of him. Since he couldn't kill her now he decided to go to the misty forest and kill some demonic beasts to appease his anger.     

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